
Author's Erotica

Author's smut ideas

CallMe_Dream · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

SexMate [II]

The vibrant restaurant across their company building was full of the buzz of conversations. Two workmates, Precilla and Tyron, sat opposite one another at their table, sampling the surprisingly tasty cafeteria lunch.

Tyron smiled brightly at the woman, taking a bite of his perfectly cooked medium rare steak. "I just wanted to thank you again for all your help with the project I were working on," he said. "Without you, I'd never have been able to finish it in time."

Precilla smiled shyly, a pink flush spreading across her cheeks. ""It was my pleasure to help you out." she replied.

The man chuckled and grabbed her hand across the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Yes, well, thank you anyway," he said.

The woman blushed even more deeply, and the man could see the faint hint of a smile playing on her lips as she averted her gaze. With a contented sigh, they finished their lunch in silence, basking in each other's company until their lunch was gone and it was time to head back to work.

Back at the building, Precilla stopped in the hallway and looked back at Tyron, now in a better light.

"Let me know if you need any help with your work in the future," she said to him.

He smiled, grateful for the offer. "I certainly will," he replied.

With that, they both smiled and went back to work.


Precilla sat at her desk, her head spinning with confusion. It's already 5:00PM, she just finished her appointment work for today. Everyone around her was talking about going out to celebrate something.

She looked across the room at her desk mate and friend, Sarah. "What's going on?" Precilla asked in confusion. "Why is everyone leaving the office early today and heading out to celebrate something?"

Sarah smiled. "Well, you remember that new project we all worked so hard on? It just got accepted by the big boss and the whole department is being rewarded with a night out to celebrate!"

Precilla's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow! That's great! I had no idea!"

Sarah nodded. "Yep, it's all part of a new initiative to reward employees for a job well done. Looks like we're all going to get to enjoy a night out on the company!"

Precilla froze for a moment, looking unsure. "Well... I don't know if I can make it. I'm not quite sure if I'm able to attend the celebration...I mean, I have to visit and take care of grandma who's currently in the hospital."

"How bout your siblings?"

"Ummm, I haven't thought about it yet, thank you for the suggestion thou. I'll have to call Ashley and rearrange our CARING schedule if am able to attend the celebration. If I couldn't convince my sister to swap schedule with me, then me going out tonight will never happen." Precilla jested.

Sarah waved her hand dismissively. "That's too bad. It'll be really fun! I really that you could come. The department won't be the same without you there. I heard and know that you've contributed a lot for the success of that project. I really hope you can make it."

Precilla smiled. "I really appreciate that. I'll try my best to make it. I'd love to come and celebrate with you guys." she was silently wishing that her sibling would be a less bitch today and swap schedule with her. She kinda wants to get wasted tonight.



The smell of beer and laughter filled the air of the crowded bar. The lights were low and the music was loud, but everyone was in a jubilant mood.

The whole office had gathered together to celebrate the success of their project. It had taken months of hard work and grueling late nights, but it had all paid off. Their boss had accepted the work and given them the green light.

The atmosphere in the bar was electric as everyone enjoyed a few drinks in celebration. There were cheers and laughter as friends exchanged stories and shared jokes.

Meanwhile, the Precilla watched from a corner of the room. She smiled looking at her workmates, all of whom were enjoying the moment. She felt pride, not just in her accomplishment, but also in the team's accomplishment as a whole.

"Gosh! You made it!"

"I know right?"

It was the moment she had been anticipating ever since the news about the celebration arrived. She was looking forward to it, but had been worried that she wouldn't be able to attend. With her grandmother hospitalized, she worried about who would care for her in her absence. But then thankfully her sister and agreed to take care of her in her instead.

"So...Girls? Shall we?" Sarah said.

Precilla and the other girls looked at each other before grabbing a hold of their shot glass.

"LET'S GET WASTED!!!" they shouted in unison.

The drinks kept coming as the night went on, and the team's spirits kept climbing. They were happily unaware of the long week of work ahead, and simply enjoyed the moment. Precilla, too, imbibed in the positive energy and allowed herself to indulge in the joy of the moment.

She was seated in the same table with her female co-workers while the latter were in the opposite side of theirs.

As the night went on, Precilla drank more and more. Laughter and conversation were all around her, and she found herself in the middle of the party, clinking glasses with the other female co-workers and cracking jokes as though there was no tomorrow.

The alcohol was starting to get to her; she could feel her dizziness coming on. But she wasn't going to let that spoil her evening. She kept going, toasting her friends, laughing, and dancing.

But slowly, Precilla's vision began to blur. Everywhere she looked, the people around her were getting fuzzier and fuzzier. She started to stumble, and the room seemed to sway back and forth.

Her friends tried to steady her, but suddenly Precilla felt her world spinning out of control. Her body felt heavy and she could feel herself slipping.

And then, there was darkness. Precilla had passed out, leaving her laughing and drinking friends to worry.


Tyron in the other hand had been enjoying the company of his male coworkers at the celebration, cheerfully drinking his beer when he heard a loud noise from the other side of the room. His happy expression immediately changed, and he rushed to investigate.

"Precilla? Oh my gosh, I warned you!"

"Is she going to be okay?"

"I didn't know that the mighty Precilla's alcohol tolerance was low."

"Hello? Now's not the time to joke around."

He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Precilla, lying unconscious on the ground.

"What the fuck happened here?" Tyron asked the girls, dumbfounded.

Sarah quickly answered. "She drank like a lot of liquor! I warned her! But she said she wants to get wasted!"

Tyron heaved a deep sigh of relief. His heart calmed down a bit as he realized she had drank too much and passed out. Judging by the other female coworkers, who were trying to help her regain her consciousness, he knew he had to jump in and help as well.

Tyron quickly took charge of the situation. Immediately, he walked over to her side and knelt by her.

His male coworkers had already started to panic, but he remained calm and pushed through them to get a better look at her. He gingerly felt her forehead and found that she was still breathing. Everyone in the room had become quiet, as if they were all holding their breath.

Gently, he gathered her in his arms and carried her to his arms.

"I'll be taking her home. Does anyone knows where Precilla lives?"

Sarah raised her hand in response. "I do."

"Send me the address, I'll drive her there myself."

Sarah's eyes widened in shock. "Huh?"

"I said I'll drive her there myself."

Everyone was gaping at Tyron. Wondering when did the two became this close.

"Uhh... She lives in Bambina Street. The street near our company building. House number 69, the one with the Green gate and roofing..."

"Okay got it." Tyron said before walking out of the bar with Precilla in his arms.

He left his co-workers in shock.

"Are they dating?"

"Since when?"

"Yeah, they barely interact with each other...so...?"

"I don't know shit."