
Author's Destiny in The Novel

What if one day you woke up, not as yourself but as an entity entirely different? What if you find out that the World you're now in consists of all the stuff you've ever dreamed about? What if you find out that you're simply an extra, meant to do nothing worthwhile in your whole life? That you're just an insignificant being who'll never make carve your own mark in the Annals of Time. Just what will you do? Will you rise up to fight against your own destiny? To prove your worth to the whole world? Or will you simply accept your fate and lie down for the rest of your life in despair? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our protagonist was a successful Novel author, with his novel 'The Path to Transcending Mortality' selling millions of copies. One day on the way back to his home, he died in an inexplicable way, only to wake up in the body of a 16-year-old - Asher Gradivus, an extra who was never mentioned in the novel. Asher soon found out that he seemed to have been transmigrated into his own novel, a year before the main plot begins. 70 years ago, The Mythological [Mana] was unsealed and released into the world thus bringing into existence the [System] which would change everybody's life. Dungeons broke out, and new races migrated onto Earth from different worlds. Several higher beings such as the [Gods] themselves started to pay attention to the world. Now, armed with the knowledge of the future, Asher must begin his journey in order to break away from the fate of an Extra he was meant to be, in order to find the meaning to his existence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join my discord server: discord.gg/VYbMC3qUxF

RayanArcadia · Fantasi
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39 Chs

The Plot thickens..

Soon, Asher and his team had utterly wiped out Orion's team. With their Soulrender having been instantly taken out due to that person attacking Asher, it had gotten a bit too easy.

They laid down for a bit to rest and reach their peak conditions before setting out again.

It had been a few hours since then and they had already eliminated some other teams with the help of trickery, sheer power, and Asher of course.

While heading over towards the center, Asher and his team gradually started to take it easy as they hadn't encountered any tough opponents which couldn't be handled without the use of traps.

Not only that but they had collected a lot more [Mana Seeds], thus giving them a high overall boost in strength.

It was for this exact reason that they had slowly started to let their guard down, forgetting what this place was and the fact that they were still in a battle royale, not a picnic..

This was why Olivia Brown suddenly exploded to pieces after having stepped on a mine made with Ice, Wind, and Fire elements, buried in the sand. The mistake of letting their guard down truly did cost them a lot.

They had been the ones laying traps until now, of course, others could do the same. Suddenly, a lightning spear could be seen heading towards them from the side while on the other, a Boss monster was approaching them.

They had been had! Some team must have laid traps whilst also having devised of a method to bait the Boss monster into approaching the enemy team.

With this, Asher's team was suddenly quite in a pickle.

But was it that someone as meticulous as Asher had let his guard down or was it that he simply just wanted to ditch his teammates with this excuse of a situation?


[Wind Biome]

Meanwhile, on the other side of the map, a certain elf with green hair could be seen with a flustered, embarrassed, and raging expression as her chest was being groped by a certain man who wielded the Dark and Light elements - Alex Silvercrest!

All along, the blonde-haired regressor Anthony could be seen staring at Alex with hollow eyes as huge killing intent suddenly started emanating from him.

(Author: The Plot thickens..)

"WAIT, IT was an accident, I SWEAR", Alex cried out to Lucia as he hastily removed his hand.

Lucia tried to speak but didn't manage to eek out any coherent words as her anger was still rising through the roof. As a princess, she had never been treated to such blasphemy against a royal. Thus situation was a new one for her.

"T-THEN WHY ARE YOU GRINNING!!?", Anthony SCREAMED at Alex as he slowly started making his way over, ominously.

Alex had been groping Lucia.. all the while having a grin on his face as he was enjoying it.. (Obviously)

While Alex was about to come up with something to defend himself, he felt his movements get slower as he saw a fist approach his face, one that should have been quite far away.

'Just when did he-'

Alex had no time to complete his thoughts as he manifested a half-baked shield made from Darkness, which could block and slow down his enemies' attacks.

Surprisingly, that shield broke in an instant as a fist connected with his jaw, sending him flying across while at the same time, a shard made of Light plunged into Anthony's shoulders.

Concurrently, Lucia could be seen peeking at Alex with a shy and flustered expression while she watched Anthony fight for her dignity(?) against Alex. (Author: Nobody can understand these women's thought process)


[Earth Biome]

Back at Earth Biome, Asher and his team were currently in a tricky situation as they all huddled close to each other.

Normally, this situation wouldn't have been a problem but one of their teammates was already blown to smithereens while they had no clue about the number of traps currently laid around, not to mention the fact that they hadn't even spotted the enemy team yet.

In such a situation, having to deal with a boss monster was simply quite impossible unless Asher revealed his true strength, something which he obviously didn't plan to do. Thus, Asher decided to reveal the existence of his master plan to his team.

"Guys, there's no hope in staying in this place as we'll all just be eliminated soon. The only thing we can do is run in different directions and if we get lucky, one of us can stay alive and hide till the few final people are left alive to get some extra points in.

Ava's face scrunched up upon hearing this as she began to protest "Wait wha-"

Sadly, the woman was interrupted mid-way with Asher simply running off in a direction.

"I guess this is it", the Demon Mason Clark was quite judgmental as he immediately ran off in the opposite direction.

Somehow, Asher managed to "accidentally" avoid all the traps embedded in the ground as he escaped all the way to the Wind Biome, given that they were on the edge of the Earth Biome.

As Asher climbed up a hill, he began to lower his pace and shortly after, slumped across a tree to catch his breath. As he glanced down from the hill, his eyes glazed with a confused expression as he saw Alex and Anthony fighting against each other while Lucia was standing a few meters away with a red expression and messed-up clothes.

Both Alex and Anthony were bleeding quite heavily and it wouldn't be a big deal for one of them to suddenly collapse without any warning.

'Just what is happening here? Though I don't wanna interfere as it seems interesting.. heh'




Discord server: discord.gg/VYbMC3qUxF

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RayanArcadiacreators' thoughts