

From the hallway down to when Lily and I got to class, everyone was snickering and pointing their fingers at me. After crying my eyes out in the restroom, their snickering wasn't affecting me much, I was only embarrassed. I quickly ran straight to my seat and hid my face behind a book.

"Can today get any worst," I sighed out in frustration.

The snickering turned into muffled laughter and I looked around in confusion. What the heck is wrong with this people? Really, must you guys rub it in, I almost yelled that out in frustration.

While still looking around in confusion, Mr rude burst out laughing. "She really sat on it," he said whilst hitting his palms on the table in uncontrollable laughter.

Those who where holding in their laughter all this while, couldn't anymore and joined in the amusement. What was going on? Just then, I felt something cold seeping through my skirt and instantly sprang up to my feet. There, I saw it, a poodle of something red which undoubtedly was ketchup!

Courtney said, "Sydney, it seems your period came. As a girl, you ought to know how to take cake of yourself. How disgusting!"

This statement instigated more laughter. Seriously, period! Is that why you guys played this dirty prank?

"Courtney, are you blind? What period?" Lily barked at her almost jumping on her.

I restrained her. "Don't bother with her."

Lily wasn't pleased but still listened to my words. I wiped off the ketchup from my seat and just as I was about leaving the classroom for the restroom, I bumped into a teacher.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked with a brow up.

"To the restroom, sir," I answered.

"And what did you do with your lunch break?" He questioned.

I was a little taken aback by the question and couldn't reply.

He continued with a stern expression, "you should go back to your seat, except you don't plan of being a participant in today's class or any of my classes."

What the heck! I had no choice but to sit back down with my still soiled skirt. Everyone tried hard to suppress their laughter. The teacher introduced himself as Mr Andrew Wood and seriously warned us that he wouldn't tolerate any form of nuisance in his class. Yet, the snickering continued so he had to send Courtney out the class as a warning towards others. It wasn't until then that the muffled laughs died down.

I, on the other handed, was so happy that Courtney was sent out and one couldn't help but notice the grin on my face. Retribution sure is sweet!

After the class ended, I quickly rushed out to the toilet to clean myself up. Thankfully, throughout the other lessons, nothing surprising happened. When mum came to pick me up, she was surprised to see me in a sportswear but didn't ask anything because she noticed that I was in a bad mood.

When we arrived home, I headed straight to the shower to cool off my mix emotions of anger, frustration and sadness. I didn't know how long I stayed in the bathroom until I heard a knock on my bathroom door. I quickly turned off the shower and came out after wrapping myself in my bathrobe. I saw mum sitting on my bed with a worried look and when she noticed my presence, she patted beside her, a gesture for me to sit down.

Mum held my hands after I had sat down beside her and said, "Syd, can you tell me what is going on? Are you facing some challenges in your new school? I know you don't want to talk about it but I really want to know what is going on. When I saw you a sportswear that wasn't yours, I was so anxious to know what was going. You even stayed in the shower close to an hour. You aren't acting like yourself so please tell me what is going on with you?"

Mum paused waiting for my reply but I didn't give her one. She continued, "okay, how about you tell me who owns the sportswear you wore? Let's start from there."

I still didn't speak. "Since you won't answer that, how about you tell me why you wore it?"

I refused answering that either. I could tell she was becoming frustrated and at the same time agitated.

"Keeping quiet doesn't help matters, Syd. You need to tell someone what is bothering you. Since you don't want to say anything, can you at least tell me if you like the school or not? I can get you transfered. So Syd, are you having a had time in school?"

I stared at her, refusing to answer yet again.

Mum squeezed my hand a lit bit as she fidgeted. "Tell me what is going on. I deserve to know!" She ordered, raising her voice a little.

I finally spoke, "if you really want to know what is going on with me, why don't you tell me the reason behind our relocation to this place?"

Mum stared at me in disbelief. "Sydney, stop pressuring me to give you a reason. I have told you, I did it for you and isabel, why can't you believe..."

"I guess we are done here," I said interrupting her.

"Syd," she called softly.

I got up and moved towards the window, "mum, I need to dress. Please, leave."

I heard her sigh as she reluctantly left my room. I got dressed, packed my dirty clothes, including Lily's sportswear for laundry. When I came down the stairs, I saw Isabel lying on the floor making a drawing.

Isabel called out to me, "Syd, I'm drawing a picture of us. It is actually a school project and I'm crossing my fingers to get an A. Please, take a look at it."

I simply ignored Isabel and went straight to the laundry room. I know she would feel so bad but right now, I have a lot of things on my mind and looking at a drawing wasn't part of it.

Once I had stuffed my clothes into the washing machine and got it working, mum came into the laundry room with Isabel walking closely behind her.

"Sydney, you can be mad at me but don't rub it off on your sister. I have noticed that since we moved in, you have been ignoring her. I sometimes send Isabel to you so that you could make little conversations with her but other than that, you don't ever want to talk to her. Isabel didn't do anything wrong so I hope you stop ignoring her," she finished angrily.

I looked at Isabel and saw her cheeks stained with tears. She had been crying silently all this while. Mum was definitely right, I have been ignoring my kid sister.

"I guess this is also one of those times she stays quiet," mum said and turned to leave with Isabel.

"Wait, mum," I promptly stopped them. "I'm so sorry, Isa. I didn't realize that I have been ignoring you all this while. Please, forgive me."

Isabel sniffed walking towards me. "Promise you won't do it again."

I squatted to match her height while wiping her tears. "Cross my heart, I promise I won't ever...never do it again."

Isabel gave me a cheeky smile before hugging me. "I'm so happy I got my big sis back."

After patting her back for a while, I broke the hug. "Bring the drawing later to my room, let's take a look at it together."

Isabel was elated as she ran out of the laundry room. Mum threw me a smile before following her out.

Later that evening, Isabel and I sat on the cushion in my room while looking at the drawing.

"I hope you don't plan on submitting this because I can clearly see an F dancing around you," I teased.

"Why?" Isabel squeezed her face obviously displeased. "Mrs Grace asked us to draw anything we love and I choose to draw our family because I love you guys more than anything in this world," Isabel said with her chin lifted up proudly.

"Ouch!" I held my chest pretending to be in pain.

"What's wrong, Syd?" Isabel asked worriedly.

"Someone's sweetness is too much for me to handle."

Isabel started giggling once she got a hint of my joke.

"But why is Cherish part of the drawing?" I asked.

"Cherish may be a doll but she is family," she said defensively.

I laughed. "Alright. When are you submitting it?"

"By friday."

I became serious. "That is good. Your drawing is beautiful but there are some changes that needs to be done. Look at Cherish's fringe, it isn't even and look at your hands, they look like skeleton hands. And why does my teeth look like that of a rabbit. Look at mum's eyes, one is obviously bigger than the other. No, no, no, this won't do."

Isabel was laughing uncontrollably by the time I finished. "Do you really have to rub it off?"

"What? I am just been honest. You will have to bring your drawing materials to my room tomorrow. I have some assignments to do so I can't add the finishing touches. Luckily we have two days before you submit it."

"Syd," she called softly.


"I'm very happy to have you back," she hugged me before running out my room.

I looked at the locked door with a smile plastered on my face. I'm glad too. Thank God mum made me realize my mistakes towards Isabel. How would I have know I missed her too?

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