

Not long after we arrived in class, the first class for the day began and before the end of it, Mr Andrew decided to give a surprise test. We all grumbled as we passed the test sheets around but that didn't make Mr Andrew change his mind.

Soon the test began and we had no choice but to concentrate on it. Surprisingly, it was only two questions but we all can already guess that those questions weren't easy and to top it all we had just fifteen minutes to answer them.

While at the second question, I felt a lingering gaze on me. I looked up just to see it was none other than Mr rude. What is his problem? Hope he doesn't want me answering his test questions too because that is considered cheating and I don't want to get in trouble. I undauntingly concentrated back on my test paper but after like two minutes went by, he was still staring at me.

I scoffed inwardly as I sang in my mind. "Someone plans to fail."