
Aura Recovery, What's that supposed to do with my Farming

After losing both of his parents, he had lost sight of what to do. Just trying to pursue his passed away father’s dream, he felt tired. Faced with setbacks one after another, he decided to take a rest which he hadn’t taken for a long time. He decided to do something during this off-time, that is to become a farmer, inhering the farm which was left by his uncle. But soon, he faced things supernatural and it would continue on so, Would he decide to return to pursue his father’s dream for him or would he just choose to relax and decide to become a farmer fully. What about the supernatural things which he was facing?

The_King09 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


Beyond the garden that was directly behind his house, Li Wei's property expanded into several distinct areas.

First, there was the vineyard. The vineyard occupied a sunny slope, perfect for growing grapes. Next to the vineyard was the main farm area, a large, flat expanse of land that was perfect for growing a variety of crops.

Beyond the main farm area was a smaller, more specialized plot of land for the gourd patch.

To the north of the house, separated by a line of old oak trees, was the orchard. Finally, there was a wildflower meadow at the far end of the property. This area was left mostly untouched, allowing wildflowers to grow freely.

This entire place was acquired by his uncle from the previous owner, an old man who was a bit eccentric. Somehow, his uncle managed to gain it, which even surprised Grandpa Zou.

Li Wei had two goals for now. It was to was to clean both the vineyard and the main farm area. He didn't know the condition of these places and needed to check them out, but he was sure that a lot of cleaning and fixing would be required since they had been left unattended for years.

Suddenly, two rings were heard in his mind.

[A new quest has been obtained]

[A new quest has been obtained]

He looked at the two new quests that appeared,

[Quest: Revitalize the Vineyard]

[Description: The vineyard has been left unattended for years. Check its condition and plan the restoration.]


1. Inspect the vineyard to assess its condition. Please finish the first objectives to obtain further objectives]

[Quest: Restore the Main Farm Area]

[Description: The main farm area has been left unattended for year. Check its condition and plan the restoration.]


1. Inspect the vineyard to assess its condition. Please finish the first objectives to obtain further objectives]

Seeing that the rain wasn't stopping soon, Li Wei decided to postpone these quests until tomorrow.

When Li Wei woke up the next morning, the rain had stopped. The sky was clear, and the air was fresh. After washing himself up and eating his breakfast, he went out of the house to check on his crops.

"Hopefully, the rain wasn't too strong that the crops failed," he thought.

He had dug the plots deeply in anticipation of the rain since it was still in early rainy season. Of course, he didn't expect to see any growth yet since he had just planted the seeds yesterday. To his surprise, there were already small seedlings appearing from the seeds he had planted. It wasn't just one or two, but all the seeds he had planted had sprouted and their lengths were not ones that looked like they just sprouted.

The growth speed was astonishingly fast. He didn't know how long it would take for these crops to fully grow, but it seemed it wouldn't take long.

"Now then, let's go check the vineyard and the main farm area" He said, turning his attention beyond the garden towards the vineyard and the main farm area he wanted to check out.

The path was slightly muddy but it was fine since he wore rain boots which he found in the house. As he approached the vineyard, he could see the state of it. Weeds had taken over, and the grapevines were tangled and unpruned. Some of the trellises were broken or had fallen over.

[Quest objectives have been updated]

[Quest: Revitalize the Vineyard]


1.Clear the overgrown weeds and vines.

2. Prune the grapevines to promote healthy growth.

3. Check and repair the trellises.]

He continued to check out the main farm area soon afterwards. It was similarly overgrown with weeds, and there was debris scattered around. The soil was compacted and needed tilling and some of the fences were broken.

[Quest objectives have been updated]

[Quest: Restore the Main Farm Area]


1. Remove debris and clear the fields.

2. Repair any broken fences or structures.

3. Plow the soil to prepare for planting.]

Li Wei decided to start with the main farm area. The first task was to clear the debris scattered around the field. He started picking up old branches, rocks, and other remnants that had accumulated over the years. He piled them up in one corner, planning to dispose of them later.

Just as he finished clearing one section, he noticed the sky darkening. The rain, which had been a light drizzle, began to pour heavily. Li Wei had already expected it and had worn a rain coat before he went out.

The rain had already stopped his work yesterday and he was willing to do progress today. Li Wei preserved, continued working, though the rain made everything more challenging. The ground became muddy, and the tools slipped in his hands. Still, he pressed on, wanting to do a bit more progress.

After several hours, the rain became too heavy to continue. The field was now a slick mess of mud and water, making it nearly impossible to work efficiently. Li Wei reluctantly decided to head back to the house, his clothes and boots caked with mud.

"My progress will be slower because of the rain," he muttered to himself.

"It might take two days or more but it's not like I can change the weather"

For the next two days, he worked whenever the rain let up, even if only for a short while to clean the entire main farm which was a bit large.

During the two days, he listened to the weather channel whenever we can and finally on the second day, as he took a break from the intermittent rain, he tuned in to the weather channel.

"And looking ahead, we expect a break in the rain for the next few days. Clear skies and mild temperatures are forecasted, which should provide a nice respite from the recent heavy showers."

Li Wei felt a surge of relief.

'Perfect timing,' he thought.

"With a few days of clear weather, I can finally get the main farm area ready for planting."

The rain had kept him from tilling the soil, but with the upcoming clear weather, he could plow the main farm and continue the quest. He knew the soil would still be moist from the rain, making it easier to work with but he would have to wait it so that it would not be too wet as to be unmanageable.