
AU Villain Deku

Izuku Midoriya, grows up in a hostile environment without a quirk. He's greeted with an opportunity, however in this timeline. He doesn't receive one for all. Hes neglected by the hero's he love most, baring anger towards them accepts help from another.

Jaxsin · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
55 Chs


We start to walk with our amazing disguises... We begin to head to the sports festival as several days had past since I received the tickets from Kurogiri.

Dabi - "Why do I have to do this?"

Deku - "Because if you don't come, I'm pretty sure I'll get stabbed in the back..."

Toga - "I would never stab my De-kun"

"When will you stop with that nick name?"

"Uuuuu but its so cool! If you dont like it how about... Puppy-Chan?"

*PFFFFT* I feel like I just spat out blood from that...

"How the hell did you get 'Puppy Chan'"

"Because your the Puppeteer? Duh. Sometimes you are so dumb, Puppy."

"Don't talk as if we've known each other for years, secondly... De-kun is fine just dont start calling me Puppy."

"You two are making me sick." Dabi chimes in, with a nauseous look on his face...


"Where are we?" Dabi states.

"I was following Pup... I mean De-kun." I have a feeling she really wants to call me Puppy...

"I was following you as well... Don't tell me we're lost?"

I look around and without realising it, we entered a dark alley. We were at a cross section with 4 different alley ways. from each of the 4 directions someone came to block us in.


"Oho! Seems like we have some new prey on our turf."


"Do we have to?"


I look forward at the group of thugs... This is about as cliche as it gets. There's the cocky thug, the crazy one, the lazy one and the Wreck it Ralph one. The most cliche group of thugs I've ever seen.

"So how about you guys uh, surrender all ya got?"


"Are you kidding?" I cant even believe if this is just some comedic sketch or if they really want to rob us...


"As if." Dabi retorts bluntly.

"Dekun can I play with them?" She has sparkly eyes as if looking at them like they're new toys.

"I mean... We are already lost. We might miss the festival if we take too long... Hey thug guys, do you have a map?"

"Sure I guess... want to use it?"

"DUMBASS, What are you saying? We are. ROBBING. THEM."

"My bad..." He looks utterly depressed.

"I guess we have a little time to spare, we could also take the map off of them."

"YEEEEEEEES! Ill give them a nice happy smile!" She pulls out a knife from seemingly nowhere.


"This is such a bother... how about I just roast them?"

"Nononono, I want to have fun!" She starts shaking Dabi back and forth extremely fast, he accepts it, lifelessly. I can see his soul escaping out of his mouth.

"How about this, you guys take the two on the left, I'll take the two on the right." I state, trying to negotiate with them.

"... Don't tell me what to do."

"I want to show Puppy that I'm strong!" she covers her mouth, still wearing a wicked grin after hearing what she said.

"Lets just get this over with." I look at her with anger in my eyes as I feel like she will never stop calling me those stupid names. I should just give up.

"Are you guys finished with your lovers spat?"

"... Ok. I made up my mind, you guys have the other 3, I want this cocky prick." I feel like all my veins are about to burst in anger.

"Pfft there are 4 of us and 3 of you. What are you guys gonna do to us?"


Using the void realm, I disappear for a split moment, appearing right behind him grasping at neck, gripping him so that he starts to suffocate. Anger starts to seep as my killing intent reaches its boiling point.


I bound his arms and legs with my shadows as I start slamming him into the ground and walls of this dark alley. Cracks in the ground and in the alls ripple outwards, with blood filling them with each slam.

"YOU CALL THIS A LOVE SPAT?!" I continue to smash him against the wall and ground, with each slam, his teeth gets ripped out as I look at him with a broken smile as he laid there unconscious.


"How dare you!"


"Wow Dekun is really strong."

"As expected of Stains apprentice."

They look in awe as the other thugs start to charge at me.


Dabi, blows the massive thug away with a blue flame, burning him to a crisp. Whilst Toga trips the crazy thug, charging at her and looks at him with a sadistic look before stabbing down on his throat. Blood spurts like a fountain. As she grins, putting some of the blood into a vial... She really did want my blood...

Almost in sync, Dabi and Toga takes down a thug without any effort. They are both really strong, Dabi's quirk is really unique, it reminds me of Todoroki's flame. I wonder what would happen if the two of them fought each other? Toga's abilities are quite good as well, shes well trained with a knife, she doesn't have to use her quirk to win. What is her quirk anyway?

With one person left, I see him almost fall asleep. I slap his cheek as he begins to wake up.

"Oi, dude where is the map?"

"Oh... here, just take it."

"You don't really seem bothered that we just destroyed your friends."

"Yeah... I didn't really like them, my parents forced me to go out and make friends... So here I am."

"Dude... You're like 23, are you a NEET or something?"


"... Ok I guess. Hey Dabi, Toga. I got the map, lets head out already." As soon as I say that, the lazy prick goes back to sleep as if nothing happened.

"Ugh.. It was over that quickly? I Wanted to play more!!!"

"Dont bother... Weaklings are common. Maybe we can find some heroes next time."

"OH OH OH! Dekun! Can you take us Hero hunting?!"

"That'd be cool."

"... Maybe another day, lets just hurry up to the sports festival, Ok?"

Deku is gonna gradually find Toga less and less annoying, and start to build a friendship then a relationship. Enjoy!

Jaxsincreators' thoughts