



"Oh! Mind your filthy mouth, Camilla," stated Lola solemnly. "What!" Exclaimed Camilla flabbergasted by how Lola spoke to her. "How on earth would you dare to address me by my real name? Where has all your high regard for me gone to?" "Well, well, well," said Lola as she clapped her hands in amazement. "Oh, tell me all this is a dream 'cause no one dares to refer to Edward Santiago's wife as 'CAMILLA' even Amanda, older than me. Girl, do you know I can fire you any minute from now? And that means... that means... hahaha!" She let out peals of laughter sarcastically then, "That means you will remain poverty-stricken till you lie on your deathbed Lola." 

"Ahhhh!" Lola let out a relaxed sigh of relief, "Camilla, for two years, two good years Camilla, I have worked diligently for you yet not a single day did you value my hard work. Instead, you always belittled me in whatever I did." At that moment, the maid-servants brought to a standstill whatever they were doing and all eyes were fixed on Lola and Camilla. Most probably they were on the edge of their seats awaiting a more fascinating scene. Camilla was flipping a bird at Lola in a fit of pique.

"How dare you, you good-for-nothing beast? Argh!" "Stop forcing me to do what I don' wanna do girl. Oh! Thank heavens my husband is not here to be sympathetic towards some destitute people." This time, Camilla was all sewn up that she would make Lola's life a living hell. And that would only happen by firing her. "You know what Lola,' Camilla said in a pitiful voice, "you are fired!" Lola decides to say in defense of herself, "There is no need to fire me 'cause I am also fed up with playing second fiddle to you. I QUIT Camilla. I QUIT." Wait, that wasn't what Camilla was expecting, she wanted Lola to beg desperately on her knees. Suddenly Camilla took note of the numerous eyes fixed on them. "What are you all staring at? Eeeh, Unless you want to follow her in the dump site." On hearing this, they resumed their respective duties.

Following that, Lola walked to the door ready to make her way out when unexpectedly, she felt a sudden pain in her womb like a knife twisting in her gut simultaneously, she felt lightheaded. "Augh!" She gave a vent to her pain. On the other hand, Camilla was ranting at her," Get out of my house you wretch. Get out!" This voice kept ringing in her head due to the loud noise affecting her. Amanda noticed that her ma'am's yells were bothering Lola and were having an effect on her and a sudden feeling of pity took over her. "Ma'am, stop it! She is pregnant." Amanda said in a concerned voice to Camilla. On hearing this, she paused for a while and left her mouth in awe.


Amanda led her to a chair where it took a short time and she felt quite better. Amanda truly dropped a bombshell that struck Cam's head hard such that it sent an electrifying jolt through her body leaving her speechless. The room fell into stunned silence as the shocking revelation ran in the air. Mark you, to Camilla, it was not astonishment expressing exuberance but astonishment expressing a feeling of resentfulness, a feeling of jealousy written all over her countenance. "What!" She exclaimed casting her mind six years back when she got married. She always looked forward to having a child but all was in vain. Camilla encountered a horrific sound at the back of her mind telling her, "I am sorry miss. You can only adopt there is no alternative." This voice rang in her mind over and over again.

"No... no... no... nooooo!" Camilla shouted in agony. When she came back to her senses, she found herself on her knees. Concurrently, she reminisced about her high school life with Lola, who she always referred to as a 'JERK' or 'BOOKWORM'. The reason behind Camilla's hate for Lola is that Cam always thought that Lola was trying to steal everything away from her ever since she joined her school as the 'new girl' from time immemorial.