


 A couple from Mexico City, Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro, struggled to make ends meet. They barely had sufficient food to put on the table. They did not have the financial capabilities to fulfill the minimum necessities of life. Mr. Alejandro worked as a night-shift staff member at 'CITERIANS PETROL STATION' which was not remunerative enough since it was in the middle of nowhere where hardly any cars passed by. On the other hand, Mrs. Alejandro worked as a maidservant in an apartment owned by Mr. Edward Santiago and Mrs. Camilla Santiago.

 As a maidservant, Mrs. Alejandro worked during the day till evening hours when she was paid roughly ten dollars which is the equivalent of one hundred and seventy-three Mexican pesos. On the other hand, her husband, Mr. Alejandro was remunerated less than her pay. Yet conversely, on odd occasions, he was NOT PAID at all following the fact that the gasoline station he worked at, was a stone's throw away from his house in which, rarely no cars would pass by for replenishing for over a week.

If only the owner of the petrol station would do a bit more art, a bit more flair, or anything to lift the spirit of the petrol station and enchant even a single vehicle to stop by the petrol station for refilling or perhaps, if only a single car cried out for more gas before it went to sleep on the side of the road, he would welcome lady luck in his house and give her a cup of tea. All in all, he and his wife were never lost in despair. They always believed that a time was to come when their ancestors would show pity to them.

                    ******************************************                        Despite all the hardships they persevered, they were blessed with the good fortune that any parent would ask for. Most probably a fortune that even no gold can buy. The fortune of a child and not only a child but twins. When Mrs. Alejandro found out that she was expectant with twins, she was over the moon, a blossom of happiness filled her heart. She could not wait for her husband to hear the music in his ears.

 The following morning when Mr. Alejandro returned home, he had an impression of jubilance spread all over his face by virtue of the great deal of effort in his work, as though he worshipped his work of ethic, hence, earning him an allowance of $200. It was as if that day, an angel had paid them a visit to deliver God's message and blessings upon their life. But the big query is, will the joy be everlasting or would Lucifer knock on their door that same magnificent day with a fury that would burn their house in ashes of failure?

 Out of the blue, Lola[Alejandro's wife]went hotfoot from her bedroom to the sitting room which was downstairs, where she found her husband glancing at the money in his hands, still in amazement. "Hon--- Honey," she paused for a while, seemingly as though her breath was taken away. The good news that she had in her as well as the huge sum of money on her 'hubbies' hands, left her electrified. "we ha---have a baby, twins!"

 To start with, her 'hubby' looked as though the news was 'NORMAL'. in his ears. That was when he returned from a world of fiction to the real world. "WHAT!" He exclaimed full of transports of delight. Both of them felt as if they were in seventh heaven. They embraced each other expressing exhilaration written all over their faces.

 Afterward, Lola ran upstairs to prepare for work before her 'AUTHORITATIVE IRON LADY' fired her for being unpunctual. "Careful not to meet 'TWIST OF FATE' on the stairs. Remember you are expectant," Her husband told her full of a great extent of concern towards not only her but also the unborn in her womb who were yet to see the world. "Okay, honey," she replied as if she was putting a play on words. Then, "Hee...hee...hee!" she giggled after replying to her husband.

After preparing for work, she still ran downstairs as fast as a lightning bolt brushing off Mr. Alejandro's words who then gave her a stern look. "Hehe! Sorry," she said cunningly as she left the house for work.