
Chapter 33 June, The Deal

Northwestern Earth Kingdom …

Blackwater Port .....

A large mass of armored steel trudged into port from the Mo Ce Waters, sporting the Fire Nation's red fire flag.

Despite this port not being officially controlled by the Fire Nation, the Vessel's appearance was met with rapt attention as these parts of the colonial lands were under the supervision of the Pohuai Stronghold a few hundred miles away.

Blackwater Port wasn't a place of strategic significance. Hence, the Fire Nation had shown little interest and placed minimal effort in ensuring its security.

As a result, it had quickly grown from a small abandoned port of an Earth kingdom village to a small bustling pier frequented by people from all over the world.

Earth kingdom, Fire Nation, Water tribe ..... Mercenaries, pirates, soldiers, defectors, thugs, thieves ... It was a small hotspot for a booming economy of shady activities.

As for why the word small was consistently used …. That was because the neighboring black market port, known as Seedy Pier was many times larger in size and influence.

It was also a location Aang and the Gang had visited in the original series, hence a named location in Avatar. Blackwater Port, however, didn't have such privilege.

The cruiser made a stop alongside the worn wooden dock, the massive ship particularly eye-catching when placed alongside smaller, wooden counterparts.

Following which, the frontal part of the ship disengaged to fall on the nearby sandy shore.


The smoke rising from the exhaust on the ship's mast slowly faded overtime as the engines were brought to a stop. But not before several passengers disembarked.

Coming down from the ship's stairway, Han faced his gaze into the distance. Seeing and feeling a large number of gazes converging on him, he let out a soft snort in displeasure as he disembarked from his cruiser.

The Fire Nation had never bothered to clear up this area and just like the Seedy Merchant Pier, actively allowed it to develop.

Nevertheless, that didn't mean that their presence was wholly welcome.

The appearance of Fire Nation soldiers caused the majority of the traders here to scurry away as fast as their legs could carry them.

The man walking down was definitely a ranking officer in the Fire Army or Navy, and most of these people here were criminals, mercenaries, and fugitives in disguise.

For people like them, the Fire Nation usually spelled bad news

No one wanted to risk the chance of getting arrested or killed in case these new arrivals were on the hunt for someone.

".... Hmph! As it should be". Their reactions elicited a snort of disdain from the captain. Honestly, if not for the importance of his Mission, Han really wouldn't want to set foot in this place.

However, his future neck was on the line, so this had to be done. Han and his men walked through without causing too much of a stir.

Seeing that the Fire Nation were passing by without putting up an aggressive appearance, many secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Order quickly returned and trading soon resumed as usual after their passing.

Han didn't care.

The chances of him catching anyone of true value amidst this group of people were slimmer than the Avatar flying over their heads.

Time was precious. He certainly wouldn't waste it on useless endeavors.

In the past few years, word had spread around about a bounty hunter with exceptional ability.

June ... A skilled fighter and strategist with a nearly perfect track record of completing any job she took on. At first, it was just a rumor and many found it hard to believe that a woman could be so formidable.

Soon however, what was initially a rumor turned out to be true upon discovering that she possessed a living Shirshu.

Also hailed as the greatest tracking animals in the world. With this, the earth kingdom mercenary quickly made a name for herself, becoming famous.

Her whereabouts weren't always guaranteed as she was known to work alone, travel alone and operate on the sly. Little information available about her past minus the already known.

Taking high stake missions for high prices, with no affiliation or loyalty to any nation, always working for the highest bidder. Making sure to deliver as promised.

Han remembered that there was a time when the Fire Nation sought her out to include her into their ranks. After all, such skill and ability were highly valued in any nation, minus the extinct Air Nomads, of course.

The result was as expected. She declined.

Proving true to the information that she joined no organization and world solely for gold. A Mercenary through and through.

With her obstinate nature, the Fire Nation had left her alone. Not because they wanted to but simply due to the fact that such actions would be counterproductive and an ultimate waste of time.

Apart from being a great hunter herself, a large part of June's reputation could be credited on her blind pet. Taking action against her wasn't hard, but adult Shirshu's weren't easy to subdue.

Especially ones that had already formed a bond. Such animals had enough intelligence to distinguish situations. Hence, they couldn't and wouldn't submit to those who forcefully took them captive, preferring to die in their stubbornness.

Coupled with the fact that June wasn't easy to capture and her identity as a bounty hunter with no affiliation, capturing her for her Shirshu would cause other mercenaries to be wary of the Fire Nation.

The Fire Nation wasn't omnipotent. They many times hired such bounty hunters and outlaws to perform certain tasks for them.

Taking such actions would hurt their credibility, and who would dare to accept commissions from them in the future? That was one thing. If the bounty hunters were pushed to the earth kingdom, that would be a real loss.

After all, people in the business had a wide range of contacts.

Ultimately, June had been hired by the Fire Nation on multiple occasions as both sides maintained proper business relationships.

Her file was clearly recorded alongside her dealings with the Fire Nation. After all, there had been many deserters over the years during the war.

Without special assistance, the Fire Nation couldn't possibly catch all of them.

That was correct.

June and her Shirshu were largely responsible for the fact that the number of Fire Nation defectors still alive countable hadn't exceeded one hand.

And soon, Han expected to prune that number to be one less.

The moved deeper into the mainland, bypassing villages and settlements until they came to a large worn down building on the far end of a small village.

Several hours had passed since they began. If the Intel from the Pohuai Stronghold was correct, this was where their target was staying.

She was last spotted at a bar hotel far off on the other side of the village.

The Fire Nation unit consisting of six men left their Komodo Rhino's behind and appeared at her doorstep.

With a look from his captain, Corporal Wei moved forward and knocked twice on the door.


The door creaked open, the dim light within spilling out as a slender figure appeared in their sights.

"Well well, what do we have here ...". The dark-haired female with black eyeshadow, black lipstick and black clothing looking like the textbook example of a goth girl uttered from the entrance.

"June …". The Captain called out with a solemn expression. His gaze inadvertently peering into the building, only to see what he could only describe as a furry anteater animal that as much too large for its kind laying on the floor and staring straight at him as if its eyes were actually working.

'Shirshu ….'.

"Looky here Nyla. Unexpected Visitors". A small smile made its way up her lips as she leaned on the side of the door and pulled her hair back.

"You know, when I discovered two rats trying to tail me, I thought one of two things. Either someone had put a bounty on my head or the Fire Nation had shown up. After knocking one out and questioning the other, I had my answer".

Compared to her, the informants sent by Colonel Shinu had too poor stealth and anti-tracking capabilities.

Luckily, they weren't trying to apprehend the target at all. If not, they would be dead by now.

June wasn't surprised by this. If they didn't outright appear in uniform like Captain short and fatty over here, the Fire Nation usually contacted her in similar ways over the years.


"That's Captain to you". Han corrected in a dignified voice.

"Alright, Captain Shortie. What can I do for you?"

"You ….". Being addressed in such a way, Han flushed with anger.

"It's Han". Reigning himself, he uttered through gritted teeth. Releasing his clenched fists and placing them behind his back in an unfazed posture.

".... Captain Han".

"... Sure, whatever you say". Her bland tone only served to annoy him further. Did this woman have no respect for high-ranking Fire Nation officers?

This was the first time in a long time he was ever spoken to in such a way. From someone who wasn't his direct superior.

"I would advise you to watch your tone woman".

He warned, trying to place his image higher. Only ….

"Oh please, don't flatter yourself". In response to his words, June's tone was as bland as ever, almost bordering on sarcasm.

June and Han had never worked together before. It was their first meeting. Hence Han wouldn't tolerate June's nonchalance and she wouldn't tolerate his arrogance.

"You aren't the first arrogant assed officer I've come across. I've hunted criminals for Fire Nation Colonels and Commanders. Even they didn't have their noses as high as you right now".

This was the plain truth. Despite not being Fire Nation, her skill had earned her quite a reputation.

Colonel Mongke and the Rough Rhinos were her acquaintances. How could she tolerate a measly Captain trying to assert dominance on her head?

"Just tell me whether you have a deal for me or not. I'm not into mind and momentum tactics in the least".

Han frowned. His eyes narrowing into a strong glare.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

At that moment, the large body of the Shirshu emerged from behind her with loud steps, standing behind its owner and looking down on the unit with even stronger momentum.

It's stance threatening to lash its poisonous tongue out to attack least they make any sudden movements.

The Venom of a Shirshu was known to cause instant paralysis. Whatever burning fury Han felt a moment ago rapidly cooled down at the development.

Although angry, he still backed down his offensive stance, his face returning to indifference.

'Her character is just as stated in the reports'.

"I want you to find someone".

"Who? Another Noble?"

"A rebel?"

"Another one?" June raised an eyebrow in intrigue. the Fire Nation easily handled regular rebels. Only those who successfully got too far away where would need her expertise.

"Got a picture?"

Han didn't utter any nonsense. Unfurling the scroll in his possession.

"Oh! A pretty boy?" The image immediately caught her attention. "Looks young. Different from the middle-aged ones I'm usually sent after".

"My men lost track of him down southeast. Hundreds of miles away from here".

"That's pretty far". Taking her gaze away, she turned back. "Still, a picture isn't enough. Nyla can't track a target without a scent to go on".

"Worry not". Expecting this, the Captain raised his hand in a gesture. From behind, a soldier emerged with a box in hand.

Opening it, what laid within was an arrow.

"From our investigation, this was the last thing we could determine he touched". Han uttered with a gleam in his eyes. This was one of the arrows Luca had used to kill several fire nation soldiers back at the area near the scarred forest.

The blood on the arrow tip had been carefully cleaned off with a clean rag, making sure that no other area was touched.

From this, it could be seen that Han had come prepared.

June on the other hand, raised an eyebrow at the sight before her. "An arrow?" This was a rare sight. "I take it he's done a number on you, hasn't he?"

"He's skilled". Han uttered indifferently. "Ex-Captain. Took down more than two dozen of my men alone, no bending".

"Interesting. It says so in his report". June replied.

"Find him. Apart from the bounty reward, I'll personally throw in two hundred gold coins".

The bland expression on her face finally received a substantial change.

"My My, you sure are generous".

"Stop wasting time. What's your answer".

"..... Alright. I'll take the job". Saying this, she reached out and grabbed the arrow. Han did nothing to stop her.

"But I work alone. You and your men stay here while I capture the target".

Once again, Han frowned but ultimately said nothing. He knew June's skills. They were worth this concession. Besides, it's not like their Komodo Rhinos could keep up. It would take several days at a Shirshu's top speed to transverse such a large amount of land.

They could only catch up on a cruiser. So he raised no objection. However, there was one thing he was still worried about.

"Fine. But can your ..... Mount truly track him over such a long distance? Do know he's hundreds of miles away".

The arrow was placed under Nyla's nose as the Shirshu took several sniffs.

Meanwhile, June climbed onto its back, her lips curling into a smirk.

"My Shirshu can smell a rat on the other side of the continent".

Those were her last words as she flicked her whip.

"Hyah!" The Shirshu let out a small roar before rushing off into the distance.

"Sir! What do we do now?"

Corporal Wei asked.

"Back to the ship". Han uttered with cold eyes.

"Follow her trail".

"But sir. June's loyalty is ..... Questionable".

"That is not your place to concern yourself corporal".

"I … Um …. Yes sir". Wei bowed quickly.

Han took a look, his face shifting, visibly annoyed as he turned back to his mount.

The hunting cat had been released. Now, all he had to do, was wait and follow.


New Chapter guys. Powerstones please.

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