
Athena into the Multiverse

What if you are given another chance after death, the chance to live again, starting anew and that without forgetting who you are. Many would certainly pay any price to have such a chance. Such a chance, Athena a young girl with a dark and mysterious past received it after dying and having her soul wanders to a place it should have never been. Upon receiving such an opportunity, Athena chooses to head off towards the Anime multiverse filled with places she always dreams of exploring and where she sought to dominate all with her knowledges and cheats. Follow her as she went from word to word saving Damsel in distress, messing up with Heroes and making Villains doubt the sense of their existence.

Driftingleaf · Komik
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10 Chs

Unboxing the gifts Part 2

Now that he was finished with the tower of eternity, Athena interested herself with the bloodline she received.  He could still remember the heavenly feeling she experienced when she tried interacting with her bloodline the first time and provoked its synchronization with her body.

The moment she interacted with her bloodline, she felt like she was finally complete, it was akin to finding something that was always meant for you and knowing the moment you set your eyes on it that you won't be able to live without it. It was exhilarating, liberating.

When she felt the immense power coursing through her body and how she could freely control it, Athena felt like she was a beast that had finally broken free of its shackles and suppression after countless years of captivity and could finally blow some steam out, she felt like a caged bird that could finally soar in the sky, flying freely and unhindered by anything.

She knew it, even though she wasn't born with that bloodline, she knew that bloodline was meant for her as she was to it. She could feel her whole being cheering, each of her cells rejoicing as they overflowed with vitality and basked in unadulterated power as she assimilates the bloodline. But that was not the most shocking part of it. The most shocking was the powerful voice that rang through her mind, reaching the deepest recess of her soul, as the assimilation process was coming to an end.









Each of those words was coming from the very essence of her new bloodline. Each sentence was said with a clear, powerful, and confident voice. They screamed of the unrestrained and utter confidence the heir of the void should and could have in herself. They were facts that nobody could ever try to deny.

The moment Athena heard them she felt in a particular state of mind. In that state, everything else vanished and there was only her and void. She could feel herself becoming part of the void and the void becoming part of her. At that moment she understood the meaning behind each of those words. Each one of those words echoed with her whole being, as she let herself sink in the void.

If Athena has heard those words somewhere else, she would only feel like they were BOLD and nonsensical bragging, after all in the universe there should be a power capable to match the power of the void. But now, Athena didn't care, for her, those words were nothing but TRUTH, an ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Athena couldn't be happier than that, after all, it was her power now and the more powerful it was the better off she was.

 Once the assimilation ended, Athena checked herself to know the concrete benefit of her bloodline. The first thing was the general increase of other body parameters, how much didn't matter since she was still on the starting line.

The second thing was her pure destructive force, she didn't know how much it is but she was sure that at the bare minimum, in her untrained state and even with the suppression of the world she could redraw the face of most genin of this world without breaking a sweat.

The last benefit was the ability to not only manipulate void but also space and darkness.

Athena also received some innate skills from her bloodline, three to be precise.

Void Blend is a stealth skill that allows her to blend in the void and disappear as if she never existed in the first place.

The second skill was called Void Child. It is a passive skill that renders her immune to all control and restriction skills, increases her terrain adaptability, and finally, grants her increased movement speed by offsetting all resistance forces she would encounter while moving.

The third one was Assimilation. It allows her to absorb the skills of those she defeated, but most importantly, she could use it to recreate the abilities of other bloodlines as long as she defeats them.

She would unlock other skills by growing stronger.

Athena was naturally overjoyed by all those boons. But she couldn't help but sulking when she thought of the fact that her abilities will be suppressed since they didn't belong in this world. That is to say, to use every and one of those abilities, she would have to spend more energy and the effect won't be the best either. Only skills belonging to a world would have the best effect in the said world. But even so, she could tell that the effect was still pretty OP. Also one of the biggest benefits of her bloodline was the almost limitless potential it gave her. And with the help of her other boons, she was sure as hell that nothing could hinder her path to the top.

Plus, it wasn't like energy was going to be a problem for her. The constitution the voice gave her pretty much solve much of the problem linked to energy consumption. It is a constitution called Chaos Star Body and like her bloodline, it also improves all her body parameters greatly only that it focused more on improving her vitality, strength, and energy parameters. The more she grows powerful the more the Constitution will awaken and from what she understands, once the Constitution completely awakens it will allow her to destroy a star with her physical might alone.

It also grants her two skills. The first one is Chaos Master. It allows her to use any of the 5 main elements and combine them as she likes. It also imbues all her attacks with chaos energy to amplify their might and disrupt the energy flow of her adversary.

The second one was called Star Furnace. It simply allowed her to produce and store an extensive amount of energy corresponding to the maximum her body could bear. Increasing her energy regeneration greatly.

" And another one, I wonder how far I would be from the definition of normal in some years. Hehe, I am excited just by thinking about it." Athena said a mischievous grin on her face.

"Okayyyy~~, now onto the last part."

{A/N: When describing Athena's bloodline and constitution, I used the term Energy as a general term for Mana, Chakra, Ki, Qi, Nen, Spirit energy, and whatnot. Since she is going to travel to different worlds and her bloodline and the Chaos Star Body effects apply to any of the aforementioned kind of energy.

Thank you for reading my work. I hope you had a good time.}

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