
At Your Side

The sheer madness of a person going back to the one that hurt them the most was astounding, yet here Rosie was, suitcase in hand at her ex-husband's door step. Ready to mess up her life again and this time it was by her own choice.

Tae_Lee4724 · perkotaan
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2 Chs

Going back

The last few years away from Luke had been magical, bliss even. Unfortunately it all ended when he decided that he had given me enough time to find peace while enjoy my enjoy my semi-permanent freedom and felt the need to dictate my life again.

Why I agreed to go back to him was more or less a mystery to me. Maybe it was the guilt that built up over the years that we had been separate.

Though we had divorced three years prior and I was left to pick up the pieces of the broken me that we had both shattered during our short two year marriage, life had still turned out alright. I had a boyfriend now, Nathan, who I adored and respected a lot.

He was inconsiderably good to me and my son and he treated us well. I liked my life and I found joy in exploring who I was and what I liked. I reveled in all the mischiefs that life brought, as do all divorced women going through a midlife crisis.

Despite it all, I was happy and contented but that was until the devil incarnate decided that he wanted me back and I had to do his bidding if I still wanted to keep my son whom Luke didn't know about.

That's why.....That's why I had to do it. To come back to everything that caused me pain and made me cry my heart out for months on end without relief and as fate would have it, it was the same pain that gave me the determination and courage to ask for a divorce.

I was determined to fight tooth and nail with Luke until I obtained the divorce. Not that Luke was abusive or anything, its just that the love wasn't there anymore or rather it was never there in the first place.

I just got tired of being the one always holding up the relationship and trying my best to accommodate his needs that my love for him fizzled out.

The lack of reciprocation forced me to see how much of a fool i was to think that this marriage was going to work and that we would live happily ever after.

Even at the end of our marriage, I still held out hope that maybe he would change and see me as his wife and not some roommate that just happened to share a luxury villa with.

I lowered my head and opened my mouth to give out a slightly pained chuckle. Indeed, I had been foolish then, just as I was foolish now. My hand gripped the handle on my suitcase tightly as I waited for the front door of Luke's villa to open.

The palms of my hands were sweaty. I was nervous and it most likely showed. I hadn't seen him in more than three years. I wondered if he had changed or whether his preferences had changed.

The sound of the door knob turning brought me out of my thoughts. I breathed deeply as I prepared to say some routine pleasantries to the old housekeeper, Nanny Ann.

My heart started beating furiously as I looked up at the person who came to open the door.

Speak of the devil, or rather think of him, and he shall appear in all his unwanted glory. I started cursing my bad luck silently in my heart. It just had to be him. Of all the people who could have chosen to open the front door a few moments after I rang the door bell, it had to be him.

Lucas O'Brian.

The bane of my existence and the ticket to my permanent freedom and yet coincidentally, the cause of my daily boundless joy, due to him being the father of my lovely son, Tommy. I saw the undisguised look of disgust on his face, as though he hadn't intended on seeing me the moment he opened the door.

' If you didn't want to see me then why did you order me to come to you? ' I roared in my head.

As much as it pained me, I could not say those words out loud and even if I was somehow miraculously bold enough to do so, I couldn't handle the consequences.

Therefore, I could only grit my teeth and endure the humiliation of being in a place where i was clearly not wanted. I lowered my head and let out a deep sigh while trying to figure out a way of controlling my emotions or rather the intense hatred I had for the man that stood before me. I lifted my head slowly to face the man I detested with all my heart, all the while plastering the sweetest smile I could master under this unwanted circumstance.

" Hi, Lucas. Long time no see. " I let out with some difficulty.

Seeing me act docile and obedient towards him made the original smirk on his face turn into a wide grin.

I cursed him again in my heart down to the last generation. But I quickly realized my mistake. His last generation was my son and I loved Tommy to pieces. I silently sent out a small prayer asking, no, pleading with the heavens so that my son would not to grow up to be just like his annoying father. But since I was raising him, he wouldn't up like his father right? I sincerely hope not.

The sound of a deep voice resolutely dragged me out of my thoughts.

"Do you want to sleep outside tonight? If so, I can happily accommodate you?"

I looked up to see that Lucas had already gone in and had only turned his head when he didn't see me follow him in.

' He probably waited to hear the door shut. ' I thought to myself.

Knowing Luke's character, there was no way he was waiting for a woman. He never has and he never will. That was a known fact.

My fists tightened as I dragged my heavy suitcase through the foyer and to the furthest guest bedroom in the house.

Just as I entered the bedroom with a hint of a smile on my face, the door next my happily acquired room opened, only to reveal the head of the house standing in a stoic manner at the doorway of the recently vacated room.

I looked at Luke in confusion as to why he would be there.

'Did he change from the master bedroom upstairs and started sleeping in one of the many guest bedrooms downstairs? It doesn't make sense. Why would he pick a room next to mine? ' I thought deeply.

Seeing my confusion, Luke sneered loudly, " What. You already missed me so much that you had to pick the only room next to me. "

I felt a strike go through to my heart as a sudden clarification hit me. Of course Luke would be in there. It was his study and he apparently spent a lot of time in there. Because these rooms were the farthest in the house, Luke preferred a quiet area when he worked so one of the rooms had been converted into a study and the other into a guest room where Luke occasionally slept incase he worked really late and was too tired to go up to his room.

I quickly lowered my head as I felt my cheeks grow red hot upon having realized my mistake.

'How could I have made such a silly mistake?' I wondered.

I was so focused on running away from him that I hadn't even considered the basic layout of the house I had lived in for more than two years. I quickly dragged the suitcase behind me as I entered the room and loudly shut the door whilst my heart continued to pound heavily in my chest.

I dragged myself to the king sized bed that was placed conveniently in the middle of the room. I dove under the covers with my cheeks still heating red as I silently hoped that I wouldn't embarrass myself tomorrow nearly as much as I had already done today. With this last thought, I slowly closed my eyes to rest.

The adrenaline that had fueled me throughout my flight back to Bale City along with the initial encounter with Luke, had finally gone. Therefore, leaving me both mentally and physically tired.