
At The End of the Blinding Darkness

Mayumi L. Agape is your average teen living an average boring life. However, one day her life first took a turn when she has been diagnosed with Pneumonia which worsened her crippling depression. Unfortunately, her life's twist didn't just stop at that. She woke up one day in an unfamiliar place in an unfamiliar body becoming the mysterious little girl Helshyre overnight. She met people who treated her as their own family. However, due to Mayumi's doubts and fear of attachment, she considered them no less than kind strangers who would soon go on their own separate ways. In the face of death, the original Helshyre appeared before her providing enlightenment and a warning. Nevertheless, Mayumi chose to set aside the original Helshyre's warning as she planned to never involve herself on anything and anyone related to her new world. But the more you fear something, the more it's bound to happen. Mayumi ended up getting attached to her new life. As Mayumi grew fonder of the people around her and the world itself, she found herself on a path of darkness the original Helshyre had taken. But what can she do when the only way to protect what she loves is to let the darkness consume her? What would await her at the end of the blinding darkness?

EasyEel · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

⚔9:Iriya’s Family

"Ya sure ya don't have anything that's left behind kids?" Hezborn asked as he's loading our baggage in the carriage.

"No, I've already check it twice." Julius answered.

I only packed a few clothes and my gold coins while the kids packed a lot. They're really treating this trip as a vacation.

We set off at 6 in the morning since according to Hezborn it would take at least 6 hours. And of course, Rykan's driving the carriage again.

No matter how I think about it I still can't understand. How can they trust a mere little 10 years old boy to drive a carriage? No, who even taught him in the first place?

After about 6 hours, we finally reached the town and we only need to travel for an additional 30-40 minutes to reach Iriya's house.

Rykan surprisingly drove the carriage well. It was very shaky and bumpy that my butt hurts a lot but I guess it isn't the kid's fault that the road is rocky.

The town was bustling and lively. Compared to what I've seen with Hezborn before, I can see a lot of ladies wearing pants instead of dresses. There are also some people carrying weapons such as bows and swords, there's even mace and axes. I guess they're also mercenaries just like the ones I've read on manhwas. Anyways such diverse hair and eye colors really fascinate me.

The infrastructures here are amazing too. I don't know much about ancient and past infrastructures so I don't know which era I should compare it.

'Ah, I should've taken my history and art class seriously.'


'What's with the huge crowd?'

Our carriage is moving too slow due to the traffic. I turned to the kids to ask, Julius and Iriya are sleeping. Chase is the only who's awake and looking out the window.

"Looks like a bunch of Saints are here. Probably to bless or heal the sick." Chase said.

"Saint?" I asked.

'The only Saints I know are those statues the people worship back in my original world.'

"Yes, they are those who are blessed with divine energy. With their ability, they can heal wounds and illnesses. They can also purify the corrupted lands so they are valued a lot by the kingdom."

"Is that so? How fascinating." I commented.

'Could Helshyre be a Saintess too? Although I haven't tried healing anybody, I can heal myself.'

"That one in the white robe adorned with golden patterns, that's the Saint with the highest divine power. Those with blue patterns are the ones with the lesser divine power but they're not necessarily weak." Chase explained.

There are about 6 people with blue patterns. They're consist of both teens and adults. The one with the golden patterns looks like a kid. She's probably just as tall as Chase. She's standing on a platform unlike the other ones.

'Her long dark blue straight hair looks so fluffy.'

The carriage is starting to go faster. The road is probably starting to clear up.

'Mmh? What are these flyers with drawings of faces?'

"Oh! Did you see her face?!" Chase exclaimed.

I looked back but the view's blocked by the crowd.

"She turned around?" I asked.

"Yes, but only for a moment."

I was distracted for a moment. What a shame.

"Is she pretty?" I asked.

"You're prettier." he answer, his cheeks flushing red right after.

I just chuckled.

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"We're here!" Hezborn announced.

Our carriage stopped not long after.

'Ugh, my butt hurts a lot.'

"Father! Welcome, it's nice seeing you again." a woman about 170cm tall came running towards Hezborn and hugged him.

I guess it's Hezborn's daughter. She got a nice long blond hair and gray eyes. Iriya is really her carbon copy. I can see where Iriya got her beauty.

"My, my, ya've gotten prettier than the last time I saw ya Ellen." Hezborn said as he embraced her back.

"Father?! Is that you?" A man with a black hair and deep blue eyes said in surprise as he went outside the house.

'What's this? He's just a young Hezborn with black hair.'

Hezborn chuckled. "Surprise ya punk! Come here and hug this old man."

"I cannot believe you kept this from me Ellen." the man said as he sulked, embracing Hezborn.

Ellen giggled, "Surprise Hezmyrr~"

"Oh?" I muttered as I noticed a small girl with black hair and gray eyes peeking through the door.

She quickly hid herself when she noticed me staring at her.

'How cute.'

She must be Iriya's sister.

"Iriya! Look how much my girl has grown." Ellen said as she picked up Iriya.

'The resemblance is uncanny.'

"You're looking more like your mama as time passes." Hezmyrr said pinching Iriya's cheek.

"Your kids have now grown up too Father. And who's this pretty boy with pretty eyes?" Hezmyrr asked as he noticed me.

"She's a girl." Hezborn corrected.

"My, how can you mistake someone this pretty as a boy?" Ellen said as she picked me up.

'This is embarrassing.'

"What's your name dear?" Ellen asked in such a gentle voice.

Her sweet voice managed to bring down my pride and walls.

"I'm Mayumi" I answered.

"What a pretty name. Oh! You should meet my Iris. I feel like you two would get along. Let's go inside."

Iriya's mother still held me in her arms as we go inside. I feel myself dying from embarrassment due to the treatment.

"Iris Jean!" Ellen called.

A little girl a bit smaller than me peeked from the door to what seems to be a kitchen.

"Come here dear." Ellen said as she put me down.

'Thank God.'

Iris walked toward us shyly. She got a straight black hair and gray eyes.

'Why does everyone I met so far are very fine looking?'

Ellen picked her up. "Say hi to them dear."

"Hi" she greeted before burying her face on her mother's shoulder.

'So cute!'

"Aww, my little girl's shy." Hezmyrr uttered in adoration.

The boys giggled as they circle Iris.

"Hello Iris~" Rykan greeted.

"Are you eating well Iris? You're still as small as I remember." Julius commented.

"Miss Ellen, can we go strolling after we eat?" Rykan asked as we sat on the table.

They prepared a lot of dishes. But probably not that much on somebody else's perspective. Everything's a feast when you're poor. There's some stew, salad, dishes I don't recognize and of course meat. This world for sure is abundant on meat.

"Alone?" Ellen asked as she sets the utensils.

"Julius, Chase and Mayumi, us four." said Rykan.

"Hey, me too." Iriya whined.

"I thought you'd want to spend time with your family." Rykan reasoned.

"But, I want to take a stroll too." Iriya protested.

"Sorry to burst your bubbles dear but it's quite dangerous roaming around the town unsupervised by adults these days." said Ellen.

"And why is that?" Julius asked.

"These past few weeks, numerous kids were reported missing and the last case being just the day before yesterday." Ellen explained.

The kid's face were marked with horror.

'A kidnapping case? Could those flyers I saw be missing posters?'

"Some of the missing kids were found dumped in the middle of the forest looking almost unrecognizable. It's as if they were sucked out dry by a beast." Hezmyrr added.

"Really?" Hezborn who just entered the kitchen asked.

"Yes father, their dead bodies resemble that of a person who got caught up in the smoke of corruption. It is quite odd since there was no corrupted area that was sighted nearby. I wanted to write to you regarding this, however, no postmen were available since most of the postmen in this area are teens." Hezmyrr said.

Although I don't quite understand what they're talking about. I still got goosebumps.

'I suddenly wanna return to that godforsaken farm.'

"Could it be a cult's doing?" asked Hezborn.

"Hmm, it could be." Ellen answered.

Ellen signaled us to eat so I began munching, the other kids were too preoccupied with worry to even appreciate the delicious meals.

"But it could also be another one of The Great Duke's scheme. I heard from my comrades in Zunlo, he forcefully brought women he fancied to his mansion." Hezmyrr conspired.

'The who?'

"Who knows?" Ellen commented.

"Hold on, so how about the twins then? Are they still going home every afternoon after their practice?" Hezborn asked, changing the topic.

My ears perked hearing the word 'twins'.

'Iriya's twin siblings?'

"Don't worry about that father, I always pick them up myself." Hezmyrr reassured.

When Hezmyrr puts on a serious face, he really look a lot like Hezborn. I look at Ellen who's busy wiping Iris' face then at Iriya who's busy stabbing her soup.

'Carbon copy indeed.'

Genes is really something else. Meanwhile me and my siblings don't even look like each other. We can't even tease each other about being adopted cause we all look like we're adopted.

Hezmyrr and Hezborn departed right after lunch to fetch the twins from the training center. Ellen wanted us to rest so she lead us to the bedroom and prepared the bed for us.

'She said all her kids share a room. There are five beds, I wonder who the other one is.'

The boys fell asleep quickly. Iriya on the other hand was busy fixing her things on her drawer.

I looked at the door when I noticed somebody peeking. It was the adorable Iris. She quickly hid when our eyes meet.

'She's too adorable.'

"Hi Iris." I greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hi Yayumi." she greeted back shyly.

She got my name wrong but since she's so cute she's forgiven.

"It's Mayumi, Ma-yu-mi. Can you say it?"

"Ma...yumi? Mayumi" she said with a smile.

'Goodness, cuteness is really my weakness.'

"How old are you Iris?" I asked with a gentle voice.

She counted her finger and showed me six fingers. "Six! I'm six."

"Iris, can you go back later? We need some rest." Iriya said as she fixes her bed.

'Guess we spoke loudly.'

"B-but, can I stay? I'll be quiet." she pouted.


Iriya cutted me off. "What are you gonna do here anyways? Mayumi's gonna sleep too."

"Mayumi's sleeping?" Iris asked as she looked at me.

'Those doe eyes really.'

"I'm staying up for a bit." I said.

Iris' eyes lit up. "Really?"

I nodded.

"Then can we play?" Iris asked.

"Jean don't be stubborn." Iriya told her off.

"No, it's fine." I told Iriya.

"Hey, you don't have to. You should rest, we traveled too far. We still got plenty of time here anyways. You can both play mext time." Iriya said.

'She got a point.'

However, how can I say no to that adorable being right there?

"Iris, time for medicine!" Ellen called.

"Go Iris, Mama's calling you." Iriya said.

Iris nodded and waved at me. "Bye Mayumi."

I smiled and waved back. "Bye Iris."

"Is she sick?" I asked Iriya.

"I don't know. Probably." she answered as she lied down.

"Also, you don't have to say yes to everything she says. It would be best to stay away from her actually, she may not look like it but she got a bad personality. She'd do anything to have everyone's attention and affection."


'Could it be one of the reasons why Iriya chose to stay at Hezborn's place. But Iris look harmless though.'

'A forest made of fire?'

There are a lot of treelike figures but had flames as leaves. The river was even made of magma.

'Perhaps this is hell?'

I looked around and saw a small Helshyre and a shadow kid about her size. If I'm not mistaken, he's the kid from my dream before. And yet another tall shadow man wearing nothing but a white trouser.

"Take a deep breath and focus. Feel your energy flowing through your veins then to your hands. Now imagine a flame arising from your palm." the shadow man instructed.

I'm sure I've heard his voice before. From the first dream if I remember it correctly. Could he be Helshyre's dad?

Helshyre took a deep breathe and opened her palm. Soon after, a small flame emerged from her palm.

"Wow~" the two kids uttered in awe.

The man clapped. "Very well Helshyre, you're a fast learner."

"Then Father, teach me that one you did yesterday too." Helshyre pleaded.

'I knew it, Helshyre's dad.'

"You mean this?"

Helshyre's dad extended his arm and almost immediately, a big flame arose from the ground but for some reason the trees and other plants didn't burn. If anything, they grew taller and bigger.

"Cool!" the two little kids said in unison.

The flame spread and was about to reach the little boy but he extinguished it with water that also came from his palm.

'Who's this waterboy?'

"Now Helshyre, take a deep breath once again. Feel the energy spreading throughout your entire body. Now direct that energy onto the spot you want and imagine a flame arising out from thin air. You have to be careful not to direct too much energy. You might end up creat-"

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"...small...even feeding her?"

"...tone down you'll wake her up."

I slowly opened my eyes upon hearing the unfamiliar voices. I furrowed my brows when I saw two unfamiliar figures, staring down at me.

'Who the fuck dared to interrupt my precious magic lesson?'

"See? You woke her up. Told ya." said the one with the buzz cut.

"Hello little girl, sorry for staring at you, we're just curious. It's been a long time since Grandpops took in a kid." The one with the mullet explained.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at them.

'The twins? They look the same.'

Both of them have black hair and look like each other, the only difference is the hairstyle and eyes. They even have the same height.

'Anyways, beauty does run in the Frost family.'

"I'm Aiden Joe, nice to meet you little kid." said the one with the mullet and deep blue eyes.

"Aidan Jay, I apologize for our behavior." said the one with the buzz cut and gray eyes.

"Nice to meet you I'm Mayumi." I said and yawned.

The twins stared at me with sparkling eyes. I looked at them in confusion.

"Now I know why grandpops wanted to bring you home when he saw you." Aiden muttered.

"I know right." Aidan agreed.

"Uh, excuse me?" I said, hoping for them to fill me in however they both seem to be in their own world.

"There's that one word you call this." Aiden said.

I stared at them looking so lost.

"Adorable" said Aidan.

"Yes, adorable." Aiden agreed.

'Adorable? They're talking about me right?'