
Chapter 42: Training the Soul

A gasp escaped from Rowan and she flung a hand over her face.

‘Oh, no!’ she thought. She cast a glance over at her general but couldn’t read his face. Perhaps he was as upset as she was, but was better at holding his emotions at bay.

“Can we help them? Can we do anything?” Rowan asked, speaking to General Tarik. He looked at the Elven general and shook his head slightly.

“They were attacked this morning.”

“Grohl and the survivors are heading to your Palace,” Elduine handed Tarik the paper.

“Then we have formed the alliance just on time,” Elinias stood. “It seems we will make our stand on Human Land.”

Rowan spoke, “He must know I have the bow.”

Elinias looked around the room, “Bow? What bow?”

General Tarik stepped forward and answered the question, “When we were at the keep that was recently attacked, Rowan was given her mother’s bow. Only Rowan can bend it. The bow is made from white wood, and the string glows blue in the sunlight.”