
Asura in Against the gods Evil version

Asura, who is the most troublesome character in Against the gods, he loves causing troubles. He then fell in love with Mu Xuanyin and try to get her heart before she could meet Yun Che.

HeavenlyPunishment · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Asura God's trial

"There are six trials of Asura God's inheritor. The first trial is to survive from the heat and the gravitation of this place for ten years. Let's get it started!" Asura God's soul fragment said

The sound disappears….

"Have you just gone like this? Ten years… another boring times" He muttered.

Just the moment he finish muttering, the heat is starting hotter and hotter, it is hotter ten times than usual like you are bathing in lava, his eyes starts blurring. The gravitation starts heavier and heavier like you are carrying mountain. The rain stars falling like a needle pierce his body, moreover it is not only sharp like a needle, it is also hot like lava.

A year has passed…

The beasts of Emperor Profound Realm and Tyrant Profound Realm start appearing everywhere, the color of blood spreads everywhere, the unstoppable hunting is everywhere. Every year, the more powerful beasts will be appeared, the heat and the gravitation will be increased ten times.

Ten years later…

"It has been ten years. I'm like a newborn, my body is refining in to a new one. My five senses are developing in to the unbelievable level. These years, my body soaked with blood, thousand of beasts die in my hand every day. I always think that if it were the Primal Chaos Dimension; which era could it be? Am I lucky enough to meet Mu Xuanyin?" He said.

At this moment, the sound that could make the mind collapses rings out.

"Ten years, it seems like you still survive. You passed this noble one's first trial. Now, your cultivation enters the Divine way, it means your body is ready to endure the power of the first drop of Asura's blood. After received the first drop of Asura's blood, you will be cultivated The Way of Asura"

"The Way of Asura has six stages, it called Asura's Sixth Path. The Ausra path is the way of killing, the more you kill, the pure Asura's blood is. The more you kill, the more powerful you are"

"The first path of Asura: Asura Unshakable. Asura augments his body in to the strongest existence, nothing can damage it. It also can reflect damage forty percents.

"The second trial of Asura is to open your sixth sense, mixing Asura's blood by killing, kill the Divine Tribulation monster beast at least one, kill the Divine Soul monster beast at least ten, cultivate the first path of Asura. All of this must be done in five years"

The sound disappears…

The first year of cultivating, he is able to open his sixth sense. After opened sixth sense, he was able to open "the Realm of Enlightenment" for a while. The Enlightenment Realm is the dimension in the sixth sense. Who could open his sixth sense, it means who can enter the Realm of Enlightenment.

Five years has passed…

"Your second trial is not bad. Here is another drop of blood for the third trial. The third trial is to cultivate the second path of Asura within two hundred years"

"The second path of Asura: Asura Flash. Asura increases his speed in to the fastest existence. With this path, Asura can control the Law of Space and the Law of Time for a while"

Two hundred years of this trial is to enlighten the Law of Space and the Law of Time.

Two hundred years has passed…

"It has been two hundred years. You didn't disappoint this noble one. The fourth trial is to cultivate the third path of Asura within five hundred years"

"The third path of Asura: Asura Dimension: Asura creates dimension in his body, where it can be stored everything and. Asura uses his power to creates the Asura beast in his dimension and can summon it anytime"

This path is the hardest path of Asura path. Five hundred years are not enough for talented, even the number one talented. However, with the help of the Law of time it is possible.

Five hundred years later

"Let's start the fifth trial. You have a hundred to cultivate the fourth path"

"The fourth path of Asura: Asura Magic. Asura can control all elements, but cannot be immune

A hundred year later

"The sixth trial is to cultivate the ultimate technique of Asura within two hundred years"

"The fifth path of Asura: Asura Wrath"

"The sixth path of Asura: Asura Killing"

Two hundred years later

"You have done the trial perfectly! With the six drops of Asura's blood in your body is enough to shake this universe"

"This is the gifts of this noble one blesses you; Asura Mask and Asura Saber"

"Asura Mask will lock your power. It has six stage of lock. Only Asura bloodline can use it"

"With your current power, it will affect this universe. So, it's best to lock your power after you left this realm. When you locked your power, it will last forever whether take it off or not. If you want to unlock, you have to kill enough to unlock it"

"Asura Saber is the unbroken saber, whether how powerful enemy. Only Asura bloodline can use it"

"This place will collapse within ten years. Not east, not west, not north, not south. But the head. Go, Go to the head within hundred years, you will arrive the God Realm of Absolute Beginning. Try to use Law of Space and Law of Time on the way. If you are lucky enough, you will arrive in ten years"

"I trillion trillion thank you sir. If you have the mission for me, feel free to express"

"Just don't let down my power. For the mission, Strong! The stronger, the best! Time ,time, time…"

"To express your gift, from now on my name will be Asura. My name is Asura!"

"Good, very good"

"I may leave, sir"

After expressed goodbye, Asura flies to head….