
Astromagia Academy

Venturing into the enchanting realm of Astromagia Academy, Tahir embarks on a journey of self-discovery as he navigates the intricacies of the magical world. Amidst encounters with diverse characters and wondrous phenomena, Tahir unravels the mysteries of his own identity and unlocks the depths of his magical potential.

Abdulfatah_M_A · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Chapter 05

As they ventured through the Academy's backyard, the dense forest enveloped them in a canopy of ancient trees, their branches intertwined to form a natural archway. The air was imbued with the earthy scent of moss and the gentle rustling of leaves. Shafts of golden sunlight filtered through the foliage, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor.

Benedict guided them along a winding path, the soft crunch of fallen leaves beneath their feet creating a soothing symphony. They passed by enchanted clearings where vibrant flowers seemed to bloom in response to their presence. The occasional glimpse of elusive magical creatures added an air of mystique to the surroundings.

As they exited the forest, the terrain opened up to reveal the Academy's backyard. An expanse of meticulously manicured lawns stretched out before them, adorned with vibrant flowers and small shrines dedicated to various magical elements. The occasional bubbling fountain provided a harmonious soundtrack, and intricately carved stone benches offered tranquil spots for contemplation.

The journey continued through an archway adorned with intricate runes, marking the boundary between the Academy's enchanting backyard and the mysterious forest. Benedict led them with purpose, the atmosphere shifting seamlessly between the enchanting forest and the serene grounds of the Academy.

Finally, the trio arrived at an open field, bathed in the soft glow of twilight. The field extended before them, surrounded by tall trees that seemed to whisper secrets to the wind. Benedict's gesture signaled the significance of the place, inviting Ramad and Tahir to absorb the magical ambiance that enveloped the scene.

"Have we arrived?" Tahir asked,

"Well yes Tahir we've arrived," Answered Benedict,

The open field stood in stark contrast to the enchanted surroundings they had traversed. Devoid of the vibrant flora and mystical ambiance, this field exuded an eerie stillness. The absence of trees and buildings left the landscape exposed, the openness emphasizing the vastness of the space.

The ground beneath their feet felt different, almost as if it held ancient secrets waiting to be unearthed. The lack of visible life forms gave the field an otherworldly quality, making it a canvas for celestial influences.

As they stood in the middle of the field, Benedict's silence spoke volumes, hinting at the significance of this seemingly desolate space within the magical confines of the Academy. The air held a subtle charge, as if the field itself retained echoes of long-forgotten enchantments.

Tahir and Ramad exchanged curious glances, feeling a sense of anticipation in the stillness of the open field. Whatever mysteries lay ahead, the vastness of the space seemed to beckon them to explore the hidden facets of Astromagia Academy.

My apologies for missing that. Let's include the dialogues:

Ramad couldn't help but ask, "What is here then?"

Benedict then turned facing them, and said, "Here Ramad, is where you will be living."

"Here?" Ramad asked.

"Yes," Benedict answered.

"Wait," Tahir said, "is this one of those hidden places like in magic movies?"

"What do you mean?" asked Ramad.

"You know, a place that is hidden using magic to deny anyone from entering," Tahir explained.

Benedict exhaled and said, "Yes, Tahir, it's exactly like those," then added, "and to think I was going to blow you guys' minds, but you just went ahead and revealed it."

Benedict put his hand towards the field, and mid-air, a light illuminated from his palms.

Like a foam evaporating from a glass surface, a light shines out of nothing. As it moves away from each point, a display of a tall two-floor building starts to grow before their eyes.

A fascinating display of magic unfolds right before Tahir. His heart is filled with amusement, and chills run high all over his body, leaving him speechless with his mouth agape.

Benedict's face reflects his own excitement, pleased to have achieved his goal of amusing them.

"Wow," exclaimed Tahir.

Benedict stepped forward into the field, facing them with arms spread wide, and said, "Welcome to the Gohst house. We spell Ghost as G.O.H.S.T to make it cool and unique."

Ramad, catching on, remarked, "Oh, this is one of those houses in schools, right?"

"Of course, this is a school after all," responded Benedict, then added, "here is, of course, one of those houses. Here, we are a family, and we do everything together..."

The Gohst house appeared in front of them, a magnificent two-story building with an intricate design, adorned with mystical symbols that shimmered softly in the ambient light. The exterior had an ethereal glow, giving it an otherworldly appearance.

As Benedict continued talking, Tahir and Ramad couldn't help but notice students engaged in various magical activities around them. A student soared through the air, performing aerial maneuvers, while others stood in a silent circle facing the sky, their focus on something unseen.

The atmosphere buzzed with magical energy, and the field surrounding the Gohst house was alive with enchanting sights. Trees with leaves that seemed to change colors with every breeze, small fountains emitting sparkling water, and flowers that glowed in the moonlight.

The students demonstrated their magical prowess, creating illusions, manipulating elements, and displaying feats that defied the laws of nature. It was a mesmerizing display of the magical abilities cultivated at Astromagia Academy.

Tahir found himself captivated by the enchanting scene, a world beyond the ordinary, where the boundaries of reality were constantly challenged and redefined. The Gohst house stood as a symbol of unity and magical exploration, welcoming them into a community where wonders awaited.

Benedict popped up in his face, "these guys are Telepathics, they read each others minds, don't mind them they are weird and weak among others,"

Then one of them turned quick, and glared at Benedict, then Benedict said, "Yeah, back to you," looks like the guy insulted him or something.

Then he saw someone set his hand on fire, Benedict then said, "and that guy, is an elemental magician,"

Ramad said, "Yeah, just like me," he then snapped his finger and a flame popped out on his finger, "see?" He said,

"Wow," Said Tahir,

Then he turned to Benedict, "What about you Benedict?" He asked,

"What about me?" Benedict said,

"What's your magic powers?" Tahir asked,

"That's. Not. Why you are here," then he walks away.

Ramad said, "What do you think his magic is?"

"Ignoring people maybe?" Tahir said.