
All-round Thunder Prison

Penerjemah: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

All the students were staring, aghast, at this unimaginably queer scene!

How could an adult Wind Warcraft, a being that was at the upper position of the fifth rank, be defeated by a Lightning Rat and in such a short time?!

If they had not seen it with their own eyes, who would believe this was true?

It was like an ant lifting an elephant and giving the latter a shoulder throw!

The judge by the stage was the first one to come back to his senses.

His mind was wandering away as well, but he was alerted by some profound killing intent.

To his surprise, the violent killing rage came from that figure surrounded by lightning.

The light produced by electricity was flashing around the Lightning Rat. Stimulated by homicidal will, the Lightning Rat slowly stepped toward the Wind Warcraft whose survival was uncertain at the moment. It seemed that the Lightning Rat would attempt the last, fatal strike!