
Astral Born

Earth is evolving,after a lot destruction has been dealt to natural system including death,nukes, atomic bombs. Just the night when Lucius Malcoy was about to have his first date with Elsa McCarthy the world suddenly trembled and ..... find out how Lucius manages to use his wits and strengths to survive. This is Astral Born...

cake_fish · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Earth's awakening

 Looking around the entire restaurant feeling nauseated he fell of his chair he started convulsing he had a minor stroke,he could only look at how his date managed to drag him out of the restaurant before she tripped and fell amongst the chaos.then forcing his body to move he struggled to get close to Elsa looking deep in her ocean blue eyes he found out that she passed out.


 Tears streaming down from his eyes he managed to look around and see the chaos.

 Weird shades of grey colored lightning flashing throughout the sky.

 Fissures and openings appearing all around.

 The temperature rapidly increasing.


 And then with a splitting headache he passed out...

 Some time later, opening his eyes with the thick smell of blood and smoke permeated through the air.


"Elsa! Elsa! Where are you?!!"said Lucius while running towards one of the dilapidated building,in fact it was so odd that he survived the sudden catastrophe,scattering the rubbles with his bare hands he still didn't find her.

 So he kept doing it for hours until his hands became mangled and disgustingly bloody, even though he felt excruciating pain and suffering he kept on at it and then he screamed with a high pitched voice ELSA!!!! then before he could move his hands he remembered something and he fell to the ground BAM!!!, looking forward into the horizon he remembered his father Malcoy the richest man in the empire.

 And then he started laughing in a wicked euphoria he laughed with a ugly pitch, standing up knowing he had lost all.

 Walking around the area while distracting himself from the fact that Elsa and his dad were gone.


 After walking for a while he went towards warehouse,a state warehouse to be precise and walking into it because all security drones and security elites were down he picked up an exotic ointment spray with his his hands.


 Summoning his will power to spray the ointment on his left hand,and he repeated that from his left to his right, resting his head on a spherical glass close to him he fell asleep.

 Standing up after being knocked out for hours unknown to him,he looked around the warehouse and found some rations,spices,condensed meat,clothes,bags and even water, picking up a bottle of water he dranked it greedily while picking up a dried ration he ate and drank.

 After some time he picked up some heal spray, clothes and rations and most importantly he took some water and stuffed them into a bag,he had to go back to Tiapei city or find a quantum leap device,he needed to find his father or at least see if he was still alive.