
Astral Born

Earth is evolving,after a lot destruction has been dealt to natural system including death,nukes, atomic bombs. Just the night when Lucius Malcoy was about to have his first date with Elsa McCarthy the world suddenly trembled and ..... find out how Lucius manages to use his wits and strengths to survive. This is Astral Born...

cake_fish · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Date with Elsa

 Walking down the to his bathroom he pulled his clothes revealing a well chiseled good looking young man with a handsome face,one that could make the world go to war, picking his clothes up Lucius went and took his bath after bathing he exits the bathroom quickly taking his tuxedo from his wardrobe he put it on, while holding up his tie and looking at his reflection on his antique like mirror the son of the richest empire Malcoy Lucius said..

 "Hmm oh well I guess I'll just have to say I am okay with this look of mine I guess" said Lucius.

 "Whatever I should start going Elsa should be waiting for me"said Lucius.

 And just as he said that his wristband buzzed, picking it up and picking his call.

"Hey Lucius I'm waiting aren't you done"a very shy and melodic voice resounded out of the other side.

 "Ok Elsa I'm already done and I'm coming" said Lucius while stepping on a quantum leap device which was situated under his home, actually it was owned by his extremely rich family.

 Setting the location of where he wanted to go he closed his eyes and allowed the device do the rest,after he reappeared,without wasting to much time he climbed up to the platform and let the glass looking door scan his face,and in the next moment he found himself at the entrance of the most expensive restaurants in the world the i-plaza stepping into it he looked around the quiet but filled up restaurant and he found Elsa sitting alone looking worried.


 "Found her"whispered Lucius while walking towards her and when he was about to reach her she suddenly turned back and looked at him while smiling sweetly.


 "Oh finally,you're here Lucius sit please " said Elsa

 "Oh ok let me take a sit"said Lucius,

"So how are you doing Elsa" said Lucius

 "Oh I'm good and you?"said Elsa while faintly blushing.

 "I'm good to" but that doesn't matter,let's talk things out while we check the menu, feeling shy Lucius quickly diverted the topic while tapping the smart table a holographic screen showed all the food they had to offer.

 "Ok,order anything you want Elsa"said Lucius.


 "Ok" said Elsa while blushing faintly

"Ummm,I guess I'll have a drink"said Elsa.she tapped on the screen, but while she was leaning to do that Lucius accidentally looked at her cleavage making him blush hard.

 "Is everything ok Lucius?" Said Elsa after noticing his weird behavior.

 "Uh,yeah I'm perfectly fine just felt hot" said Lucius.

 "Ok then so let's wait on our cocktails I guess?" Said Elsa.


 Just as Lucius was about to smile the whole place suddenly shook.