
Astraeus Galen

In a world where magic intertwines with the fabric of reality, a young boy named Astraeus Galen Starfield is reborn. Once an orphan on Earth, Astraeus, carrying the wisdom of his past life and the innocence of his new form, embarks on a journey of self-discovery. With a heart filled with gratitude to the deity who granted him rebirth, he resolves to live life to its fullest. Despite his tender age, he possesses an unyielding spirit and a thirst for knowledge that leads him to explore magic and the way of the sword. As he grows, Astraeus grapples with the limitations of his young body, yet his determination never wavers. He practices swordplay with a stick, yearning for the day he can wield a true blade. His innate talent for self-casting magic reveals itself, setting him apart from his peers and marking him as someone special. Haunted by the loss of his parents in his past life and driven by the love for his new mother, Astraeus vows to protect his family at all costs. Even if it means facing an army of thousands, he will not back down. His journey is one of growth, learning, and the pursuit of strength—not just for survival, but to protect what matters most.

Weak_Genius · Fantasi
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9 Chs

I have a job

"Is it okay if I work here? Even though I'm a kid, I'm still going to work hard," Len said.

"Well, on one condition," Luna's father replied. "Luna will be teaching you the basics of how to be a waitstaff. Your training starts tomorrow. Your payment will be three 18 silver coins a month. Are you okay with that? And you can sleep and stay here for free…"

"Yes, I'm good with that," Len agreed.

And so, my training with Luna began.

Then Luna is teaching me how to serve food to people and drinks. "Len, I already know how to do these things in my past life. Even though I know, doesn't mean I cannot learn again." After that, my training had come to an end. "Tomorrow will be my first day of work as a waitstaff. I gotta sleep early…" The sunrise came. luna: len len wake up its morning remember your work start's today...

Len, half-asleep: "Who is this girl in my bed trying to wake me up? Oh crap, I'm late!"

Lana's father: "What took you so long?"

Len: "Sorry, sir, I overslept…"

Len, greeting a customer: "Good evening, honored guest! Welcome to Grace Place. May I start you off with a refreshing drink or perhaps our special dessert?"

Customer: "Ah, yes, what's in the special dessert?"

Len: "We have the Essence of Sunrise, a syrup that shifts in color from dawn pink to daylight gold as you watch. Or the Crystal Berries, jewel-like berries that burst with flavor and a hint of magic, glowing gently in the dim tavern light. Or the Mythical Pancake, a stack of fluffy pancakes, each layer imbued with enchantments."

Customer: "That sounds intriguing. I'll have the Essence of Sunrise, thank you… You're just a kid, but you're a hard worker."

Len: "Oh, thank you, sir. Here is your dessert. That would be 2 silver coins."

Customer hands over the payment.

Len: "Thank you, sir."

Customer 2: "Hey kid, I want the Dragon's Chili."

Len: "Certainly! I'll let the chef know to add an extra flame. If you need anything else, just call for me. My name is Len, and I'll be at your service today."

Customer 2 hands over the payment.

Len: "Thank you, sir."

Luna, greeting another customer: "Welcome to Grace Place, dear traveler. I'm Luna. May I assist you in finding the perfect meal to replenish your strength after your journey?"

Customer 3: "Ah, yes, thank you. I've been traveling for weeks. What do you recommend?"

Luna: "For a weary traveler such as yourself, I'd suggest our Hearty Traveler's Stew. It's made with fresh vegetables from the local market and a touch of healing herbs to soothe your fatigue."

Customer: "That sounds delightful. And what about something sweet to follow?"

Luna: "We have the Mythical Pancake, a stack of fluffy pancakes, each layer imbued with enchantment."

Customer: "I'll trust your judgment. The stew, please."

Luna: "Excellent choice. I'll have that out to you shortly. If you need anything else, just call for me. Enjoy your meal."

As the night passed…

Len: "That was busy, wasn't it, Luna?"

Luna: "Yes, it was. I'm tired. I'm going to bed."

Len: "I'm gonna go over and take a walk…"

I often find myself lost in thoughts of home—how Mother and Lana are doing, how much I truly miss them. I wish I could return, but for now, my focus must be on earning money for school and sending Mother a portion of my savings. Exhausted, I decide it's time to rest; I'm going to bed, I'm tired... The next day, I wake up early, invigorated and ready to embrace the day with exercise. I run through the city, do push-ups—the average training. I've stopped practicing magic; in this peaceful world, there's no danger, no need for spells or incantations. My training would be pointless, and it would prevent me from enjoying life. That's why I've put a halt to magic, to live fully in the tranquility that surrounds me.

Len whispered, "I'm going to bed," as the night wrapped the world in its quiet embrace.

The next day…

Luna's father, with a voice as steady as the morning sun, said, "Len and Luna, I need you to run to the store for some groceries. Please buy cabbage, carrots, sugar, chicken, dragon's meat, eggs, oil, onions, ginger, garlic, lemons, and potatoes. That's all."

Len and Luna responded in unison, "Yes, sir… Yes, dad…"

They ventured to the marketplace, a bustling canvas of colors and scents. Len, puzzled, asked, "And where might I find dragon's meat and potatoes?"

Luna, with a spark of initiative, suggested, "Let's split up."

"Are you sure?" Len's voice wavered with uncertainty.

"It's so we can find everything quickly," Luna assured him.

"Okay," Len agreed, albeit hesitantly.

"Luna, you gather the vegetables and chicken," Luna instructed herself, "and Len, you hunt for the dragon's meat."

With their tasks set, Len wandered through the market, asking passersby, "Where can I find the dragon's meat?"

They directed him north, to a meat shop known for its exotic offerings. "Thank you, sir," Len said gratefully before heading north.

Upon arrival, Len found the shop that boasted dragon's meat. "I'd like to buy this," he said to the shopkeeper.

"Here is your dragon's meat. Be careful out there, kid," the shopkeeper warned as he handed over the package.

Meanwhile, Luna efficiently gathered the rest of the items on their list. When Len finally returned, Luna asked with a hint of impatience, "What took you so long? I've been waiting here for like 12 minutes."

"Sorry, Luna, I got kind of lost," Len apologized.

"Well then, let's head home," Luna suggested, eager to return.

Luna presented the groceries to her father, who expressed his gratitude, "Thank you for this, Luna and Len."

After their day's adventure, they retired to their beds,

Len's Monologue:

(Len stands in the soft glow of the evening, a gentle smile playing on his lips. He looks out into the distance, his thoughts clear and heartfelt.)

You know, there's something about Luna… something that just makes every day a little brighter. It's not just the laughter or the shared adventures—it's the feeling of knowing you're never alone. Luna, she's not just a friend; she's the kind of friend who turns life into a story worth telling.

(He chuckles softly, shaking his head in wonder.)

I remember the day we met; it was all so serendipitous. Who knew that a chance encounter would lead to this? To a friendship that feels as steady as the mountains and as free as the wind. Luna, with her fearless spirit and unwavering loyalty, has been my compass in the chaos, my anchor in the storm.

then i sleep.....