

This story is about a boy who was chosen to lead the world by the world. His powers were stolen from him before he was born but he was still born with amazing skills. Read as he adventures to reclaim his title

Daze_tales · Fantasi
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: New life

The man fell on the ground looking back in fear. He is an handsome middle aged man with a sturdy build. His eyes saw two figures appearing. The fire venerable and his assistant

"Sam, just give me what I want and all this will end. You have been a good assistant, you deserve this much. " The fire venerable broke the silence.

Sam replied faintly " it belongs to my child you theif."

"Fine. Have it your way." as he said that, he immediately formed a completecated pattern using his magic force andthen sent it into sam's body.

Immediately after, the asthrax force began to transfer into him. When he noticed he couldn't suck anymore he then removed the pattern from sam's body.

He then left with his assistant when he saw unconscious as good as dead.

Unknown to them, after the left sam's body began glowing and his wounds were healing at a terrifying rate which would cause any vernerable to be dumbfounded. Then his body mysteriously vanished away from the scene.

At the association

When all of the venerables heard sam had died and his powers were gifted to his master they had some suspicions, especially because it was a gift from asthrax but They hall dropped it knowing it also made sense.

When the news got to the lightning vernerables ears he couldn't help but think about something. The light in his eyes flickered and he just vanished. 

300 years later

A man can be seen roaming the streets with his wife and young son. He looks a little pale and sometimes coughs out blood but he doesn't allow his family to know.

He is sam who got chased by the fire venerable in nil forest. He couldn't help but remember what the lightning venerable told him

" Just live a normal life like a mortal. At least try to be happy for this short while..."

He took his advice living a normal life. Although it was a little hard for him to adjust, he enetually did. He bought a small house got married and had a son. But what he feared most happened.

His son didn't posses asthrax powers. He knew he couldn't get revenge against the fire venerable so he just moved far away from the association headquarters and started a new life.

He believed it was better than leaving in fear of the fire venerable.

He looks at his son and sighs 


'if only I was able to protect the power you would be an unbeatable genius. But at least you have my talent making you a genius amongst your peers, just not the best. At least you have the talent to get to to a high level just not the peak, but I won't last till then to see you through.' he thought to him self almost shedding tears. 

"Honey let's move on to the next store." His wife's voice rang out.

He turned to his son" let's go."

They then moved to the next street.

Ini's point of view

He looked at his dad with some worry

'dad said he'll be ok but he only gets worse. I hope I can help dad find a powerful light mage to heal him. He loves me and keeps telling me to get strong, maybe that's the only way to help him.' determation flashed in his eyes.