
Assassin Level Up

In Video games there are set stories, but what if the system changed a story?

IanJohnson · Game
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1 Chs

Starting at Level 1

-System- Name…

<player> Kira…

-System- Evaluating… Confirm.

As I looked at those words in front of me, I felt that feeling of gratification wash over me. The system started to load with the loading text popping on my screen. I stood there in my digital avatar, clutching my hands.

The game I would be playing is called Elders of Sendra. It was released on June 27, 2035. It's an VRMMORPG created by the Korean Developer, Chugong Sung-yi. The VR headset used allows the user to sit down and control their avatar using the joystick and buttons on their controllers.

Along with that cell towers with internet connection for the headset were set up all over the world. The user interface allows you to not just play games, but as well use it for work, or watch movies. But it's mainly used for games.

In EoS, you have the choice of three main categories for your class. Support, Damage, and Defense. Inside each group are certain classes that players can play. Inside support there are Healers, Mages, and Archers. In the Attack Group we have Assassins, Spread Knights, and Swordsmen. And finally on the Defence there are Barbarians, Shielded Knights, and Shielders.

-System- Loading terrain… Complete.

The world filled my view, the warm sky, orange and red. The graphics of the headset were unreal, almost realistic. I looked around, the fields surrounding me, with a lining of trees at the edges of the field. A window popped up in front of me by the system,

-System- Story mode activated.

"Hey kid," A voice said.

I turned to see a towering man standing above me. His scared face held a grin. I remembered that the game was a realistic medieval type game. You start at a random age and you can grow older and choose your own path that could determine your class. My avatar was a measly eight years old. "Yes?" I replied, playing along.

"You dad is looking for you, he's at my house over in the woods," He said.

I looked where he was pointing. The dark eerie forest was calling to me. I looked up at the man. I knew what was happening. A lot of people start the game with this. The man was trying to kidnap me. All I had to do was run away and tell my family. The guards of the city would arrest him and I would be given a class like knight or mage.

I looked away from the man in the direction of the city. I looked down at my skinny body. I wouldn't be able to fight him but maybe I could run. I pushed off the ground and started to sprint in the direction of the city. Thud! Thud! Thud! My footsteps made when coming in contact with the ground. The city was in sight, the man's steps were closing in but I could out run him.

Whoosh! Crack! The sound of something flying towards me filled my ears. The object connected with my leg sending me to the ground. I looked at my leg. A bump in my skin was visible, likely from my bone trying to poke out. This never happened when other people tried to run. With the headset was also a full body haptic suit that the headset would send information to, to simulate physical interaction using compressed air and other things. The air from the suit was locked tight around my leg simulating my broken leg. I groaned in pain laying there on the ground.

I had chosen to get a haptic rig as well to immerse myself in the game more. I looked up at the man, who was now standing above me, a bag now slung over his shoulder. The man bent down and grabbed me by the throat. The haptic suit clenched around my throat cutting off my airway. I grabbed the man's arm trying to remove it from my throat. The man's grip tightened, making me squirm. "P-Please let go!" I said, scratching his arm.

"Pathetic," The man said, shoving me in the bag.

I gasped for air for it to get knocked back out. The man threw the bag (me inside) over his shoulder. All I could see was the dark insides of the bag, along with various jewels and weapons. I was carried for a great distance. Through the forest and over rivers. I knew we had arrived due to the fact that I was thrown to the ground, sending a jolt through my body. The man walked over to a table and sat down. "I Picked this one up at the edge of the forest," The man said.

"That's so close to town! Someone could have seen you!" An NPC replied.

"Don't worry, I made sure he wasn't seen. I even broke his leg," The man replied.

"What did you say?" The NPC asked.

"I threw a rock and-"

A loud thud landed next to me. "You idiot! The buyers won't buy someone who's disabled!" The NPC replied.

After that the bag was picked up and I was tossed into a room. A door shut as I was tossed in. I clutched my leg, feeling the pain of my broken leg. After what seemed like hours, I slowly crawled out of the bag to see a candle. The flickering flame illuminated the room, allowing me to see four kids sitting cowering by a wall. They were around my age. Some looked four or five, a little younger but still children. I tried to stand but quickly fell to the floor. A young girl walked over to me, sticking her hand out. "I'm Elinor," She said.

One thing you should know, Players can tell who another player is. When you are by a player you are immediately notified unless a player is using hacks, a spell, or is an assassin. "Y-You're a player," I said.

Hope you enjoy this story I’m writing. I’ll hopefully be updating this every week or day, but I can be lazy at times. There is some popular mangwa/light novel references in this chapter so look out for them. If I don’t update tomorrow then I’ll update next week. Please stick around! :)


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