
Assassin In Another World

The world is in chaos, the year 2070 can make humans into beasts. A young assassin named Cain was given a second chance to live in a different world by a goddess. What will he do in this unknown world?

JustSomeLazyGuy · Fantasi
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8 Chs


Cain and Angelica, talked on the way out of the forest.

Cain : Hey, Angelica.

Angelica : What?

Cain : Can you tell me more about this world?

Angelica : Sure.

Angelica said that this world is made by 9 gods, The Great God Alpha, Goddess Of Magic Angelica, God Of Fire Amber, Goddess Of Earth Lily, Goddess Of Water Aqua, Goddess Of Wind Sylphy, God Of Lightning Leon, Goddess Of Ice Freya, and the last one is The Evil Goddess Gilda. The Evil Goddess looks at humans as they were her toys, so she made war all over the continent. The other gods cannot ignore this so they kicked out The Evil Goddess from heaven. Now she is currently in her mortal form as the demon lord, controlling the monsters and demons in this world. So the other gods tried to sent heroes from another world to kill the demon lord.

Cain : Why didn't you just kill her yourselves. There is 8 other gods and only 1 demon lord.

Angelica : We can't, Gods can't fight each other. That's the reason why we sent heroes.

Cain : So you want me to help the heroes fight the demon lord.

Angelica : No. I want you to free this world from evil, and one of the ways is to kill the demon lord.

Cain : ( Free this world from evil..? )

Angelica : By the way the heroes are from the same world as you.

Cain : So they are from the same world as me, it means their life is as awful as mine.

Angelica : Actually, they are from a different time as you, if i'm not wrong they are, students from a facility called school. I think they are from Japan. 3 girls and 2 boys.

Cain : ( it's just like the comics and novels i read when i have free time... seriously...? They even came from Japan ) so they are from an age of peace? How are they suppose to win, if they haven't got any battle experience. How was their reaction when they first came here?

Angelica : They actually seemed really happy and depressed.

Cain : Those are two words that can't go together, Angelica...

Angelica : Well in the beginning they were happy, it was like a dream come true, but when they did training they seemed... pretty... depressed.

Cain : And those heroes, are at the capital, right?

Angelica : Yes.

Cain : Do the heroes know that i'm coming?

Angelica : No

Cain : Why...?

Angelica : Because they don't need to know.

Cain : How long have they been here?

Angelica : 2 Weeks.

Cain : So how do you want me to help them?

Angelica : Don't worry, you just need to become an adventurer. When the heroes are ready, they will attack the demon lord's castle, with the help of high ranking adventurers. You need to be at least an SS rank adventurer.

Cain : So i just need to become a high ranking adventurer. How about the demon lord's castle?

Angelica : It's a big castle located in the demon continent on top of a mountain, the castle is called " The Castle Of The Clouds " just like the name said, the castle is above the clouds, and no adventurer or army is brave enough to come there.

Cain : ( The Castle Of Clouds... ) when will they be ready?

Angelica : Depends on the king. But probably when they hit level 200

Cain : Level 200... Isn't that a lot of EXP?

Angelica : they have a skill named Blessing Of Progress that gave them 20 times their EXP

Cain : That's even more overpowered than my greed skill

Angelica : But they will most likely, spend most of their time in the capital training area.

* 2 hours later *

Cain : We finally came out of that damned forest, in total i killed 6 red horn boars.

Angelica : Fortunately we only encountered red horn boars, there is other monsters there, like tempest wolves, there is even fenrir, griffin, wyverns and even dragons. If they attacked us, even i would not have a chance in my mortal body. Red horn boars are the weakest monster in this forest.

Cain : How long will it take for us to get to the capital?

Angelica : Probably another 4 hours.

Cain : Don't you have a teleportation skill or something...

Angelica : Now that you mentioned it, i do have teleportation magic.

Cain : YOU!! DUMBASS!!

Angelica : But look at it in the bright way, we got some horns to exchange for money, and you got to do some cardio...

Cain : Do you know how tired i was. You didn't even do anything when i killed those boar.

Angelica : Okay, okay, i'm sorry. Then hold my hand so i can teleport us both in front of the capital gate.

Cain : * Holds Angelica's hand * I'm ready.

Angelica : " Teleport "

* 1 Teleportation spell later *

Cain : Oh, we're here. I can see the gate.

Angelica : You should be thankfu-

Cain : You actually have some use other than being a burden.

Angelica : WHAT...! a mere huma-

Cain : We just need to walk a little more, and we can go in the capital.

Angelica : * Angry * HOW DARE YOU MOCK ME.

Status After This Chapter

Name : Cain

Gender : Male

Age : 16

Class : Assassin

LVL : 57

EXP : 32 %

Vitality : 2075

Defense : 232

Strength : 301

Agility : 584

Intelligence: 842 ( 421 + 421 )

Mana : 1790 ( 895 + 895 )

Skills : Shadow Steps ( 9 / 10 ), Language Master ( Passive ), World Dictionary ( Passive ), Blessing Of The Goddess Of Magic ( Passive ), Backstab ( 9 / 10 ) ( Passive ), Greed ( Passive ), Item box

Title : Apostle Of The Goddess of Magic, World Traveler


Shadow Steps

" Reduce the sound from your steps by 90 % "

Cost : 2 Mana / Second

Rarity : A +

Level : 9 / 10 ( 90 % )

Evolution : ?

Language Master ( Passive )

" Allows you to speak every language "

Rarity : A

World Dictionary ( Passive )

" Allows you to read and write every language "

Rarity : A

Blessing Of The Goddess Of Magic ( Passive )

" Doubles your intelligence and mana "

Rarity : S

Backstab ( Passive )

" Deals 190 % damage when you attack an enemy from behind and increase critical chance by 45 % "

Rarity : A +

Level : 9 / 10 ( 70 % )

Evoultion : ?

Greed ( Passive )

" Earns 5 times the amount of EXP everytime your earn EXP "

Rarity : A +

Item Box

" Allows you to store anything in infinite space "

Rarity : SS