
Assassin's Redemption

WARNING: Read ONLY if you are in for a GOOD STORY. Thank You. In the cover: Luke Reinhart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Synopsis: In a world where power and deception reign supreme, a soul reborn seeks redemption and vengeance. As darkness encroaches and treachery abounds, a lone figure emerges from the shadows, wielding skills honed through lifetimes of strife and survival. Unbound by the limits of mortality and driven by an unquenchable thirst for justice, he defies fate and forges his path amidst chaos. As the forces of the underworld and the realm of nobles collide, he stands as a testament to unyielding will and relentless pursuit. He is a shadow among men, a ghost in the annals of history, and his legend is just beginning. Prepare to enter a tale of unparalleled intensity, where the lines between good and evil blur, and the only certainty is the rise of a force to be reckoned with.

CelestialMountain · Fantasi
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18 Chs

Final Test

Author's Note:

The writing will only get better and better as the chapters go by. So please be patient and look forward to the novel.

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Kael's curiosity grew. "You said you needed a body with damaged spiritual pathways but what if my pathways weren't damaged?"

Seraphina's smile turned playful. "Then I would have had to destroy them myself." She said it with a smile on her face.

Hearing her response Kael doubted the decision he made.

'It should be fine...right?'

Kael couldn't help but shudder at her response. But for the first time in a long while, he felt a glimmer of hope. He had a purpose, a goal to strive for. He would become the strongest assassin, and he would have his revenge.

As the days turned into weeks, Kael's training began in earnest. Seraphina introduced him to the basics of shadow manipulation, teaching him how to control and harness the power within him. The training was grueling, pushing Kael to his limits and beyond. He learned to move silently, to blend into the shadows, and to strike with lethal precision.

Seraphina's methods were unorthodox, often bordering on the extreme. She would create elaborate scenarios, forcing Kael to adapt and think on his feet. One day, she took him to a dense forest and told him to find his way back without being detected. Another day, she had him practice his stealth skills by sneaking up on a group of mercenaries without being seen.

Kael's progress was slow but steady. He struggled at first, his damaged spirit circuit making it difficult to control his power. But with Seraphina's guidance and encouragement, he began to improve. He learned to use the shadows to his advantage, to become one with the darkness.

Seraphina was a patient and understanding teacher, never losing her temper or showing frustration. She pushed Kael hard but always knew when to pull back and give him time to recover. She was a constant source of support and motivation, and Kael found himself growing more attached to her with each passing day.

Despite the grueling training, Kael found solace in the routine. It gave him a sense of purpose, something to focus on besides his pain and anger. He poured all his energy into mastering the techniques Seraphina taught him, determined to become the assassin she needed.

One day, as they trained in a secluded clearing, Seraphina introduced Kael to the Assassin King's secret manual. The book was old and worn, its pages filled with intricate diagrams and detailed instructions. Seraphina explained that it contained the most advanced techniques of the legendary assassin, techniques that had been passed down through the ages.

Kael's eyes widened with excitement as he flipped through the pages. The techniques were unlike anything he had ever seen before, combining shadow manipulation with lethal precision and unparalleled stealth. He could see the potential within the pages, the promise of power and mastery.

Seraphina's eyes shone with pride as she watched Kael's enthusiasm. "This manual contains the knowledge of the greatest assassin to ever live. With it, you will become unstoppable."

Kael nodded, determination burning in his eyes. He would master the techniques within the manual and become the strongest assassin the world had ever seen. He would fulfill his promise to Seraphina and reclaim his life.

As the weeks turned into months and months turned into years, Kael's training intensified. He practiced the techniques from the manual tirelessly, honing his skills and pushing his limits. Seraphina continued to challenge him, creating new and more difficult scenarios to test his abilities.

Kael was now not the weak 6-year-old little boy but a strong 12 year old peak spirit adept. Seraphina was shocked at the speed Kael was growing. She noticed Kael practicing some strange workouts daily without a break, that she did not knew were from his old world. The various workouts and various martial arts Kael learnt aided in developing his body very fast. Kael's body grew stronger, his movements more fluid and precise. He learned to control his shadow spirit with greater ease, using it to blend into the darkness and strike from the shadows. His damaged spirit circuit was now cured too due to the King of the Assassin's secret teaching methods.

Seraphina watched his progress with a mix of pride and satisfaction. She had found the perfect candidate, a young boy with the potential to become the greatest assassin the world had ever seen. She knew that Kael's journey was far from over, but she had faith in his abilities and his determination.

Kael learned everything from Seraphina and today she asked him to meet him in the evening. Kael knew he lacked the experience in this magical world. So he was planning to ask her to send him on missions.

One evening, as they sat by the fire, Seraphina turned to Kael with a serious expression. "Kael though you are a peak spirit adept you can easily fight equal with a mid-rank spirit master. And the reason I called you here is to give you a final test that you must pass before you can truly call yourself an assassin."

Kael's eyes widened with anticipation. "What is it?"

Seraphina's gaze was steady. "You must kill someone"

Kael's heart raced with excitement. This was the moment he had been training for, the ultimate test of his skills. He nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "I will do it. But who is the target?"

Seraphina smiled, her eyes filled with pride. "I know you will. The target is someone you know."

"Someone I know?" Kael asked.

"Yes. Darion, The one killed your parents. Though I cut his arm off, he still is a low spirit grandmaster. His spirit is Darkness, a rare spirit but it cannot be underestimated. Kael, are you listening to me?"


The air around Kael was tense. Seraphina could feel the rage in Kael's heart. She could see his spiritual power going wild. Kael was tightening his fist so hard that blood flowed down his arm.

Kael realized that he has lost his composure and quickly tried to calm his rage down. He could see worry on Seraphina's face. Before he could say something Seraphina left from her spot.

As the fire crackled and the stars shone above, Kael felt a sense of purpose and determination like never before. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, to embrace his destiny as the strongest assassin the world had ever seen.

The journey ahead would be long and treacherous, but Kael was prepared. With Seraphina by his side and the knowledge of the Assassin King's secret manual, he knew that nothing could stand in his way. He would become the shadow that haunted the nightmares of his enemies, and he would fulfill his promise to Seraphina.

As the night wore on, Kael's thoughts turned to the future. He knew that the path ahead would be difficult, but he was ready to face it head-on. With Seraphina's guidance and the power of his shadow spirit, he would become the assassin he was destined to be.

And when the time came, he would fulfill his promise and kill the king of Alzaria. For now, though, he would focus on the task at hand and prove himself to Seraphina.

With a determined heart and a clear mind, Kael prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. The journey would be long and difficult, but he was ready. He would become the shadow that haunted the nightmares of his enemies, and he would fulfill his destiny as the strongest assassin the world had ever seen.


Author's Note:

The writing will only get better and better as the chapters go by. So please be patient and look forward to the novel.

Please support my work, and if you are interested, you can join my Patreon:



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