
Rescuing Phoibe

"lemme go!" kassandra heard in the distance. She knew that voice too well, she knew she was resistant. Always was. A rogue just like the ones she fought earlier laughed "shut it, or I'll tighten those ropes!" he snarled. "she'll make good ransom drachmae for the cyclops" a brute says, as she eyes Phoibe up and down. "no one's gonna buy me from you, They're all poor" she states. Her hands tied behind her back. The teo holding her captive just turn around and walk away not wanting to listen to her nonsense anymore. Their long swords at their sides. "keep quiet, Phoibe" kassandra says as she stands in the tall grass, not quite out of sight just yet. She crouches in the grass quickly becoming invisible to the human eye. A spartan guard spots her for a second but not long enough to become suspicious, a quick "huh?" coming from his lips. "what was that?" kassandra hears him say. She whistles and creeps forward a little, drawing the guards attention. He walks forward slowly and kassandra gets the chance to stealth attack him, it didn't kill him in an instant as the attack wasn't powerful enough but one swift cut of her fire blade was enough to send him crashing to the ground, luckily in the tall grass and out of sight. Kassandra sneaks around some more. The tall grass providing a great cover. This time she walks closer to the guard, she whistled and the guard came closer, this time she was able to get he upper hand, bringing the dagger up and smashing it through the bottom of the guards chin, the top part now sticking out of his head, she quickly tackled him to the floor and his head cracked at the impact. She grabbed the handle just beneath the blade and pulled hard, now getting her bloody weapon back. She quickly ran to the guard who had his back to her as he sharpened his sword. One quick syabwto his lower back and he fell down without a word. She searched his pockets and got 8 drachmae. Using the bushes and grass as cover she sneaked around the back of the tent. She was met with the sight of a woman sat on a log. Her head hanging down in boredom maybe. Kassandra smiled, knowing that one headshot would kill her. To her knowledge this was the last of the guards so they yelp that came from the womans lips didn't alarm kassandra or anyone else for that matter. "time to get Phoibe out of here" she said to herself as she got up from her crouch and ran into the tent.  She looted a chest and got ornate daggers and 118 drachmae that she added to her pouch. "kassandra I'm here, untie me." the girl pleaded. "are you all right?" kassandra asks Phoibe, kneeling down to get level with her. "it wasn't so bad. Last time they put a cloth in my mouth so I stopped biting" she replied with a hand on her hip. Kassandra shook her head smiling slightly, "Phoibe just... Be careful. Your alone now, since..." she started. Which Phoibe chose to finish "since my parents died. I'm OK. I've got you! And you've got me and markos. We're your family right?" she asked.


"you have to be stronger than that" a man grunted who was training with a young girl, who resembled kassandra. Myrrines voice carried out "don't give In!" the man grabs the stick and hits the girl on the leg with his. Another stick from behind her hits her ankle and takes her down. Myrrine smiles "got you" she laughs. Nikolas taps his wooden stick on the ground "again. Up!" young kassandra sighs "yes, pater" his voice becomes. More gentle "a spartan rises as soon as they've fallen" he points to her slowly. "ready your staff" he says. Myrrine behind the two takes a small baby wrapped in white cloth of another woman. "widen your stance" he says walking behind his daughter. "a soldier grounds themselves" Nikolas watches as she does so "good, good" he praises "approach me" he says getting into his own stance. The girl let's out a battle cry and jumps in the air as high as she could. Both their sticks clashing together, kassandras attacking and Nikolas's defending. Myrrine speaks up "that's enough, Nikolas, the sun's going down" she says. "time to eat. Don't you think" she smiles and says gently looking at the baby. "what are we eating tonight?" she asks after her father proves of her being dismissed. "tonight. We are having baby alexios, and what a feast he will be" he jokes and takes the baby out of Myrrines. He laughs as he raises him up. "no not him! Take me. I'm tasty" she says. Myrrine nods "yes yes, your all sweet as honey, now come inside, the lambs turning black" she said. "here, lay him in his bed" Nikolas said to the young kassandra. Passing her the baby. "yes, pater" she begins to walk into the house. "kassandra" he motions for her to come back over to him. "you are my greatest pride. Remember that. You'll bring this family to glory. Go."  she walks back inside. Her father not long behind them, his round, black and red spartan Shield still outside.

--------------end of flashback-----------------

Kassandras eyes water a bit as she stares into the distance." right" she says. "you worry too much" Phoibe says. Kassnandra shakes her head "you don't worry enough!" Phoibe continued to protest "we'll be alright if we look out for each other. Which reminds me, the thugs said you should watch your back." she said. Kassandra stood up and turned around. "what'd they say?" she asks the girl. "they said the cyclops put a big bounty on you. Talos the stone - fist wants you dead" she said walking away, no doubt back home. "talos the mercenary? Am I ever not in trouble?" she asks rhetorically. "better get him before he gets you, I hear he's really mean" she states looking up at her rescuer. Phoibe had made sure to put extra enthusiasm on the really. Kassandra just shakes her head a little smiling. "ill make my way back to town, cháire" she says running off. Kassandra puts a hand in the air and waves goodbye.

"talos the stone - fist, that's just what I need today, another broken nose" she says sarcastically. "I'm going to have to take care of that." she sets off on her journey again. She heads to where the mercenary was last seen. But right now. She had to collect her debt from duris before he got any ideas of his own.