
Aspiring Actor

["In the beginning, I had a simple aspiration to solve the problems of life by acting. However, later faced with difficulty I refused to accept defeat and was determined not to leave in a state of confusion. Moreover, now that I, as an individual, have shown resilience, 'why not strive for improvement?' And I have consistently emphasized that when you choose to invest in something, you should commit to giving it your utmost effort!"] These words of wisdom come from Sean Tang, widely regarded as one of the most accomplished actors of the 21st century.

GeorgeBushAK47 · Selebritas
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: Evening Adventure (Three)

While making their way to the booth, Nicole abruptly stops Sean and gestures for him to follow her. Navigating through the crowd swiftly, they reach the washroom within the reserved area. Nicole secures the door and turns around only to find herself trapped between Sean's strong, lean physique and the door itself. She looks at Sean's onyx eyes which are burning with desire mirroring hers, and before she knows it, they engage in a passionate and intense kiss.

Sean initiates the kiss, starting with gentle and tender caresses, occasionally grazing Nicole's lips, as if knocking on her door for permission to enter. Nicole wasn't hesitant in giving her permission, they started exploring each other's mouths, licking their lips, playing tango with their tongue while sucking each other's lips as if they were famished souls finally savoring a long-awaited feast. As their passion intensifies, Sean's left hand explores Nicole's curves while his right hand firmly grips her voluptuous rear, evoking pleasurable moans from Nicole's lips. Nicole felt her body heating up and there is an ich under her belly growing stronger with each passing second, and she can feel Sean's excitement poking her belly. Sean's arm envelops Nicole's waist, effortlessly lifting her, and prompting her to wrap her long legs and arms around him. Their hips grind against each other, synchronized in their desire, while Sean squeezes her plump ass cheeks as they moan into each other's mouths.

*Knock Knock* * Knock Knock*

Suddenly, a loud knocking resonates through the washroom, interrupting their heated make-out session. Nicole gasps for breath, tightly clutching onto Sean, while Sean reciprocates, securely holding her soft body. Annoyance crosses Sean's face, but before he can voice his thoughts, the knocking resounds once again even louder this time. Nicole composes herself, gradually disentangling from Sean's embrace. Sean complies without complaint, it seems the other party outside the door is desperately in need of the washroom.

Nicole swiftly opens her clutch and reapplies her lipstick while glancing at the mirror. In her peripheral vision, she notices the tissue box and swiftly takes two, handing one to Sean. With her lipstick, she scribbles something on another one. Sean cleans his face, observing the insistent knocking at the door. Sensing the urgency, he is about to remind Nicole to hasten when she gently slips a neatly folded tissue into his leather jacket pocket, placing a tender kiss on his lips as a parting gesture. Sean opens the door, only to find Kailey standing there with crossed arms, and Leo standing behind her, wearing a silly grin and a mischievous gleam in his eyes. Kailey glances at Nicole, conveying a message that clearly states, 'What on earth were you thinking?' This is her uncle's club, and it wouldn't bode well if he discovered his niece engaged in such activities with an 18-year-old in the reserved area washroom. She seems to be right, if she didn't interject, these two would have a go like rabbits.

Nicole rolls her eyes in response to Kailey's disapproval and continues walking towards the booth, holding Sean's hand, with Kailey and Leo trailing behind them.


Cole checked the packet in his right hand. It was his last and main weapon for tonight. He began preparing the product for consumption, knowing that Sean's tolerance to alcohol didn't seem to have much effect on him. Cole clenched his jaw, thinking that if Sean were slightly drunk, it could work in his favor when the time came. However, Sean wasn't intoxicated, which would make it a little harder to convince him.

After returning, Sean, Nicole, Leo, and Kailey took their previous seats. This time, Cole took the initiative, standing up with a shot in his hand while facing Sean. "Congratulations, Sean! I must admit, I didn't expect you to land that role," he said with a smile.

"Thanks, man. I appreciate the support, and thanks again for the invite, giving me a chance to meet some amazing people," Sean replied, smiling at Nicole.

Cole has a sly smile for a brief moment then change into a mischievous one when Sean redirects his attention on him. "Oh, well, tonight's celebration isn't over yet, Sean. Tonight, let's make it a night you won't forget." His gaze flickered slightly, as he bring out the prepared product. A high-grade Marijuana joint, which is enough to make everyone in the room tipsy. He had acquired it through his connections, and John bring it inside with his connection without much hassle. If it wasn't for John he would have a lot more trouble bringing it here.

As Cole predicted, Leo was the first to try it. After the first puff, his eyes glitter, "Man, this is good stuff! Where did you get it?" Leo asked with wide eyes. Cole chuckled, took a hit, and passed it to John, who did the same. The best part was that he didn't need to convince Kailey to try it; Leo's comment did the job for him. Despite being the eager one when it comes to trying new substances, Leo is pretty picky about them, so when Leo commented Kailey has to try it. Nicole become a little hesitant when it was her turn, she was just planning an excuse so she and Sean can go to her apartment early tonight but this hateful guy Cole ruined it. She looked at Sean and noticed his brow furrowing into a frown.

Cole noticed Nicole's hesitation and Sean's reaction. "Oh, come on, it's just a little bit of marijuana to spice up the celebration. Don't worry about it," he urged.

Nicole raises her eyebrow, when Leo comment on it she instantly knew it was strong stuff, that buffalo doesn't even take a second glance if it's weak and currently Leo's shining eyes tell her what she has to know. She would likely get knocked out after just a few inhales if Leo's facial expression is anything to go by.

Meanwhile, Sean's mind was racing. He was a bit perplexed when Cole bring out the joint. He doesn't understand why would Cole bring that thing to tonight's celebration when he heard the assistant director telling Sean had to be in the studio early.

"Cole, this isn't how we should be celebrating. I appreciate your intentions, but I won't be partaking in that. I have to be in the studio tomorrow early, remember?" Sean replied firmly, not giving anyone a chance to comment and succumbing to peer pressure.

Cole's smile faded, replaced by frustration and disappointment. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. He needed to do some damage control quickly. In his muddled mind, he decided to go with blaming route, "Oh, I see now, You think you're better than the rest of us now just because you got a role?"

Normally, Sean would have tried to justify his opinion, but this time something clicked in his mind. He stands up and gazed intensely at Cole. "What are you trying to do?"

Cole was taken aback. "What?"

Sean uttered slowly, holding Cole's gaze. "Are you trying to get me drunk and high?"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. Leo and Kailey glanced at the duo with wide eyes. John watched the facade with a nonchalant expression, while Nicole frowned at Cole. Cole's heart clenched, but he tried to maintain his composure. "Are you crazy? Why would I do that?"

Sean couldn't help but let out a humorless chuckle. "Why? I don't know. Jealousy, grievance, or maybe just pure spite. I don't know, so tell me, Cole, What are you trying to accomplish?" Sean's voice grew louder with each sentence, fueled by anger. It wasn't just Cole he was angry with; it was the whole facade of the glamorous society they were a part of. People in positions of authority seemed to abuse their power without any moral compass. One man betrays another for a few lines as a character, compromising their integrity... Sean couldn't comprehend it. Hollywood felt like a completely different world.

Cole's face contorted with anger, and he couldn't maintain his composure. The alcohol he had consumed and the joint he had smoked intensified his guilt, making it harder for him to stay calm. "Oh, please! Don't act like you're so innocent. Do you think you're better than me just because you landed that role? You're nothing but a talentless hack!" Sean's eyes widened, and he responded with a mocking laugh. "Talentless? Look in the mirror, Cole. You've been in this industry for years, and what have you accomplished? Nothing! You're just bitter because you can't handle the fact that someone with actual talent came along and surpassed you."

Cole's entire body tensed as if a nerve had been struck. "You think you're so special, don't you? Just because you got lucky with a minor role, do you believe you're destined for greatness? Well, let me tell you something, Sean. No matter how hard you try, you can never be a true actor, just a male vase."

Sean's body tensed up in response. He is always been afraid, no matter how he behaved in front of others during his stage play in high school or now in the Hollywood industry, that people will only see his appearance and ignore all the efforts he put into his acting. He didn't want to be a talentless actor relying solely on his looks. There was always a nagging voice in his head, telling him that he wasn't enough, that he was only given opportunities because of his face during his time in stage plays. That's why he had worked harder than anyone else in the drama club, treating it as a chance to prove himself. Although he was living a second life, there is a small part of him who want to be recognized by others for his effort. He gave more effort in this club activity than any other because when he first participated in the play and received a standing ovation because of their spectacular performance he felt more alive than ever. In his past life, he did everything to be a reputable person in a society where they will respect him because of his effort and hard work, and seeing all of these people standing up and giving them applause made him feel what he always longed for. His life motto has always been to do your absolute best in what you had invest in. So, he did just that.

After graduation, there was a passing thought to becoming an actor after the exhilarating experience he felt during his stage play years. And that was it, it was too far away a dream for him back then. Even though he disregarded that thought and plan to have a tour around North America, his subconscious mind takes him to Los Angeles and the rest is history.

"You don't know anything about me! I've worked hard to get where I am, and I won't let you or anyone else belittle my achievements. You're just a bitter has-been who can't handle the fact that he's going nowhere!" Sean said with gritted teeth.

"What do you know!" Cole suddenly shouted angrily. "What do you know!"

"It's been almost three damn years since I've been here! Not more than ten characters with lines! I've worked so hard for every opportunity! I'd do anything! I've given so much! But why is the reward only this? Why!" Cole becomes a little emotional. "I've seen all the other extras, one by one, starting to get small roles, but I couldn't catch a break. I got an agent, but I can't do a damn thing! I want to be famous! I want to be sought after! I don't care what means I use!"

Sean blanked for a few seconds then couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of Cole's statement.

Cole's face contorted with rage, his fists clenched tightly. "That's it! I've had enough of your arrogance!"

{You always believe that you are right when you are angry and always try to inflict damage to your opposition as much as you can whether it's physical or emotional.}

In the game of nerve between Sean and Cole, trying to see who could maintain their rage, Cole was the first to give in. With alcohol and substances in his system, and being humiliated by a rookie in front of his friends, it was enough to push him over the edge. He punched Sean in the face, and Sean cursed as he felt his lip start to bleed. Not wanting to be outdone, Sean retaliated by grabbing Cole in a chokehold, taking advantage of their proximity and Cole's defenseless posture. Cole's face turned red as he struggled to break free, but Sean held firm. With his greater strength, Sean continued to deliver occasional punches to Cole's face.

Leo, Kailey, and Nicole move away from the duo when they started barb each other with insults from the beginning. They couldn't believe how quickly the situation had escalated from a friendly atmosphere to tension and violence. John watches the duo duke it out against each other, he is in a bind, on one hand, he wants to help his friend, Cole, on the other hand, he is a bit angry with him to involve himself in his scheme. He waited for a moment before intervening, urging Sean to calm down, and Leo joined in to separate the two.

John supported a battered Cole, while Leo did the same with an angry Sean. After a while, Sean calmed down and freed himself from Leo's grasp. He walked toward the exit, unable to stand in front of that snake any longer.


As Sean entered his car, he began swearing and cursing Cole's ancestors, trying to calm his rage. He slammed the steering wheel in frustration. "Fuck!" Gripping the steering wheel tightly, he contemplated the events of the evening. Sean started the engine and took the long route home, hoping to calm his turbulent emotions.


In a hospital room, a pretty nurse is treating Cole's injury as he sat on a bed. 'Fuck, that shithead did a number on me,' Cole couldn't help from the bitter smile emerging on his face. He has made some mistakes in his calculation. He thought from his observation of Sean, he was a humble and naive kid from San Francisco living on his own. Means lonely, less emotionally stable, passive, naive with the way of the world, and of course low alcohol fucking tolerance. His jaw clenches with anger.

John standing beside the bed while watching Cole's face changing colors was a rare amusement for him. He couldn't help from chuckling. Cole looks at him gloomily, "So, it seems you lost this time, Cole," John said.

Cole's eyes flicker again, "Not yet, I can still stall him from going to the set early," John scoffs, "Really, and how are you going to accomplish that genius."

Cole smirked, "Simple really, I just call the police and anonymously give them a tip about an 18-year-old boy entering a club and indulging in marijuana and alcohol, and now going to his apartment by self-driving," Cole looks at John with a smug look, "That's three offense in a single night, my friend."

John stares at his friend for a few seconds and shakes his head, "Seriously? Then what? Are you going to go to the studio with this black and blue face and replace him?" John smiles, "You lost, just face it."

John sits beside Cole, places his hand gently on Cole's shoulder, and gazes into Cole's dark brown eyes, "You are going to keep your promise, right?" Cole could only give a wry smile, "Fine, but I get to choose my own office."

John laughs joyfully and slaps Cole's shoulder. "Fucking hell, you bastard, that hurts like hell," Cole looks aggrievedly at John but couldn't stop his joyous laughter.


The doorknob jiggled as Sean inserted his keys into his apartment door. His pet dog jumped up, wagging its tail, and ran to greet him. It waited eagerly for Sean to enter before jumping up, sticking out its tongue to lick his familiar face.

"Hey there, you the little guy who never cleans their mouth after eating. I should be glad there's no garlic in your food," Sean said with a weary smile, grabbing the dog's front paws. After carrying Polk into the room and sitting down, Sean fell silent for a long time. Finally, he spoke to himself, his smile fading. "Have you ever seen someone like that? Betraying friends just for a minor role, doing whatever it takes... I don't understand."

He let out a deep sigh, realizing the situation more clearly. It was evident that everything had been planned in Cole's mind when he jokingly said, "As long as you can't do it, I can take over."

The plan involved luring Sean to a less strict bar under the pretense of celebration, making it difficult for him to refuse alcohol. If Sean didn't have a higher tolerance, he would have succumbed to the temptation of marijuana in his impaired state of mind under peer pressure like anyone else.

The final step would have been to call the police and implicate him in some drug-related case. It was a simple plan aimed at preventing Sean from making it to the set the next day and tarnishing his image in the process.

Although Sean had witnessed people framing others for their gain in his past life, he couldn't fathom whether it was worth it. After all, it was just a minor role. What kind of grudge could drive Cole to such lengths?

While the first two steps were mere tricks, the last one was much more serious. Fortunately, Sean had been quite restrained in high school and hadn't indulged in marijuana much. If he had partaken in it tonight, he would have been in a terrible state. The thought sent a shiver down his spine. He had always avoided such things, fearing the consequences if he were caught by the police. A drug test could cause significant trouble.

Although it was a worst-case scenario. And... that guy would probably be pleased to see it.

"If Neil and the others found out, they would laugh themselves half to death," Sean sighed once again. It seemed like he cared too much about relishing the taste of growing up again and had forgotten many things in the process.

"So, you better keep your mouth shut," he threatened, still holding Polk's front paws. But the puppy barked twice and turned its head to the side.

"Why, are you daring to laugh at me?" Sean immediately scratched its chin, and the little creature barked twice, jumped to the ground, and ran away.

As Sean watched the dog wags its tail and hide in the corner, sneaking glances at him, his mood improved slightly, but not by much. Cole's image kept appearing in his mind, particularly his almost crazed expression in the end, making it difficult for Sean to shake off.

"This is insane," Sean muttered to himself. Although he wanted to convince himself that this was just a unique incident and didn't mean anything significant, he couldn't help but feel quite frustrated.

[This week, I have a rather hectic schedule, so there might be some errors. Please let me know in the comments below if you come across any. And I apologize to those who were expecting a tragic ending.]

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