
ASOIAF : The Freedom Empire.

Attention! : Even though this isn't the God gives 3 wishes Stark/North wank fanfic, it is pretty d*mn close. My Naruto fan fiction is me trying to not make the MC too overpowered, this is the total opposite. I'm using this fanfic to just express all the cringe, wish-fulfillment fantasy ideas that I'm suppressing in my other fiction. Actual Synopsis : Guess what ? Turns out that earth is the farming place for Otherworldly Gods ! Since our world is like a leaking faucet of souls, Gods can send in stray souls with ideas about other worlds that they can put into writing (I see you George R.R Martin, you outsider !), and any soul that leaks out who happens to also be a fan of those worlds gets to go to one of its iterations to "Spread the word of God !", or a god at least. And gets to be blessed with some outrageous powers. So follow me, Kaiser Jentys, into an adventure of magic, kingdoms, war, and politics, never forget the politics.

PrinceOfNilfheim · Derivasi dari karya
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7 Chs

Waking up, coming to grips with reality.

"...ser... Kai...er... KAISER !"

I open my eyes to someone shouting, my sight is blurry, and my body is cold, I feel sick and nauseous.

"Water !" I rasp shakily.

"Hey ! Give him water."

I feel a flask cap touching my mouth, I frantically gulp down the warm water to quench my thirst.


"You're okay kid, you're okay, you'll be fine."

The last thing I hear before losing consciousness is an old rugged voice comforting me.



"F*ck... how can I get unconscious three times in a row ?"

I get out of the makeshift bed I'm laying on, and as I focus on what I'm seeing I get hit with a massive migraine.

A huge amount of knowledge suddenly assaults my head, it seems that my Knowledge blessing affects even the things that I saw before getting reincarnated, every object, every movement and everything I saw. I get assaulted with a huge amount of knowledge, at first it was just minor tidbits, stuff like glass and diamonds are both made of carbon, how a bicycle works and so on.

And then just as I feel like I'm about to lose consciousness, again, my mind suddenly clears up, I start to be able to think and process information faster, I also begin to access the memories of this body, which just triggers my Knowledge blessing, and then the growth blessing improves it along with the Innovation, and then I start getting even more detailed information.

The cycle goes on and on again and again, with me just standing in these shabby clothes, in this shabby cabin, staring into nothing while my brain struggles to adapt.

After who knows how long, the process hits a soft cap. There is always this slight, constant flow of knowledge registering in my mind. But it's minor enough.

While registering the new information, I was barely able to notice the fact that wherever I'm on, it's swaying. It looks like we're on a ship.

I walk out of the cabin, slightly unbalanced, this body is still not used to being on a ship. But as I look around at the people walking on the deck, knowledge about their gait and how to balance myself on moving objects surfaces in my mind, so I'm able to adjut to balance myself adequately.

I kneel in front of a puddle, looking down to see my reflection. I see a dark bronze skinned kid, with silky smooth black hair, and the most exotic pair of eyes I've ever seen. When I heard golden eyes I thought it would be something like very bright amber eyes, but nooo, it's full on golden, in fact it's closer to yellow than amber. Definitely unique I'll tell you that much.

"Kaiser ? You're out ?!" I hear the gruff voice of last time before I'm roughly turned around by an equally rough pair of hands.

I turn around to find a Caucasian looking gruff mid-fourties old man looking at me with concerned eyes. He looks vaguely Italian, or Braavosi now I guess.

"Yeah, I'm up Uncle Vy. And we're on a ship ! How did we end up in a ship ?"

"You've been out of it for quite a while kiddo. You must be hungry, let's go get you some food. I caught a fish today."

"Yeah, I'm hungry."

Let me introduce you to one Vyren Jentys, a badass traveling sellsword with guts of steel who left Braavos after losing his father to a storm inside a ship, along with the brunt of his families fortunes. His father had the genius idea that gambling all his fortune on one venture was a safe investment.

Left with a decent amount of money and no family. Vyren proceeds to put his training in water dancing and literacy to good use, so he traveled the world as a mercenary until he fell deep in love with a dying Lengii slave that asked him to find and take care of her equally enslaved estranged sister at her deathbed.

His search led him to the recently born newborn of a recently un-alive Lengii woman. Believing that she was his soulmate's sister, he then takes in her child as his own. Me.

And that's where we find ourselves now, with Vyren taking us to Lys in order to meet up with a sellsword company that offered him a stable job as a training sergeant. Which Sellsword company do you ask ? Well, none other than the Golden Company, of course.

"Alright kiddo, dig in." Says Vyren as he dumps a bowl of cooked fish on the table, which I proceed to devour in seconds.

"Tha' kids eatin' well afta' big cold like tha'." Says a jovial looking old man from behind Vyren, he's a stereotypical ship captain, the captains hat, the striped shirt, and the golden tooth, all are spot on.

"Yes, captain Yagarro, how long until we reach Lys ?"

"Ah, Lys tha' Lovely, can' wait tah meet tha' whore eh ?" He jokes, but continues at Vyren's stern gaze.

"Well ah'tshoulda' be about ah' couple days. Then ya' can meet tha' whores eh ?" He says, finishing his sentence while heading for another group of sailors.

"You heard the man, after we reach Lys we're going to meet with Myles Toynes, the Commander of the Golden Company. Now, what can you tell me about Lys ?"

Vyren always tried to educate Kaiser in political matters. And Kaiser (before dying that is), was a fairly clever kid who diligently listened to him, so he knew quite a lot about the world for a 3-year-old.

"Umm... They have a lot of Valyrian people ?"

"Is that a question or an answer ?"

"Uh, An answer."

"Good, they have a lot of Valyrian people. What else ?"

"They have a lot of gods, and they like trade more than fighting, oh ! And they're always fighting against Myr and Tyrosh."

"Good. They are also known for their pillow houses and slaves. So when we get there stay close to me alright ? These people like to catch exotic looking people like you."


Acting like a kid is such a pain in the A$$.


As Vyren left me to wander on the ship, I stand at the bow, looking towards the horizon.

Looking around, I find no one looking at me. So I close my eyes, feeling for the wind.

That god told me that he gave me Air and Earth bending, there isn't that much earth close by in an ocean, so I'm left with air.

After a while of aimless concentration I start feeling my senses expand, I feel like they are extended to the surrounding air and that I could affect it to a certain degree.

I focus on the space in front of me, gathering a small amount of wind circularly. As I open my eyes I see a mini tornado in front of my eyes. I lose concentration out of elation as I see it which makes it dissipate, but at least now I have something to do.


It has been more than a day since I found myself on this ship, I've been spending my time getting taught by Vyren, exploring every inch of this ship to use my Knowledge blessing to understand how everything works. I already know how modern ships work from the cruise trip I've done on my previous life, but medieval ones function on different methods.

I have also been constantly using my Air bending to steer and push this ship even more inland. The sea is nice, but I really want to try some Earth bending too.

"Land ahoy boys ! It seems the wind is with us this time !" Screams a sailor.

"Kaiser ! Come here, let's get our luggage."

"Coming !"


As I jump out in the docks, I can't help but marvel at the feel of the city. Being at the ship was certainly a new experience, but I never actually had that realization that I was in a fantasy world until I saw the place.

The books weren't kidding when describing the architecture, Lys is like Ancient Florence multiplied by a hundred. It is reminiscent of the Renaissance Architecture, the white colors, the symmetry, and the focus on geometry, gives it an artsy feeling that feels fresh.

"Alright kiddo, stop gawking, we're moving." Says Vyren as he ruffles my hair with his free hand, the other holding a bag of our luggage, a sword holstered on his hip.

"Alright, stick close to me, and walk in front of me so I don't lose sight of you, alright ?"


As we go into the city, through the markets and the pillow houses, I can't help but notice the lack of guards. I mean sure, you see some escorting some rich looking dudes, but none actually patrolling for crime. I guess this is where the advantages of the worship of trade end, no one wants to be a soldier means no one joins the local militia.

It's too bad however that my Knowledge blessing doesn't work on sociology or psychology, I'll have to rely on old-fashioned "using the brain" method to figure out an appropriate system.

"Uncle Vy ? Where in the city are we going exactly ?"

"Outside of it, the Golden Company is camping outside the city walls, waiting for their compensation. They just finished a contract to defend Lys from Tyrosh's Unsullied slaves and the Second Sons and the Magisters are probably getting stingy now so Myles should be threatening to do some old-fashioned sacking, so we're going outside." He finishes as we get to the gates.

Even with a potential enemy camping outside, the gates of the city are still open, travelers and merchants are allowed to bypass the encampment into the city while people are still allowed to go out freely.

We approach the camp filled with solid gold banners, with yellow tents and disciplined soldiers and officers wearing golden arm rings and showcasing their worldly possessions through jewelled swords, inlaid armor, heavy torcs, and fine silks. The Golden Company indeed.

We head towards the big golden tent surrounded by red spikes topped by golden skulls. Those are the skulls of the previous captain-generals of the company, it is a tradition followed by this brotherhood ever since Aegor Rivers asked for it on his deathbed.

As we're about to step inside the tent one of the guards interrupts us with his pike.

"Hey ! Only sergeants and above are allowed to step in here without permission ! Who are you."

"Vyren Jentys, I'm expected."

"I was not informed of your visit, Vyren."

"Hmm..." Vyren just menacingly hums in response, his hand slowly inching towards his sword.

Just as the tension got close to the bursting point, we get interrupted by a portly man behind us, wearing golden armor and sporting a generous smile.

"Hahaha! If it isn't Vyren Jentys, Did Myles finally convince you to join ?"

"Strickland, I was about to, but some people don't seem quite receptive to the idea." Vyren replies, giving a stern glare towards the deathly pale guard standing by.

"Haha! He's just doing his job, Jentys. Nothing is wrong with that! Now get in, get in, I also have to talk with Myles." He playfully pushes Vyren inside the tent.

"And who's this little guy ? Your son ?" He says after noticing me.

Cue the awkward silence.

"So Ser Harry, did you fight in battles with Uncle Vyren ?"

"Oh yes, your uncle is a very brave man. He actually saved Captain-general Myles' life at the Ninepenny war, and they've been as close as brothers ever since."

We get into the tent to find two men sitting in front of a map, one of them is a white haired man with hair black as soot, he has a magnificent cloak of green and orange feathers on his back, along with a lords ransom in gold arm rings. The other is a jug eared man with a big nose and a crooked jaw, in addition to the golden armor and the gold rings, he also has a black heart with golden wings embellezoned on his armor.

"Harry ! Did those money grubbers finally pay .... up ? Vyren Jentys ! It is good to see you !" Says the jug eared man.

"Toyne ! You called, I came. Baraq." Replies Vyren as he nods towards the other guy, recieving a nod in exchange.

"That's good news, that's great news ! Sit sit, and is this the little guy that's finally making you settle down for once ? He's very tall for his age."

"His mother was Lengii." Replies Vyren.

"Oh... That explains the eyes." Responds Myles, knowing Vyren's circumstances.

"I also come with good news, we're getting paid tomorrow ! The Magisters finally croaked." Interjects Harry to lighten the mood.

"Then it's my lucky day ! Such good news deserve a toast ! Cheers !" Myles then downs a drink from his cup.

"Have some ! This is the finest Tyroshi pear brandy, taken right from the stores of our felled enemies !"

Vyren politely accepts the cup and takes a few, reserved sips. We sit around the table, while Harry pours himself a cup.

"So what's next now, did we get any recent offers ?" Asks Harry.

"Yes, two actually, ironically, Tyrosh is offering a prolonged contract of 5 years until they replenish their Unsullied forces. And Qohor is offering a contract to go against a small Dothraki Horde."

"Who is paying more ?" Asks Harry.

"Of course you'd ask about money, Tyrosh is paying us the equivalent of 1 000 000 honors every year, while Qohor is willing to offer the equivalent of 2 000 000 honors."

"Hmm... Moving through land is cheaper than using ships. Going to Tyrosh is going to cost us roughly 750 000 honors, while the trip to Qohor is going to cost marginally less depending on the amount of raids and bandits we'll come across, even though the distance to Qohor is way longuer than to Tyrosh." Replies Harry while ignoring the snide comment.

"We also had a lot more new recruits lately, Qohor might be better suited to bloody them." Says the dark skinned Baraq.

"Hmm, you both make good points, but a pronlonged contract may be safer, we don't know if any of the free cities will be waging war these coming years, so we may have to take this opportunity."

"That may not be an issue, my connections at Qohor informed me before coming here of the growing influence of the tigers in Volantis. With the backing of Slaver's Bay, they will definitely make a play for the Disputed Lands, something that Braavos will definitel contest. There will be many contracts coming for you then." Interjects Vyren.

"Is that information trustworthy ?" Says Harry.

"It is, that informant is part of the Sealord's spy network, I used to trade information with him when I first started traveling."

"Then we head to Qohor, Harry and Baraq make the necessary preparations, Vyren, a guard is going to lead you to your quarters, tomorrow you begin as the Companies Drill sergeant, you're in charge of the cavalry. Dismissed."

We follow a guard into a tent close to the center of the encampment where we put our luggage. I follow Vyren as he heads out to the the training fields to observe the soldiers. Where we find a rugged sergeant looking over rows of soldiers going through their maneuvers.

"Ser Brendel Byrne ! Long time no see, still giving the boys hell ?"

"If it isn't Vyren Jentys ! What are you doing here ?"

"Well this pipsqueak behind me is gonna need something stable, so I'm thinking of settling down here to take care of the kid. I was getting old anyways."

"Heh, you definitely look older. Captain-general Myles put you in charge of the cavalry ?"

"Aye, I came to see how they're doing, where are they anyways ?"

"Jon Mudd just put them through the wringer, don't worry friend, they're on good shape."

"I hope so, where is Lysono Maar ? I thought the company's spymaster must be present when the captain-general is discussing important matters ?"

"He went to Volantis, something about his spies there biting more than they can chew. He will probably come back sometime in the next month."

And as the two of them continue to chat, I observe the practice of the soldiers, using my Knowledge blessing to retain any useful information about fighting.


*7 years later.*

A 5 feet tall boy with long black hair braided using small gold bells in the style of the dothraki, with a comically long spear hanging on his back, is sitting in a chair next to a group of practicing cavalry men, a stern Braavosi old man overlooking their training.

His eyes hidden behind a huge book, his reading is interrupted by a 16 year old knight wearing golden armor.

"Hey Kaiser, you really should stop reading those dusty books. Your time is better spent in the training fields, where real men are."

"I'm afraid if I spend any more time training I'll start embarassing the old veterans instead of you, and they'll hate that, won't they ?" Replies Kaiser while nonchalantly turning another page in his book.

"Oh! You break my heart !" Replies the man in mock hurt.

"I'm just saying that you're wasting your potential, you could be doing so much more instead of spending your time amongst your dusty old scrolls."

"No. I really don't." He replies, flipping another page.

"Ugh.. Why do I bother, I didn't come for this anyways, get up, the captain-general is asking for you."

Kaiser lifts his eyes out of his book, finally revealing almost glowing golden eyes that momentarily startles the knight, again.

"Really, what for ?"

"How would I know ?"


Kaiser closes the book, attaching it to a metal clasp linked to his leather belt, heading towards the big golden tent surrounded by golden skulls. With the only sign that he's walking being the tinkling bells attached to his hair.