
ASOIAF : The Freedom Empire.

Attention! : Even though this isn't the God gives 3 wishes Stark/North wank fanfic, it is pretty d*mn close. My Naruto fan fiction is me trying to not make the MC too overpowered, this is the total opposite. I'm using this fanfic to just express all the cringe, wish-fulfillment fantasy ideas that I'm suppressing in my other fiction. Actual Synopsis : Guess what ? Turns out that earth is the farming place for Otherworldly Gods ! Since our world is like a leaking faucet of souls, Gods can send in stray souls with ideas about other worlds that they can put into writing (I see you George R.R Martin, you outsider !), and any soul that leaks out who happens to also be a fan of those worlds gets to go to one of its iterations to "Spread the word of God !", or a god at least. And gets to be blessed with some outrageous powers. So follow me, Kaiser Jentys, into an adventure of magic, kingdoms, war, and politics, never forget the politics.

PrinceOfNilfheim · Derivasi dari karya
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7 Chs

Death and Meeting.

"Urgh, is that a hangover ? I don't even drink !"

"Wait, what the F$CK ! Where am I ? Am I blind ?" I exclaim, finding myself standing in a pitch black room.

"I can see my hands, so I'm not blind. But how ? There's no light ? No horizon either."

"Am I dreaming ?"*SLAP*"Ouch ! Yep, not dreaming."

"Alright, Alright, deep breaths, deep breaths, *Inhale**Exhale**Inhale**Exhale* *Inhale**Exhale* that's better. I should think, think, where was I ?"

"The last thing I remember is going to get groceries, I got caught up with some friends, and then I was crossing the train track when I heard... honks, I heard train honks. F*ck, am I dead ? Did I die ?! F*ck F*ck F*ck, I'm dead aren't I ?"


I start breathing heavily, feeling tightness in my chest. When I suddenly realize that there's no air, which only made me breathe harder.

My panic attack is interrupted by a beautiful burst of light. Several Shapes materialize in front of me, some of them are humanoid, others shaped like animals, some are just a kaleidoscope of colors, one of them even looks like 'Darkness', even in this pitch black place.

"I found one first ! He's mine !"

"You're the Goddess of Vision ! Of course you'll find one first, you always do ! No, he's mine, my champion in the middle-earth iteration just got offed halfway through his work ! He's mine !"

"No way in hell ! I need someone for my Azeroth iteration, don't you dare touch him !"

"What about me ! My Warhammer world is still empty !"

"Shut up !"x64

"Ok.... :'("

"Stop." Sounds a majestic voice from an aurora of golden light.

"He's mine, if you didn't pay enough attention he's clearly a huge fan of Oros, I called dibs on that one since I got the rights to the Canon iteration." It continues

"Yes, but-" Sounds another voice.

"No buts, You all got a champion before me, I have dibs."

"Alright, alright"

"Damn, another one lost."

"Have it your way, stingy b*stard."

They reply as they disappear one by one, only leaving the golden aurora left, it moves, giving the impression of turning towards me.

"Hello, little one."

"Hello ?! I'm- Who - What's happening ?!"

"You know what is happening child, you died."

"I- I did ? *Gulp* But- but how am I here ?"

"You see, all of us, as in the people that were here, are gods, powerful ones who managed to get out of our worlds, and you are here because you're a stray soul."

"What ?"

"Well, your world is what we call a low-investment world, as in because of your dominant specie's ability to make sure no one person or limited amount of people could hold dominance over the rest. Your world is a magic-less world with technology. So that means that your dominant species, humans in this case, just... lose interest in gods, since you find that you don't need them as a species in the first place. So most resident gods either leave, which they can't get powerful enough to do, or just die due to lack of faith.

The absence of gods in a world means that the souls that are usually either managed in an artificial afterlife or recycled into the world are without any guidance, which also means that you'll find a lot of cracks in their afterlife systems, making some stray souls able to get out. With me so far ?"

"Yeeess ?"

"Ok, so since we can't use these worlds to produce faith for us, us outsider gods use them for another reason. You see, leaving a world as a god means that you can no longer affect the inside directly, which also means that you can't guide your believers into maintaining your religion. However, it also means that we can access countless other worlds, which makes us exponentially more powerful, the problem is how to access those worlds, and gather believers. So we devised a system."

"A system ?"

"Yeah, a system as in a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method, not that stuff you see in fan fictions."


"I digress, the solution to our problem was that we used the cracks in low-investment worlds without gods to send knowledge of other worlds as inspiration for stories, books, games, paintings, and all sort of things. Some of these stories, books, games etc... get popular enough that we get stray souls that have previous knowledge of them, and we then proceed to pump those souls with enough of our divine power that we make native gods look like babies, then send them to these worlds with outrageous abilities that allow them to wow the people there into believing in us. Each one of us has methods to make sure that their belief stays strong even after our champions death, with mine being making my blessing hereditary through a blood bound object or something, but it's no matter. As, like you can see, I want you to become my champion."

"Wait, so let me get this straight, you're offering to give me powers ?"


"Into a world that I've read, watched, or saw for entertainment ?"


"And I'm going to get reincarnated there ?"

"You have to be integrated into the world's soul cycle, so yep."

"And I get to keep my memories ?"


"Oh sh*t, I'm in a sh*tty fan fiction, aren't I ? There's a 14-year-old horny kid behind a screen writing this, isn't it ? So what now ? Do I get to choose 5 wishes ? Do you turn into a big booby girl after I leave, talking about a premonition about my godly lineage ? Oh god, I have to have a system, aren't I ? I don't want a system ! I'm not accepting a system ! I'll just off myself as soon as I get there if I get one ! You hear me ?! You horny f*cking teenager."

"Ooof, calm down, first, yeah you're probably in a sh*tty fan fiction, there are no wishes, You will get customized abilities according to my domains, I don't have a gender and the only thing special about you is that you're a stray, and systems are stupid. Alright ?"

"Really ?"

"Really, now let's talk powers."

"You said domains ? As in Zeus is god of lightning and stuff ?"

"Yeah, each god has a domain or domains that he gets characterized with, the more interpretations you get, the more domains you have. I per example am a god of Freedom, Heaven and Earth, Innovation, Crafting, Growth, and Knowledge. So whatever Powers/Traits you're getting are going to be related to them."

"Oh, that's interesting, so what now ?"

"Now, we brainstorm, this is but a projection of mine made to communicate with non-godly beings, I have billions of them, they can channel a huge amount of my divinity but they have only as much processing speed as a very, very smart human, so we discuss what powers we get you from my domains, then we send you to where you're going."

"Oh, so the other you's are having similar conversations with other strays ? That's... Efficient. Anyway, which world am I going to."

"Yes, you're going to Oros, the world of the unfinished book series known as A Song of Ice and Fire."

"Oh... Oh ! So it was called Oros ! That's logical, Weste(ros) for the west continent, Ess(os) for the east continent, Sorothy(ros) for the south etc... Means that the world is Oros in the Old Tongue ! I always wondered if-"

"Hey ! Focus."

"Sorry, sorry, so what now ?"

"Powers, Freedom is reserved for the usual, obviously."

"The usual ?"

"I will use my domain of Freedom to give you the ability to move freely, without the obstruction of other gods, so when those native hicks try to mess with you, they won't be able to do it directly, they also won't be able to order their believers into going against you directly, they either have to do it without instructions from their gods, or the gods have to be really, really vague in their instructions."

"Oh, that's neat, what about your Heaven and Earth domain ? There can't be much you can give from that right ?"

"Actually I was thinking this could be the linchpin of your 'build' so to say."

"How ?"

"Are you familiar with the cartoon Avatar ?"

"Oh, you mean element bending ?"

"Yeah, Earth and Wind, but without all the martial gestures, just your mind."

"That's cool, but how powerful can it be ?"

"Well, unless we add anything else it will be fixed, and nothing too fancy, so no army destroying typhoons or building intricate castles with your powers. Next is Innovation, what are you thinking ?"

"How about boosting my intelligence ? I'll need it if I'm to deal with the politics, right ?"

"Alright, an intelligence boost, crafting is also going to be the usual."

"The hereditary thing right ?"

"Yes, an initially soul-bound object that will have the power to make your powers hereditary to your children, the brunt of its powers however will be reserved to its ability to boost fertility and cure any genetic problems with you, ensuring healthy kids without danger of genetic malformation, along with the ability to give the wielders children different degrees of your powers according to their competence, which means no incompetent heirs, plus your children will always share your features, kind of like baratheon blood, so no cuckolding for your family, unless with a brother or something."

"I'm noticing something, we're going for a theocracy, right ?"

"Yes, duh. In these high-investment worlds your descendants will become rulers even if they don't want to, so we might as well prepare to make a monarchy work, so we have to make sure that there will be no incompetent rulers from your bloodline, no crazy kings, no incompetent kings either, so the only way is to create a foolproof way of succession that makes sure that the legitimate successor is also the strongest and most qualified, with the fertility boost to make us get more choices."

"Huh, neat."

"Next is growth"

"Why don't we use this to make the other blessings jailbroken ? A kind of cap removal, make it the ability to turn any quality/ability of mine capable of growth through effort, as in the more I read, the more the intelligence boost is bigger, and the more I use my bending the better it gets."

"You know what, that's a good idea, Let's do it. Now we have Knowledge left."

"About that, there's a lot of lost magical civilisations in ASOIAF right ?"

"Yes ?"

"Like a lot of magical artifacts, buildings, where the methods to make them are either lost or very inconvenient, right ?"

"Yeah, like valyrian steel, what's your point ?"

"So, can you make my Knowledge blessing like a very nerfed Library of Heavens path ? And instead of a library along with the bullsh*t golden book, we just make it so that I understand how things work/are made as I see them ? Who knows, maybe I'll be able to figure out a safe way to mass produce valyrian steel ? Or how to tame dragons ? It will also help with martial training since people there value that so much. And what if someone in the future figures out a new brand of undead that no one knows what works against it ? It'll also be very useful for-"

"Alright, alright ! I was going to say ok from the start, no reason to talk too much like that. Usually this sort of blessing is very minor even with the huge amount of divine energy I'm blessing you with, but the growth one can circumvent that weakness, and it'll get even stronger just by you SEEING stuff ! You may have just come up with TWO more usuals, the last time it happened was a billion years ago, congratulations. You stumped the combined intelligence of a billion very smart humans, although it's the same human, with the same ideas, so it's basically the same as one very smart human, but I digress. Next we will talk about your background, and your soulbound object."

"Alright, so for the object, a crown should be appropriate, right ? Whoever holds the crown is king as decreed by the God of Freedom, or something like that."

"Yeah, symbolism is very important in the ASOIAF world, things like the Iron Throne, the Titan of Bravos, the Black Wall of Volantis, and the different humongous Castles, tend to give a lot of legitimacy for those parties. So a crown, how should we make it ?"

"It must be exotic, really recognizable and very hard to replicate, so maybe an added effect ? Hey, you know the God of Highschool Manhwa ?"

"Yeah, what about it ?"

"What about the floating crown of the monkey king ? Made from diamond, that's sufficiently exotic and recognizable, plus the floating effect should be almost impossible to replicate, right ?"

"I can do that. What about your reincarnation ? I can change the time and place of your reincarnation enough that we can choose whatever."

"The goal is to make something different than the Valyrian empire, you being the god of freedom and all means you hate slavery right ?"

"Yep, hate it."

"So sometimes before Daenerys comes along with her unsullied stunt, I want to steal that, what's more appropriate than the Champion of the God of Freedom freeing the slaves of the lynchpin of slaves ? But no Valyrian looks, we don't want to associate our powers with our valyrian ancestry, that will stop people from believing that it's a blessing from god, too bad for the dragons though."

"Nah, the dragon taming part is a blessing from the fourteen flames, that changed to Rhllo'r after he absorbed their divinities via Doom, so even if you're valyrian the moment that flaming turkey realizes you're blessed by someone else, which is going to be the moment you're born, he's going to rescind that blessing, he may even curse your parents."

"That's morbid. So we want to evade religious parents because of the cursing them thing, I'm also thinking that we could choose something with unique traits, something that can distinguish my bloodline with others, like the valyrians with white hair and violet eyes, or the lannisters with blonde hair and green eyes, the tully's with red hair etc..."

"So no religious parents, and special features, with years before Dany gets born so that you could pull a freedom movement, that's it ?"

"Wait, maybe no siblings ? Since they'll probably won't share my powers, they'll get targeted/jealous, I don't want to deal with that."

"Alright, so I've got 4 candidates for you, you wanna choose ?"


"So there's an originally stillborn kid in Mantarys, his parents were an experiment by their resident mad scientists, special features : hyuuga eyes without the benefits, and blue hair. But his body is kinda constantly ill so you'll either have to deal with that or cure it."

"Nah, pass."

"Alright, there's this kid beyond the wall, half-giant half-human, so blue skin, bald head, and black eyes, he dies during the pregnancy originally but you'll survive, kinda dumb due to lineage, which means your Innovation blessing is going to get weakened, and allergic to meat, so only veggies for you."

"Yuck, pass."

"These two last ones are kinda decent, one summerlander orphan, usually dies at birth with a stuck cord, which ironically also kills the mother, absent parent due to mother being a priest-hooker, normal physical capabilities, unique traits are white hair and red eyes, he's born albino, but the crown can make the features hereditary, he's also not sensitive to the sun or anything."

"Too close to a valyrian so no, what about the last one ?"

"I think you'll choose this one, the father is a Dothraki bloodrider who kills himself at his Khals funeral 2 months after having sex with a Lengii slave that they captured. Said Lengii slave gets gifted to Qarth after the winning Khalasar realizes she's pregnant, where she dies at childbirth, the child dies originally from a cold at 3 years old after getting picked up by a traveling sellsword who used to love a Lengii woman too, unique qualities are peak physicality, you'll end up really tall, like 6'3~4 inches, you get little from your father, just the silky smooth pitch black hair and the white scelra, so you'll have dark olive skin, and the golden almost glowing golden pupils. practically perfect."

"Yeah, let's go with that"

"Alright, you'll be dropped at the original moment of death, so at 3 years old, you will have all your blessings, the crown is sumonnable, so you just have to will it and it will materialize on your forehead. Good luck."

A string of golden light envelops me, I feel some sort of energizing feeling flowing through me, before I fall unconscious.