
(1)the lake

the dream starts wth (me?) metting a girl we get along, we talk we laugh then i bring her along to a lake we go and paddle away from the dock in an incredibly unstable boat, after paying the owner of the renting place thingy, we talk a lot about (science of the sea?) we go back then we dock at the dock and we leave

next morning i go back to the lake to sea a very pissed young lady the owner of the boat renting place i ask her about it she tells me two idiots dint attached the boats after coming back yesterday night, i knowing full well i am said idiot helps her get the boat back i jumpin the water and swim to the boat somehow get in and starts paddleing then i fall out of the incredibly unstable boat twice but i manage tobring it back she thanks me and i apologize will telling her it was my fault anyway

later me and my familly go to the dock to (have fun?) i go to see the owner but i over hearsomething about murder and a boat, i then notice the disfigured body of the owner on the dock on floor trew the window said boat arrives at the dock with a very very large man in it, with a turtle head as his head he comes out and after seeing me (chases me) i run and turn the corner will screaming call the police around 7 to 10 time my mom frighten ask whats wrong.

then it cuts to me being safe serching up the event of what happened and who they were the turtle man was know as Tyler13 me and my mom talk about the event and i visit a house inside a tree,

the dream ends here, a lot more things happened that i cannot remembered