
Asheva: Dreamseekers - [A Monster Tamer Progression LitRPG] 

A curse for some, a blessing for others, such is the truth of eternity. Ewan is left all alone to deal with his tragedy when his father passes away. Scarred, bruised, and smeared in cynicism, he loses all hope and only lives for the promise to his Pa. But before his all-important eighteenth birthday, he finds new information on the Ashevas that makes him dream again. Because its path promises him an eternal life. And of its ever-growing branches, Ewan embraces the Severynth—the Summoner. Yet the road ahead is full of thorns, and he is not the only one with ambitions. Join Ewan in the world of high fantasy as he calculates his steps and threads through setbacks, the first of which is getting an Astylind. After all, what is a summoner without his beasts… ---------------------------------- Release rate: Current release rate is 1ch/day. If you're all caught up, you can read the early access chapters on Patreon [40chs--Volume 1 is complete on patreon]: https://www.patreon.com/aleth P.S: The genres and the tags have most of the information you might need about the novel, please check them out. But other than that, there are still some details that tags don't show, so I'll add them here. --Narration style is third person limited with minor POV changes to explore the plot [Change is marked by the character's name]. --Story will have status panel, but they'll start after some chapters. --Protagonist is native to the fantasy world, this book is not a transmigration, reincarnation, isekai, etc. story. --Pet beasts are a major part of this book. --Romance will be OTP type [One true pairing] [No Harem]. --Protagonist will be a Beast Summoner/Tamer and pure Spellcaster type [Elementalist]. --There will be character growth and change, the book will have a realistic tone and approach. --This will be a slow paced story, things will develop little by little, with a good amount of details. P.P.S: If you want to join my discord, here's the link -- https://discord.gg/w2e25FtZgp P.P.P.S: The book cover is from Wong40k.

Aleth · Fantasi
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55 Chs

Chapter-33 Heal

The pot of blood boiled on the stovetop as Ewan muddled it with a glass stirrer and added the ingredients one by one. The liquid darkened and thickened by the minute; the ingredients melted away. Once it dripped like a syrup, he switched off the stovetop and put the pot aside in an ice bath to cool down.

Iris lodged on his head, using his hair as her bed and her blanket, her bud swaying in a rhythm. Her consciousness was far too frail and primitive to understand what Ewan was doing. He only sensed her fondness and her reluctance to leave his hair, which intensified when he told her to jump in the now cooled down pot. But she still followed through and slipped in.

The viscous liquid bubbled, and he felt her getting drowsy. She swayed for a bit more and fell silent a minute later. There was nothing Ewan could do to help, everything depended on her from this point on.

He leaned on the kitchen countertop, his arms crossed, his feet tapping the floor at short intervals. The second hand of the clock couldn't move any slower. He checked up on Iris again, but still no response. His tapping sped up; the wait was killing him.

Finally, a twitch of her bud put him out of his misery. But soon he lowered his head and sighed. The attempt was a failure.



Vin leaned on the cracked pillar of his porch, facing the untended overgrown garden bathing in the moonlight. Chips of peeling blue paint stained his white t-shirt, but he only focused on the phone call.

"Hello, Kole?"

"Yeah bro, what's up."

"About what we talked before…," Vin said.


"Do you…trust them?"

"Trust is a heavy word, Vin. Business, call it business."

"Yes, it's all business with you," Vin said while massaging his nose bridge.

"What happened? They didn't give you any work?" Kole asked.

"…They did."

"Is it…shady?"

Vin stared at the pebbles in the garden, his eyes wavering.

"That much shady?" Kole asked.

"Do you have any other recommendation?" Vin asked.

"Sorry bro. That was the only one I had right now. If you wait a few months, I can try and get you some legitimate work."

Vin sighed. "We can't manage that long," he said. And the call quietened; the slight static rang aloud. "I'm not asking you for money, don't worry."

"You also know how Treva is. She'll throw me out on the road if she finds out I lent someone money," Kole said.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I just wanted to know if you knew anything about these guys," Vin said.

"What do you wanna know?" Kole asked.

"Who are these guys? They seemed a bit off when we met… Will they bail on the payment?" Teal still hadn't received her Astylind, things weren't looking good for them. They needed this money; they needed the Sols.

"Hierarchy, Vin, hierarchy. 'Do as you're told' like that lame Lex used to say. Don't dig too deep into this. And they'll pay you, don't fret. They won't be able to float in our market if they fuck with you, I'll make sure of that."

"I just have a bad feeling about this, Kole."

"One of your premonitions again? C'mon bro, you never got it right," Kole said, laughing.

"It's different this time," Vin said.

"That's what you said last time. Listen, don't be nervous, you'll mess up like that. Relax and just think of the Sols you'll earn."

"I'll try to. But just in case something does happen, can you look after Teal for me? You don't need to do much, just check up on her from time to time, see if she's eating well and stuff," Vin said.

"Sure. Hey, if you die, I'll leave Treva and marry your sister." Kole chuckled, and a deafening bang echoed on the phone, buzzing the static; Kole's deathly screams followed soon.

"who will you leave!!" A woman yelled in the back.

"Ah!! Treva! Not the knife!!" Kole shrieked. "It can cut me, woman!!"

Vin hung up and looked at the moons, mourning for his friend in silence. "It'll be fine…I'll be fine," he murmured and tiptoed back inside the house, hoping the creaking gate wouldn't announce his entry. His sister slept like a bird…



In the kitchen.

The second upgrade attempt ended with Ewan's grin. Iris's bud had darkened, it moved towards a dull dark red. Her size remained the same, but her roots could extend longer now and were more effective in absorbing blood. Most of all, she gained a skill. Heal—the <Identify > spell appraised it as.

[Astylind Name: Blood Lotus]

[Astylind Level: Level-1]

[Astylind Grade: Grade-C]

[Anima Affinity: Blood]

[Skills: Blood-Recipient | Heal]

[Gender: Female]

[Description: Extinct natives of Sepra. They had decent affinity with Blood-Anima (Recipient) but lacked the means to protect themselves. Delicate and feeble. They lost the battle of natural selection.]

[Grade-Exalt Requirements: Astylind Core (Blood), Bloodwood, Astylind Blood, Blood Rust.]

[Remark 1: Can be used as an ingredient for potions. Useless otherwise.]

[Remark 2: Decent choice for a healing type Astylind. But lack strong evolution branches.]

[Remark 3: I don't like them. They're nasty~]

[Remark 4: Special evolution path found. Focus should be on its grade.]

Ewan used a kitchen knife and sliced his palm.

"Heal it," he said. Her bud shook and swayed. Blood red particles gathered around her and followed her root which she pointed at Ewan's cut. After a blood tint, his cut shrank and finally closed, only leaving the traces of blood which he licked clean. Though not overwhelming, the effect of her skill left him with a smile. With her, he had a healer now. That was one aspect he wanted to tick off on his list no matter what before going outside the walls.


Status: Healthy

Step-0 [2nd Awakening]

Name: Ewan Ayres

Species: Human

Vitality: 1.3

Spirit: 3.5

Anima: [Fire – 3.5 | Ice – 3.5 | Blood – 3.5]

Astylinds: 4 [Potential: 0]

:Rolling Cat [Toast]: Step-0 [2nd Awakening]

:Fire Monkey [Orange]: Step-0 [Level-1] [Grade-D]

:Imp [Frost]: Step-0 [Level-1] [Grade-D]

:Blood Lotus [Iris]: Step-0 [Level-1] [Grade-C]

Equipment: Common Clothes.

Storage: Journal; Elementalist—The Path of Anima [Subtype-Book]; Spellbook; Bloodlust [Spell]; Transmute [Spell]; Anima-Crystals; Obsidian Dagger; Hub-Connector; Ingredients.

Novas: 72

Sol: 32

Please rate, comment, and leave a review if you are liking the story and haven't done so already. It will really help me out if you can take some time out for this [shamelessly hoping for a 5 star].

Also, if you would like to read ahead, I have a patreon account, a total of 36 chs for early access right now [will increase in a few days].

Note: Members are charged on the day they join, and then monthly on that same date. For example, if you join on the 10th, you'll be charged on that day, and then monthly on the 10th.

Thanks for reading my story as always. Appreciate it.

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