
Ashes Rise

attention! Ashes rise will be going live in the next 24 hours what?

Seji_Sinner · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 2 Oh God puberty again?

Nick wake up, wake up. I open my eyes to see my sister on my lap jumping up and down trying to wake me up, I grab her and hug her, I was just dying narrating my life to the abyss why is she here and why is she so small.

"Hey, get off me, and what is that poking me brother we are going to be late mom and dad are already at work, get up"

oh man, I have morning wood. That's awkward as hell as I let her go ahead. I tell her i'll be down in a minute.

-okay Ill be waiting, "she says as she leaves the room."

I'm so confused. I was just dying. My status was showing my lifepoints draining, and now I was just in bed with my younger sister with a massive little brother?

I take my phone off the table. I haven't seen a phone in ages I turn it on, and it all becomes clear the date is 01/04/2200 ten years ago. maybe the gods do have pity, I think, as I sit down and put my face in my hands.

it's a few days until the launch of the game, I need to get some stuff in order and prepare properly this time... as I'm thinking about my starting stats i will receive in a few days, a translucent window pops up in front of me

Name: Nick Cage

Class: None

race: human


body condition: pubescent teen

str: 1

dex: 1

stm: 1

end: 1

int: 20

vit: 10

system comments: a typical male teen with a bit more intelligence. pretty terrible for a reincarnator.

what the fuck... well I see that I have my system and it has confirmed that i've been brought back so that's fun. well I figured that much anyways so lets get things rolling, I get dressed and head down stairs and i see my sister being impatient as i head for the door.

alright lets go

"-finally we are going to be late."

Lin calm down your acting like its the first day of school, we will be okay as we walk to school I start to think about the last ten years and everything that happened, Ill definitely be able to change things this time. but why was I brought back and why do I feel like this is a trick...

as we get to school me and my sister part ways, I'll see you after school.

"-okay Ill wait by the school gate"

As I start walking away someone tackles me from behind me.


I turn around and I see someone from the past. It's kevin the last time I saw him was the fall.

"-you ready for history. Your crush will be sitting next to you."

dude chill out its not that serious, as we walk to class i see her and man lets just say I don't like being a teen, her name is Megan she is by far the prettiest girl in this school and those short shorts are not making this teen thing any better. I cough as a growing tightness in my pants starts, and I put my hands in my pocket and adjust as I walk into the class and sit at my seat.

as I sit down, I hear someone say hello, I look over, and Megan is smiling right at me

hiii... Goddammit these teen hormones...

just as I start to say something the teacher walks in.

"-settle down class, today we will be doing some group projects, so get into a group of three.

"-would you like to partner with me? says Megan.

and as I say yeah I hear two other voices that say yes and then some laughter... turns out she was not asking me... my face burns red and I pretend to yawn like I didn't say anything.

"-the pervert thought you were talking about him how cute"

and there it is a voice I'd rather forget, her name is Victoria and in the future she is the leader of one of the major sects...

I personally thought there would be guilds in the future or at least that's what we would call them but most people were fans of Eastern novels so we coined a lot of different things...

I look at her, you can stop at anytime Victoria, It was a mistake on my part, my bad.

"-mom as if you'd ever have the chance, you look like you just came out of a trailer park and your first name should be Chad."

okay big tits, I know your brain is all small from all the acetone you be using on your nails but you keep talking to me like that and we are going to have a problem.

I hear gasps all around the classroom.

"-okay you two settle down and see me after class" we have much to go over so lets get into groups already.

"-this is not over" hmmmph Victoria walks away

yeah what ever you say I roll my eyes, and the drift down to her ass as she's walking away.

8/10 I think to myself...