

It’s a new Dark Age for the dead. When the Second Inquisition's vampire hunters hacked phone lines and computer networks to expose and destroy vampires all over the world, the elders turned to undead couriers like you. For ten years, you’ve raced across the desert between cities, delivering vital information and supplies. But when an old friend reappears with a plan to disrupt the blood trade across the American Southwest, everything you’ve built starts crashing down. Outrun the Competition. Drive, hide, or fight back! Unleash the powers of your blood in ancient Disciplines to change form, vanish from sight, or dominate the minds of your enemies. Employ blood magic, inhuman strength, and the creatures of the night to escape destruction—or just run your enemies off the road and keep driving.

Senhor_do_gamer · Sejarah
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19 Chs


You shrugged and did what had to be done. The moment you understood what you had become, you knew that you would have to make certain sacrifices in order to maintain your undead existence. Like Julian, you eschewed pointless cruelty, struggled to control the Beast within you, but unlike Julian, you tried not to lie to yourself.

So, that night, you checked your position on the Garmin one last time, dropped off the water, and got back in Julian's Geo Tracker. A few months later, Julian got his money, though you never learned how. Something to do with venture capital interested in the software he was developing? Anyway, one night he just disappeared, leaving you with the Geo Tracker, a stack of CDs with file names written on them in blue Sharpie, and instructions to deliver them to an industrial park in Austin. You looked up his new company, 2100X, which was apparently located in Denver. But you could never find an address or a contact number. And that's been your life ever since.