
Asd: A Werelion's Journey To Arcane Supremacy

In a world where being a Were meant being a slave, the last Werelion Asd just gained his freedom after being a slave for all seventeen years of his life. He decides he would use his new found freedom to study and master the one thing that led to his people's defeat and downfall..... Magic. But this is easier said than done as magic is fickle and the society he lives in would not be willing to see him as anything other than a slave and animal beneath the heels of civilization. with his freedom gained all he hopes for is a chance to have a better life for himself and what's left of the Were/Beast people race, and power to be with the one he loves. But as he will soon come to find out, the universe has a grander destiny in store than the path he has chosen for himself. and it is a destiny that would set him up against kingdoms and empires, Gods and emperors, darkness and light, vampires and dragons and even hell itself until he stands at the peak of it all..... King of his own domain. Image does not belong to me. however why does belongs to me is a discord channel where we can discuss and bounce ideas about this novel, as you readers can give your input and help me to improve. https://discord.gg/tWSG5XN

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195 Chs


Asd woke up from a short nap by the presence in front of him, for a moment he wasn't exactly sure where he was until he noticed Professor Hogrin in front of him. There was an accusatory glance in his eyes, but at the same time Asd noticed they looked tired, very tired. But Asd held himself back, there were so many questions he wanted to ask but, he wasn't exactly sure how to go about it, and that was mainly because he was scared, but not for himself; he was scared for her.

"You can rest assured that she is still alive and recovering slowly. Though unfortunately it would take a bit of time for her to be back on her feet." Asd let out a deep breath, one that he never knew he was holding, but just as that weight left his chest another one sank in.

"Did I- did I?" try as he may Asd couldn't let the words flow out of his mouth, but Hogrin didn't have any of those restraints.

"Did you what? Attack her? Well certainly more than half the academy including a few of the faculties think so. And given how you don't remember it seems the affection you share for her is something that your Werelion also shares. So no Asd Elmalk Leo, you did not attack the daughter of the viscount. Though you might as well have been the one responsible as she almost lost her life because of what you did." Hogrin said as he stood on the other side of the small pond, looking at Asd with a leveled gaze.

"What did I do?" Asd asked, completely shocked, caught off guard and scared. It could be anything, but to be responsible for the ill health of the woman he loves was something he didn't think he would be able to live with.

"The Dean's granddaughter has been able to recover from her burns. And even though it was an accident you have made quite a few enemies. She lured Lady Rhea Ramses out of the female's dorm and out into the enclosure where the beast people slaves are kept."

"But it's a full moon!" Asd called out in abject horror.

"Indeed it is young Asd, and that was why she was lured out in the first place. This has caused quite a bit of political tension between the academy and the viscount. The young mistress is being punished and quite severely too, but in order to avoid going to war, you will be taking the blame. But in the end it is your intervention that enabled the survival of lady Rhea. You love for her as stupid and misguided as it is has saved the academy from a major political situation and saved the life of a noble.

The young miss is also being confined and punished severely, but her name would be out of the mouth or minds of anyone as the real culprit, instead the story circulating around Is that your presence, being the only Werelion around has caused the rest of the weres to go crazy and drove them into a frenzy. So in retrospect you are still being confined and would probably be sidelined from a lot of opportunities and activities in the academy, all you can do now is just study till you graduate and find your way out in the world as you have been blacklisted from servitude to any noble house, and would not be accepted by any mage organizations for further study and improvement of your magic.

The weres that had gotten loose have all been executed publicly to make a statement and too as the story goes, remove them from your influence. You have no other part forward but the academy, as no other power will accept you due to this incident. So study, you should pick your next spell from the bundle you have been given and study. Professor Chelsea would be here three times a week to train you in combat. Until then, like every other mage before you, study hard, get your seven phase meditation, become a tier 1 mage and start learning new spells, powerful spells. Then we can talk about what you'll would be doing with your future."

With that said Professor Hogrin seemed to turn into pillar of water and then disappeared with a few splashes touching on Asd's skin. There was a lot to think about, there really was no way forward for him. Without graduating and a proper recommendation from the academy, he would be nothing more than cannon fodder if he does decide to join the army after his graduation. There were no noble houses that would take him on as a family mage or retainer, and neither would there be any mage towers or colleges that would do so too now.

It was all too convenient if he had something to say about this. The granddaughter of the dean has already proven herself to be a spoilt and evil brat when she had proceeded to stab a sword into Asd's chest while he was completing his spell module. But the ensuing results of her trying to get back at him ended up with him being trapped and completely tethered to the bloody academy. He wished he was conscious throughout the night, he wished he could remember, maybe then he would be able to understand just what really happened. But that path was closed to him, the only thing he could do now was get stronger and hope he would once again have that feeling he felt when he was in front of the academy, the feeling of being in control of his own destiny.

Asd got up from where he was sitting and walked over to a basket filled to the brim with books. A lot of things had already been provided for him before he got here, so it was about time he got back to studying. There was a lot of expectations for him from the academy, so much so that his path of advancement has already been planned out by then. But he was a Werelion and there was no way he would bow his head and let them fully have control of his life, and the first step to doing that would be to choose his own spells and master them. not what the academy has suggested and would probably have a counter for should he choose to go rogue.

With the fire spell [spark] down as a level 0 spell, the next thing on the agenda would be earth. And even though they said he was a rainbow mage he refused to do what they asked him to do. Asd had thought long and hard about it. 7 spells per circle, and there were seven elements. All three of his attributes were mutated, making them more unique than other attributes, and his Solar/Starfire attribute was even more fierce than the base fire element. Rather than spread himself thin he would play to his strengths.

A rainbow seven phase meditation method was a good and all, but he didn't think it would as strong and focused as what he could build with his current attributes. They would be more focused and stronger rather than spread all over the place. Besides from what he could see, almost if not all of the rainbow mages before him had chosen to take the route of mastering all 7 elements. But if he had to be honest Asd didn't think they succeeded in that. he was going to do something crazy, and it just might be what would save him from being forever trapped in servitude to the academy.

Because the way politics works is that there is definitely someone above another, and the more powerful you are, the more valuable and much of a threat you can become. And if there's one thing this bloody empire loves…. it's it powerful tools and pawns, so there was still a chance to be free, or at the very least to survive to a point where he is not completely shackled. He just had to find a way to be the brightest star in the sky, to be the sun the whole world looked up to. It was a lofty goal, and the first thing he needed to get there was...the unshakable and timeless power of earth.

thanks so much for reading guys. please do leave your comments and reviews and suggestions. thanks for reading and god bless you all.

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