
Chapter 1 - Anger

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Sunday, June 22, 1997

Harry had just woken up early this morning in 5th year Gryffindor floor. He wanted to finish the last of his packing and take one more walk around the lake before taking the train to Hogsmeade with the rest of his friends. According to Dumbledore, he had to go back to the Dursleys to strengthen the ancient blood magic that his mother had given him on that fateful Halloween night.

Although he understood why he had to go there, he sure as hell was not looking forward to it. Since the events at the department of mysteries, he had been grieving for the loss of his Godfather Sirius Black. Every time he though of those events he thought that his heart would explode and never be whole again.

On that night he had lost the only person, he truly considered family. Every time he thought of Sirius and all of the injustices he had suffered, his blood began to boil. Sirius had been thrown in Azkaban without being given any trial. He then overcame 13 years of the worst hell that anybody could endure, and managed to escape to be with Harry.

Once he was freed, Sirius then had to stay on the run and endure, eating out of garbage dumps, and sleep in caves. He avoided the ministry mafia, and suffered all of these hardships so he could be close to his godson, and his reward for all of this love and devotion had been to meet his end behind the veil of death. To top it off, that insane bitch of a cousin had killed him.

'God, there just wasn't any justice in this fucking world,' he thought. That little voice in the back of his head told him to make his own justice.

He kept going over the events in his head to see how he could have done things different. He had first put all of the blame on himself, he thought that if he had somehow mastered occlumency or had used the mirror or had listened to Hermione, then the events at the DOM would not have happened. Sirius would be alive. But no, he had to rush where angels feared to tread. He had not listened, had not planned, or logically analyzed his vision. Due to his lack of planning Sirius paid the ultimate price. He had also gotten his best friends mixed up in the mess and some of them had been badly hurt because of it. Harry now thought more than ever how lucky they had been to go up against some of the worst known death eaters and still be alive to talk about it. Of course, Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix showing up in the nick of time had certainly kept events from getting any worse.

Thinking of Sirius again, fresh tears flowed down his cheeks. He had dreamed up so many plans in his head on how he and Sirius would live together and deep down he relished the thought that finally he had someone, a godfather who really seemed to look out for his interest and seemed to love him for who he was. He was James and Lily Potters son, not the bloody-boy-who-lived.

He felt that it was only a matter of time before Sirius would be cleared of the crimes against his parents. Hell, a proper trial is all it would take. He had wanted so much to go live with Sirius and finally be rid of the hateful Dursleys. They had never loved him and had treated him as their house slave since he was able to walk. Oh, how he wished that somehow his parents, hell anybody could have comeback and taken him away from those assholes. He remembered when he was 7; he would lie on his cot, crying himself to sleep in that damn cupboard. They had always excluded him from everything. They always favoured his cousin and sneered at him. They constantly called him Freak. He was always given less of everything. No Christmas toys, no birthday presents, less food, being made to do all of the chores, and given no love what so ever.

Just thinking about it brought him into a blinding rage!

Suddenly a whitish aura tainted with green surrounded Harry. Harry seemed to notice the magic emanating off of him, and immediately took deep calming breath to subdue and rescind his magic back into himself. Although no accidental magic occurred, his friends needless to say noticed the display and he could tell that they were apprehensive at the felt the need to get away from them and get himself to the train station. At the same time!

Ron and the rest of the 5th years suddenly heard the crackling of static electricity filling the air, as all of their hairs were suddenly standing on end, it felt like there was a 1000 ants crawling on their skin. They all looked at Harry and saw the aura of magic surrounding him, and they all felt fear in their hearts.

They could just feel the magic leaking out of Harry. Ron was thinking, what the hell has set him off again he wondered? Looking at the aura of magic surrounding Harry, Ron felt jealous. He has always known from the time he had first met Harry that he had the potential one day to become a very powerful wizard.

This little incident reminded him once more of the inadequacies between himself and Harry. Not to put it too bluntly but he was getting really tired of being second best to him. He had no doubt that Harry would be a more powerful wizard then himself and deep down that really irked him off. He realized that if he was to ever come into his own, he had to get away from under Harry's shadow. In the beginning, it had been really cool, to be around Harry, as his fame had helped him climb from under his brothers shadow to some extent, and he was grateful for that.

It just seemed that everything sensational happened to Harry. He had become the youngest seeker in 100 years. He had defeated Quirrel and Voldemort in their first year. He had slain a 60-foot basilisk in the chamber of secrets in their second year. In their fourth year, he had won the Triwizard championship. Yah granted he had not expected nor wanted any of these things to happen to him, but no matter what the end result was that he had become even more famous. These events had only increased the mystical aura concerning the boy-who-lived. Of course Hermione and he had a significant role to play where his successes were concerned but they never got the same fame or attention that he received.

This year Hermione and he had been asked to keep a close eye on Harry. They had sworn an oath to the order and Dumbledore himself that they would keep close to Harry and report any unusual behaviour or anything else they deemed worthy to him or the order. They had been given a special pass to his office and could drop in at anytime to forward information. That was the price to be paid to be included in some fashion in the Order of the Phoenix. He kind of liked the fact that they had trusted Hermione and him above Harry to be allowed early entry into the Order. They were asked to participate late last June.

They had been very careful around him, to not let on that they were keeping tabs on him. Dumbledore had his reasons for doing this and who was he to question the greatest wizard of the age. God forbid however if Harry ever found out.

He would feel so betrayed that it would damage their friendship beyond repair. He just had to be very careful. He often wondered what he would do if he were asked to turn his back on Harry if the order felt that he was dangerous somehow? He rationalized that if it worked to his advantage he probably would. Hell, they were no longer little kids, they were in a war now, and wars always involved tactical sacrifices. Harry exiting the portrait brought him out of his reverie. Well he would meet him back at the train station he thought.

Neville, who was looking at Harry, had begun to understand that maybe there was a reason why the dark lord feared Harry. He only wished that he could have some of that raw power. He would always be grateful to Harry for what he had done for him. Before the year had started, he had been just as underrated as ever. Everyone looked at him as some kind of buffoon, barely above squib level so they thought.

Harry was not like that, he never looked down on people. He had taken a lot of his personal time to properly teach him and the DA spells that they would need to fight death eaters. He never lost his patience. Neville found it so easy to learn from Harry. To date, Harry had proven himself the best teacher of all besides Lupin. His own skills in DADA had blossomed. He had finally proven to himself that he too had the makings to become a good wizard.

During the battle at DOM, it had been Harry and him who stood standing. He had to learn how to stay cool in the face of danger like Harry did. God, could he fight when push came to shove. Harry always seemed to keep his cool in a crisis situation. It had been his distraction with the shelves that had allowed them to get the jump first. Neville thought he still had a long way to reach Harry, hell who was he kidding. He probably would never reach Harry in skill and raw power. He sure would try to be a close second. One thing for sure, he knew deep down that he would be by his side when the final showdown came with Voldemort. He owed him and his parents that much. He wanted Bellatrix Lestrange dead so bad he could taste it.

Harry walked back down the steps and out of Hogwarts main doors. The sky was blue, there was little wind in the air, and it was definitely hot! He spotted the carriage and hauled his trunk and other effect into the back of the carriage. He got onto the carriage and spotted Luna

Harry said, "Hi Luna"

Luna replied, "Hi Harry, it's a beautiful day isn't it. You can just smell the pheromones in the air. Many creatures must be mating today."

Harry gave her a sort of queer look and said, "Ah, yeah I'm sure they are?"

Luna always seemed to be saying off the cuff comments like that at the most bizarre times. He looked at her and noticed that she had developed quite nicely in all the right places this past school year. She had long strawberry blond hair, with sky blue eyes, long legs, and perky bust.

Luna noticed Harry examining her out of the corner of her eye and looked straight at him with that dreamy smile and said

"Do you like by breast Harry? They have really come into their own this year. I am really pleased with them maybe sometime I'll show them to you."

Harry's jaw dropped and his face turned deep red and quickly looked away, not knowing what to say he simply said, "Yah maybe someday Luna." She just gave him a dreamy smile and went back to reading her Quibbler.

Harry's mind started drifting off again, and found himself thinking about his friends. All he had were his best friends, but how long would the trio last. It was evident to anybody who looked at Ron and Hermione that they were going to be a couple soon, and he would be left out again. They were already arguing as if they had been married for 30 years.

He couldn't blame Hermione for choosing Ron over him. Hell, who would want to be with someone who was on a psychopathic snakehead hit list every year? Just to be friends with Harry was dangerous to your health. Truth be told, he really did not feel that way about Hermione anyway, she was more like a sister to him. As far as Ron was concerned, he knew that his friend felt like he was always second rate to him. Ron always felt like he was in his shadow. Every time Harry tried to talk to him about it, Ron would deny that was the case, but of course Harry knew better. Deep down Ron craved his supposed fame and money and Harry knew this without a doubt. Ron was a volcano waiting to erupt.

For some reason, Ron seemed unable to grow out of that funk. He didn't seem to realize what was really important. Their relationship was certainly evolving. The events of their 4th year had been a sort of watershed moment in their relationship. Some feelings had come to the surface and they were really hard to bottle back up.

No matter how many times he told Ron how he would trade everything he owned, just to have the love of his parents and godfather back. Ron seemed too thick to see it. In the end, maybe breaking ties with his best friends might be the best way to keep them alive. If they distanced themselves from him, he would certainly understand. Harry had an uneasy feeling that many things would change over the summer.

Well one thing was for certain, they were going to have a much better summer, than he would that's for damn sure. Hermione said she was going to Sydney, Australia for the summer and Ron told him that he planned on going to Romania for the summer. Ron was going to work at the Dragon reserve with his brother Charlie.

Harry of course was heading to Dursleyban, his personal little jail all courtesy of the great and wonderful fucking Albus Dumbledore. Immediately following the events at the DOM, the great light wizard of their time felt it necessary to finally divulge a prophecy about him that had been made fifteen years ago. He had felt such an ultimate sense of betrayal at his hands that night; he had known all along about this damn prophecy and did nothing but distance himself from him.

He now realized that Dumbledore could have handled things so differently. Instead of dumping him on the Dursleys, the night his parents died, he could have brought him to another wizard family. At least he would have grown up knowing who and what he was. Instead, he just assumed that all he needed was to stay within the safety of blood magic and that everything would be fine.

He never once bothered to check how he was, or how he was being treated. . He was no longer the naïve little boy who first came to Hogwarts at the tender age of 11. Harry now realized that in life there are no such things as black and white but only shades of grey.

Here he was the great saviour of wizard kind being abused like a house elf. God the old bastard had to know what was going on. His own fucking acceptance letter to Hogwarts had been addressed to a bloody cupboard. Did that senile bastard think it was normal for children to live in cupboards?

Harry was almost certain that his parents knowing that they were being hunted would have made proper arrangements for their only son to be properly taken care of. His mother knew that her relationship with her sister sucked. She would not have wanted her offspring to go live with a sister that harboured nothing but animosity and hate towards her.

Harry had learned enough about magic these last 5 years to know that there were always alternatives. Powerful wards in place of blood magic could have been installed to protect him if he had lived with another family. Hogwarts doesn't have blood magic and even Voldemort himself is not foolish enough to attack the castle.

No, the old coot had done this for the sole purpose of expediency and keeping his weapon safe. Forget the fact that the weapon could end up physiologically or physically damaged. He had received some physical punishment from them. It was mostly in the form of Dudley beating up on him. They were probably too scared of somebody eventually finding out and tarnishing their good name if they tried to abuse him physically.

Instead, they had delivered 10 years of sheer mental abuse that Harry would not wish on his worst enemy except for Voldemort and his death eaters, and Malfoy Jr. of course.

Harry felt as thought all of his innocence had died with him in that office. He now understood what he meant to all these people. They didn't give a shit about him. They didn't care for him. They didn't want to know what he thought or what his dreams were. He dreamed what everybody wanted. He dreamed of owning a house, of having a good job, of finding his true love and raising a family. He just wanted to be happy. To everyone else, he now realized that he was just a tool plain and simple. He was a chess piece in the great scheme of things. He was at the tender mercy of the great master puppeteer Albus Dumbledore.

Harry guessed that he has been around for so long, that over time people became less tangible to him. They merely became assets for his use to ensure the survival of the so-called light side in the wizarding world. It seemed to him that Voldemort and Dumbledore were playing an intricate game of chess, and everybody else was either spectators or mere pawns.

It seemed like everyone was caught in their infernal game. Dumbledore had certainly sacrificed people in his past. No doubt, it had been for the so-called greater good. His parents came at the top of that list. Dumbledore had hidden them under the Fidelius charm, which he cast himself. Why had he not insisted on being their secret keeper? OOPS, another strategic mistake from the great chess master.

He remembered Lupin talking about those times. There was a traitor in their mist and nobody knew who it was. Naturally, it had been perfectly fine to use an infant and a young couple to flush out the traitor. Well we all know how well that turned out.

The old coot had known about the prophecy since before his birth. He obviously did not believe that Voldemort had died that night. Like Hagrid, he thought that he was just buying his time. If that were the case, would it not have been logical to try and find him and go after him instead of waiting for him to resurrect himself.

At the very least they could have kept him on the run, prevent him from having enough time to organize, plan and execute. What about his own training, Dumbledore had known all along that Harry would be facing him. The old coot had done nothing to help him train for the eventual conflict. God Damn Nothing! Harry could have spent his summers from the time he started Hogwarts to train and prepare for his eventual showdown. Harry could have had 4 summers getting special training. Instead, the old coot just sends him back to those fucking Dursleys and sits in the dark like a mushroom.

Of course, when mentioning training it's worth noting that Hogwarts has had nothing but utter fucking failures for DADA teacher. Their only decent year was third year, where Remus was actually teaching them the course content. The first and only competent teacher they find in god knows how many years and what does the board of Governors do? They canned him at the end of the year because he is a werewolf.

Parents found out that there was a werewolf teaching their children. Oh my god what a crime. As if proper precautions couldn't be put in place to ensure the safety of the students. Hell, he is only dangerous at full moon, and then there is the wolf bane potion that Snape can brew to keep him docile. Of course, it was Snape himself that had him canned because of some stupid teenage rivalry.

Although he is a major part of the problem, the other more important part of the problem is the overbearing prejudice and bigotry that the rest of the wizarding world has against all other magical creatures. Elves, Goblins, Werewolves, Vampires, and countless others have been made to suffer under the Human magical cast. The light side apparently consider themselves the enlightened. What a fucking monumental joke that is. That hag Umbridge had the audacity to think herself above everyone else. She was certainly the poster girl for stereotypes and prejudice.

Hell when Harry found out there was such a thing as wizard and witches, and all the incredible things that they could do, He thought that with these abilities came great enlightenment. Boy was he wrong. Over the years spent in this world it became evident that the ministry was corrupt to the bone.

The wizards and witches that the ministry governs are just the most gullible fucks that he had ever met. Hell it seemed that the more outrageous the rumour the more they believed it. Wizard kind believes that they are governed by a democracy. Send them all to hell, they are not a democracy they're a blasted dictator ship. Harry figured that all that inbreeding from the purebloods has diluted the brain juices or something. Most of them think that they are so much better than muggles because they can do magic.

Harry thought that they were so wrong to think this. Over his years of reading, he found that muggles spent an enormous amount of resources in understanding the sciences in all their forms. It's funny that wizards and witches can do things with their wands, that right now would seem like science fiction to most muggles and yet their understanding of the basic science behind magic is stuck in the medieval times.

They are only concerned with results and do not really care to find out why magic work the way it does. Some of the unspeakable at the ministry may have a more intimate knowledge of magic. However, their endeavours are still primarily in the applications department. Muggles have dedicated centuries in understanding their scientific principle. Yes, we can cast an Avada-Kadavra at someone and kill them instantly. When it comes down to it, muggles have a lot more experience in killing and waging war than wizard kind does.

Good old Voldemort thinks he can take over the muggles. What an idiot. All they have to do is find out about us and if they are irked enough launch a nuclear weapon at Diagon Alley. Wizard kind would be obliterated in the blink of an eye. Good old Tom may have taken measures to ensure his survival, but Harry doubted even his transformations would last if a Nuke hit him bull's eye. With that much energy released, nothing could withstand that.

Harry was roused from his thoughts when Luna and Neville shouted, "We are here."

When did Neville get into the carriage he mused? Harry never heard him come in. He must have been lost in his thoughts again.

Harry finally said, "All right lets unload and find a compartment." They made their way to the middle of the train and found an empty compartment. Harry sat down and started looking out of the window. He really didn't want to engage anyone in conversation. What else was there to say? Harry started thinking of the prophecy again.

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches…

Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies…

And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power that the Dark Lord knows not…

And either must die at the had of the other for neither can live while the other survives… The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies.."

Harry thought, here it is briefly. He had to be murdered or become a murderer. Hell even if he didn't believe the fucking prophecy, Tommy gun does, and he will stop at nothing to find out what it's all about. If he ever does find out, he is going to come at me with even more vigour.

God damn, why can't he just be left alone, that's all he ever wanted. He could feel a tear on the right side of his cheek. Well Harry thought it comes down to this. He could either let Tom win right now by killing himself, or get into high gear and find a way to defeat that motherfucker.

One thing is for certain, whatever this power is, and Harry knew he would have to depend on himself to find it. He certainly couldn't depend on good old Albus now could he? Fuck he's had 15 years to develop a training plan for him and the bastard has done sweet fuckall. Hell, how moronic can you get, the old coot thinks this power that he has is his capacity to love. What kind of crap is that? What was he suppose to do when he meets good old Voldie again? Go up to him and give him a big French kiss on that snake face of his, and hope he topples over.

'What the fuck! This basically shows that Dumbledore doesn't have a fucking clue how to defeat Voldemort. Well I'm sorry to say, BUT THIS ENDS RIGHT FUCKING NOW. My trust and my ties to the Order and Dumbledore end today.' Harry would take his life and his training into his own hands. Harry swore that he would be open to anything and everything. He would study both magic and muggle science he thought. Maybe there are discoveries to be made in mixing the two he mused.

Harry knew that good old Voldie certainly didn't study muggle sciences. He views muggles are nothing but apes to be exterminated. If nothing else, Hermione certainly proved and drove into his head that knowledge is power. The only way to attain knowledge is to get the right books and the necessary time.

Harry decided to pull out a parchment and a quill and started outlining his plan; he decided that what ever he missed in his planning, he would play the rest by ear. Harry thought to himself that he was due for some luck once and for all and he knew that he would need it to pull off what he had in mind.


1. Need to convince Dursleys to leave me alone

2. Need to plan on how to get to Gringotts, Get a final tally of all my assets. Need to get down to my vault.

3. Look for another magical pet to keep me company, preferably a snake, if my relatives hear me speak to a snake they might be scared enough to leave me alone.

4. Go to Knockturn Alley (dark arts books, light magic books, battle books, ministry censored books…etc.) MUST find a way to do magic without ministry knowing it!

5. Shop at Flourish and Blots. Buy more books on magical theory, charms, transfigurations, potions DADA, and fighting.

6. Find alternate weapons.

7. Go and get a new trunk, maybe one like Moody had, not sure yet.

8. Go to London and buy muggle science books, combat and warfare books, clothes and some electronics (computer). Hook up to Internet.

Get back to Dursleys.