
Ascension of the Samsara Sage

Regard inquired, his face solemn. "The path of a Sage is fraught with peril; are you certain you want to walk it?" Max responded immediately. "Yes." *** Max had hoped to enjoy his new life as a rich noble after being reincarnated into a magical world by God, but fate had other plans for him, as he was declared a cripple and unable to use magic for the rest of his life. But, as they say, when one door closes, another one opens, and Max is given the opportunity to change his fate; to become the hero or to once again live an insignificant life without meaning... What would he choose? In the Samsara, where humans who wield magic are known as Magicians and those capable of summoning dimensional beings are known as Summoners, Max will become a Sage that controls the laws of the world. Thus, the ascension of the Samsara Sage begins in a world where magic reigns supreme! *** Update rate : 2 chaps a day. *** Hope y'all enjoy reading this work as much as I enjoyed writing. Anyway, bless me with your Powerstones and gifts, thanks in advance UwU *** Note : I am not the owner of the image. If the owner doesn't want me using their work, I would be happy to take it down.

_DreamWeaver · Fantasi
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377 Chs

On equal grounds

With his supply of Ordena assured, Max could go all out with no fear of it finishing suddenly thus he didn't hold back in his attack, erasing Glover from existence with a single blast.

"That was…" He barely completed the sentence as he quickly leaped to the side just in time to watch as a fist made from black ice slammed into his previous position.

Max's carefree expression was gone, replacing a more serious one as he glanced at the attacker.

"I destroyed your body." Max said calmly while staring the manifestation of black ice before him.

Glover chuckled. "You did but you have to understand that that body was never permanent. It was just an attempt to return to my roots but as you already know I look nothing like how I did back in the day so it's pointless. You showed me how pointless it was to continue donning a skin that restricted me when I could go all out and reveal the night of a demigod I have. This is my true form!"