
Ascension Of a Soulsborne Player

Xavier is one of the unluckiest people in the world. He is affected by a disease that has made him bedridden for his whole life. His only salvation was Souls-like games. After spending most of his life in the bed, playing games and making barely enough money from stocks, his life finally gives out in the age of 26. Just when he accepted the fact that he had died, the unimaginable happened... he reincarnated in a fantasy world. But Xavier knows better than to blindly trust strength, because nothing in the world in free, and everything requires a proper compensation. Follow Xavier as he clears dungeons, slays powerful enemies, understands the foreign concept of 'magic' and becomes one hell of a force to reckon with. {COVER PAGE NOT MINE. I GOT IT FROM PINTEREST LOL. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/31666003620716834/}

Daoist9lionL · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Who needs sleep, when you can farm Monsters?

I couldn't find a place to sleep. Or rather, I didn't need to. I very quickly found out that I don't feel the least bit sleepy. For some reason, even after going through so much in one day, I wasn't feeling sleepy.

"Query! Why am I not Feeling sleepy?"

[Query Recieved!]

[Required FP: 0]

[Answer To Query: You are not feeling sleepy because you are an 'Arch-Human'. 'Arch-Humans' are an extremely powerful race with much higher potential than any other race in the world of 'Arcadia'. The lifespan of an Arch-Human is roughly around 700-800 years. Arch-Humans don't need sleep, have strong poison resistance, have extremely high adaptability and they also need much less food, water and air to survive.]

"Holy shit! I thought that 'Race: Arch-Human {Variant}' thing was only cosmetic... Who would've thought that it was actually something useful and powerful! Its like I was made to explore dungeons for long periods of time without food and water..."

I had recovered my Mana and decided to go deeper into the dungeon.

I casted 'Ignition' with just my index finger and started to walk deeper into the dungeon.

After a few Minutes of walking, I heard some noise. It was the ants. It seemed like they were communicating with each other. I couldn't really understand what was going on though.

I slowly crept up behind them and sat behind a rock. From the looks of it, they couldn't sense my presence. I casted a big 'Electrocute' and unleashed it on the ants. there were 15 of them. All of them burned. The smell was absolutely repulsive, but I could manage, thanks to the dark mana I absorbed from them. It always feels so good to absorb dark mana from enemies you have slain.

I kept up my killing spree and killed a few hundred more of them. At this point, it was getting boring, and I'd also stopped getting FP from these small fry. "Status!"

[Status Screen]

[Name: Xavier]

[Race: Arch-Human(Variant) {->}]

[STR: 8]

[STM: 10]

[CON: 7]

[INT: 254]

[WIS: 12]

[MAG: 12]

[FP(Fame Points): 270]

[Title(s): Otherworlder{Total Immunity to soul-type magic}; Sorcerer (1st Circle)]

My MAG grew a little. It seems that if I defeat and absorb more mana that is needed, it get carry-forwarded to MAG. This rarely happens though. After about 400 - 500 ants slain, I've only gotten 2 points in MAG.

"Query! How To Use Wind Magic?", I decided to learn more magic.

[Query Received!]

[Required FP: 50]

[Answer To Query: For a 1st circle Sorcerer to use Wind Magic, Learn the spells 'Wind Balde', 'Atmospheric Barrier']

"YES! finally, a good defense-related spell...", I was excited about the spell 'Atmospheric Barrier'. It was a spell that increased the surface tension of the air around the caster and made the air elastic. Its basically like a bubble-shield, but much more durable and very quick to cast. It also doesn't take much mana to cast.

Just as I was thinking of how useful this spell would be, something amazing happened. It was a tunnel going down. The tunnel was quite steep. I was sure this must be a way to go down.

Also, I wasn't really concerned about getting lost, because, I could just spend some FP and ask the 'Guide' to tell me how to get out.

So, with nothing to lose, I entered the tunnel. Going Even deeper into the Dungeon.


Deep inside the 'Ant Queen's Nest'.

The Ant Queen thinks to herself, "Some of the worker ants near the exit have died... this is definitely no mere coincidence... has a rebellion broke out? or have the humans already found my nest? but that can't be! I haven't even attacked the humans yet! And this dungeon I made is relatively new..."

The ant queen was lost in thought. She couldn't figure out what was wrong and why so many ants were dying.

"General, I command you to investigate what is going on in the upper floors, near the entrance!", commanded the Ant Queen to her general.

"It shall be done.", the general responded back.

The general then went outside the ant queens chambre, and walks over to the chambre where soldier ants were resting.

"I want some of you to go up to the upper floors and investigate the cause of death for a few hundred worker ants. This order comes from the queen herself.", announced the general.

5 soldier ants followed the command and left the chambre. They faithfully started going up the tunnels.


I had been down in this dungeon for quite some time now. I couldn't tell exactly how long as there's no clock or sun down here.

I had been steadily killing more and more ants. The number I've killed is probably in the thousands by now... Its really boring, and I don't even get anything from killing them anymore.

Maybe its time to try and get more circles...