
Ascension Of a Soulsborne Player

Xavier is one of the unluckiest people in the world. He is affected by a disease that has made him bedridden for his whole life. His only salvation was Souls-like games. After spending most of his life in the bed, playing games and making barely enough money from stocks, his life finally gives out in the age of 26. Just when he accepted the fact that he had died, the unimaginable happened... he reincarnated in a fantasy world. But Xavier knows better than to blindly trust strength, because nothing in the world in free, and everything requires a proper compensation. Follow Xavier as he clears dungeons, slays powerful enemies, understands the foreign concept of 'magic' and becomes one hell of a force to reckon with. {COVER PAGE NOT MINE. I GOT IT FROM PINTEREST LOL. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/31666003620716834/}

Daoist9lionL · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Hard Earned Victory.

I gulped down my own fear, despair and doubt. I had to, if I wanted to survive. It wasn't something I hadn't already done before anyways...

"Shadow Cloak", I covered myself in darkness, and swiftly but silently, crawled in the shadows.

I already had a plan in mind, but after the first near-death encounter, I expected to improvise a little in the middle.

"Dark Press", I cast a fully-charged Dark Press on the ant, and it seemed to weigh it down enough to break its stance, staggering it.

"Double Cast: Water Ball, Electrocute", while the ant was distracted, I cast both spells at the same time. I couldn't fully charge them though, because I panicked and thought that the ant had already spotted me...


The electrically-charged ball of water hit the ant, staggering it. This gave me a chance to combo it with one more electric spell.

"Electrocute", I cast another spell at the ant, this time, fully charged. This seemed to have dealt a lot of damage.


It suddenly secreted a lot of green smoke, probably poison, into the cave. It was super dense, and incredibly heavy.

As soon as the gas reached me, it started to severely itch all over my body, and I started to become nauseous and felt like I would throw up.

But this was nothing. I had gone through worse things on Earth.

I knew I didn't have much time remaining until I lost consciousness and ended up becoming ant-food.

I had to act quick. But one thing I knew for sure, is that, the ant still didn't know where I was, and therefore used an Area Of Effect attack to cover itself.

If I gave up my element of surprise, it would spell my death. So, I had to keep attacking the ant while it wasn't sure where to-


"what... the...", I was in shock. A terrible collision had blew me away from the rock.

But I had to quickly pick myself up, or else, I would die.


Not only did the ant know where I was, it was actively attacking me. Each attack was strong enough to shatter my entire body.

Thankfully, the effect of "Dark Press" hadn't been removed yet, so in one attack, the ant lost balance, likely because it wasn't experienced in fighting with an abnormal weight.

That gave me the chance to quickly get up on my feet, and run.

But I didn't run. I knew, that if I did, I would probably be safer. But I suspected that if I let this guy go, he might bring back some heavy reinforcement, and that would be tragic for me.

As the ant was staggered and struggling to get back up on it's feet, I ran towards it, charging up an Electrocute spell.

When I was close to the ant however, I realized that, that was a mistake. The ant was still emitting poison gas, and it was the densest around it's body.

Right as when I was about to get close to the ant, I collapsed. My feet just gave out beneath me. My head was going absolutely crazy with nausea.

"Urrrhgg.... shit....", my voice instinctively said with a shaky voice. But I wasn't going to give up just yet.

I closed my eyes and lay on the ground. The ant got up from being staggered, and slowly walked towards me, probably checking if I was really done for, or not.

As the ant got right on top of me, a slight, but vicious smirk rose in my lips.



A gigantic thunder-bolt escaped from my hand. It was so strong, it actually broke some parts of the ceiling.

I opened my eyes slightly, and saw the ant. It looked completely deep-fried. Thankfully, it's corpse landed on my side, and not on top of me.

I suddenly felt completely drained and felt like I was about to pas out. But as soon as I saw the little strand of Dark Purple, I smirked again.


The Dark Purple Mist surrounding the ant's corpse, quickly all seeped into my body, giving me a very refreshing, almost intoxicating feeling.

Sorry for not uploading chapters for 6 days straight... I lost motivation for a while. I just didn't have the energy to write anything interesting.

Here's a new chapter, after I found some more motivation from a very close friend of mine. Hope you enjoyed it.

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