
Ascendance: The Rebirth of the Unknown Gamer

Aura Thompson, one of the most unknown experts in the DMMORPG known as Ascendance, dies of old age, only to find that his final wish has been granted and that he can start again on his path to immortality through the fantasy game he loves. Read as Aura uses his knowledge of mankind's second world to chase after his dream. He knows all the secrets that players uncovered over the 132 years he played the game: quests, classes, skills, hidden treasures, lore, and all sorts of things that could tip the balance of the world in his favor. How far will he go?

Aurafyre · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
68 Chs

Chapter 1

When Aura opened his eyes, he could immediately tell that his wish had come true.

He didn't bother confirming anything except the date.

November 12th, 2026, three days before the official release of Ascendance.

Aura had the equipment, he had the knowledge, he would succeed.

Aura decided to spend the next three days sorting out his plan, as well as remembering all the details he'd forgotten, it had been more than a hundred years after all.

Aura's parents had gotten divorced the same year his older brother went off to college, at 12 years old he was already basically living on his own.

His mother was always working. His brother was at school. His father continued to live off the money his mother was required by law to send. Thus, money was always tight, though they were still rather wealthy. His mother was a moderately successful doctor, but she died in a car crash when he was 23.

Aura and his brother split the inheritance between them, leaving nothing for their failure of a father. Aura got the house and a solid million dollars and his brother got everything else.

Aura had been living on his own ever since, never going to work due to his habit of spending a sum total of pretty much nothing.

When Ascendance was announced a week after his 25th birthday he was immediately hooked. He spent every spare moment of his life researching the game and how to play it.

Now that Aura had gotten a second chance, he was going to use it to the best of his ability.


November 15th, 2026, 11:30 AM

In just a half hour, Ascendance would go live.

Aura was already waiting in his personal lounge, a simulated space for players to create their characters and interact with the system while offline. It also serves as a place for friends to meet each other before logging on, to prevent from people waiting too long due to the time dilation in-game.

Ascendance has a four times time dilation under normal circumstances, with one real world day being four in-game. This can lead to players waiting hours for friends who are only running a few minutes late, so they set up the lounge as a place to meet.

Aura had already created his character and modified his avatar to his preferred settings. His avatar was an ordinary guy, lightly muscled, wine red hair, average height. The only thing Aura had made particularly special was the additional few inches he added to his dick, because why not?

Aura set the username as his own, and took a look at his status.


Aura LV 0


Class: None

HP: 10/10

Force: 10/10

Force Ratio: 1L 1N 1V 1M

STR: 2

AGI: 1

INT: 1

WIS: 1

Stat Points: 0




Life Manipulation LV 10

Nature Manipulation LV 10

Void Manipulation LV 10

Magic Manipulation LV 10

Dismantling LV 10

Weapon Mastery LV 10

Blacksmithing LV 10

Alchemy LV 10

Carpentry LV 10

Cooking LV 10

Mining LV 10

Gathering LV 10

Logging LV 10

Fishing LV 10

Tracking LV 10

Presence Detection LV 10

Trap Dismantling LV 10

Elven Language LV 5

Dwarven Language LV 4

Dragon Language LV 3

Demon Language LV 3




Player - Access to the Reincarnation System


If anyone saw this ridiculous status, they'd immediately call the developers to report a bug. The system scans a player's mind and turns their knowledge into skill proficiency, allowing players to start off with high level skills, but having this many skills with most at max level is impossible.

In Ascendance, skills max out at level ten, but if a player continues to train, they can breakthrough and reach an advanced skill, which allows them to continue to grow.

In Aura's case, his previous life's knowledge has allowed him to start with many max level skills. His maxed force manipulation skills will allow him to greatly boost his status upon entering the game, forcibly multiplying his stats.

The advantage of knowledge is never to be taken lightly.