Yuri arrived at the Narukami clan within minutes, and she saw the wooden palisade that surrounded the village was reinforced by earthen walls. They were fully prepared for an attack, and she even spotted groups of five stationed around the clan. As fast as she was moving, she slowed herself when she was in the vicinity of their clan. Yuri did not want to alarm them.
Not that it mattered because as soon as she showed herself, she was surrounded.
Placing her hands in the air Yuri showed them she meant no harm nor was she an enemy.
"I am here for my father, Denji." Yuri told the group of five ninja.
A woman in front of Yuri lowered her blade and nodded her head. Seconds later the rest of the group lowered their weapons.
"He is near. Have you news to share?" The woman asked.
Yuri nodded. That was why she was here.
"I'm Renia, leader of the guards here. Walk with me and let me know what you have to say." Renia said.
Reina had long hair like Yuri, but hers was black as the night sky. Yuri also noticed that the woman's hair was not tied in any way, meaning she was not married. She only noticed this because the woman was attractive.
"The Hitare clan is on the move. They are northeast of here and should arrive within an hour or less. There are also four Uchiha clansmen with them." Yuri explained to Reina all the details she knew while also informing the woman of their numbers.
Reina took in all the information and nodded her head. She took note of Yuri as someone that was capable as the young woman was not shaking nor seemed scared.
"If that's the case a surprise attack would work. I'll have to discuss this with the others, but we could bring the fight to them causing them to be disorganized." Reina said.
Yuri said nothing else but followed the woman until she saw her father staring off into the distance. Next to him was a man with long black hair. Denji must have sensed his daughter as he glanced in her direction as she approached with Reina.
"Yuri, how are you holding up?"
Denji asked as Yuri came by his side.
She knew he was asking about her chakra reserves coming here required her to move at an extremely fast speed. Such an act was chakra demanding, but Yuri was alright for now.
"I'm fine. Reina here suggested we go on offense instead of waiting around."
Denji looked at Rai who was listening to Reina. After a moment he looked at Denji.
"She brings up a good point, but there are risks involved with this. I won't ask you to be involved, you've already done more than enough." Rai started to say.
Denji raised his hand to stop him from going any further.
"It's fine. Do what you must, but we won't alter our actions. We will stay here to guard your clan with the others. And when you do move, my clansmen will also make their move from behind the Hitare clan." Denji assured Rai.
Rai nodded his head. "Good. I'll inform the patriarch about this and form a squad to move out. Reina, you and your team stay here and be prepared." Rai told Reina before he walked away.
Reina glanced at Denji. "Are you positive your clansmen will attack as well?"
"Yes, that was always their plan. To make a decisive attack from behind. This will change things slightly, but I do not believe in a negative way." Denji told her.
"That is fine then. I would like to go over the defensive plan once more, would you care to accompany me?" Reina asked Denji.
Denji looked at Yuri then at Reina. "Sure. We need to be quick about it though."