
As you wish!

Natalia has always been a wild one, from a young age she always knew she was different. Growing up enduring chaos and trauma she learns to protect herself from everyone she comes across. The ones closest to her fear for well being always living life on the edge with pure Impulsivity. She's madness wrapped in a pretty package, Luca on the other hand is very calculated with his moves. He's big, strong and handsome, he's also intimidating enough to spook just about anyone in his regular demeanor. Natalia is 23 and has never been tied down or had stability, she craves and also despises the thought of it. What will happen when fire meets ice, A blessing or disaster?

EFL · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs


-'Natalia' You hear Ella scream with joy as you hear the front door slam and her little piddle paddle footsteps make their way down the hallway. They stop right outside the bathroom door, she taps lightly on the door before she just opens and leaps in.

'Natty NatNat' 'You're gunna fucking love me' you hear.

She looks down at you in your bubble bath,  after a long day of dealing with self centered asses all day it was a bubble bath and wine kinda night. She hands you your towel before you can can even ask her what is up with her. You notice one hand behind her back as she's excitedly  bouncing on her toes. You look at Ella and ask her why she is so damn excited. As you get your towel wrapped around you, she pulls her arm around and says

'looook, happy early birthday my sister from another mister'. You look at the elongated neat box and you open it, as you do you let out an excited screech. You too start bouncing on your toes hugging her and thanking her. She got you two tickets to your favorite sport. Mixed martial arts, the sight of two tough men fighting is enough to get your insides bubbling. But this fight in particular is what has you overly excited, Luca Rossi. He's been talk of fans for the last few months, He's a badass in and out of the ring. Luca is new to the coverage but not so much the ring, he was an underground fighter til he caught the attention of Mark Jones one of the big dogs of management in the fighting market.

Luca is a tall and buff Italian stud, measuring six foot eight and to you a staggering five foot even, is a beast. As you're lost in your thoughts you're shaken out of them by Ella bringing you back to reality.

'So do you love me or do you love me?'

She's answered with a big smooch on the cheek. I don't know how she got her hands on the tickets but we're going to have a wild girl Friday. As a journalist you're hopeful for a good story maybe even an interview, that is if you'd be able to talk without making an ass of yourself. This means you need to look tip top gorgeous, the fight starts at nine tonight and you check your phone. '5:27' you try to think of if you should go for bold or a more natural look, you opt for a more natural eye look but  decide on red lipstick to match your bright red dress and nails.

Its been about 2 hours and you're ready to go. You head to Ella's room to see if she's ready to go. As you get to her doorway you stand amazed at how beautiful she looks. Tall, thin, bleach blonde hair that always seems to be perfectly in place, and the most beautiful big brown you'd ever lay eyes on.

You two first met at age 15 and you've been attached at the hip ever sense. She comes from the stepford kinda home, polar opposite of what you had. Ella knows you inside and out and despite your issues with mental struggles she has always been your touchstone of love and support. She got you through some of the darkest times and still doesn't even know the half of it. She turns to look at you for your input.

'How are you always so fucking perfect, you make it look so damn easy.'

She smirks at you as you ask her to come pre-game with you in the kitchen before the uber gets there. You and Ella take a few shots of some fruity flavored vodka, you two do a last minute mirror check before you grab your bag with a few work items stuffed inside.

Now, off to the fight! When you pull up you can already feel how loud and rowdy the vibe is, your comfort. Your life has been so chaotic you've grown to love it for whatever sick reason. You and El get your IDs and tickets ready while you make very little forward movement. 'Geez, thank God we got here hella early huh Natty?' 'This is a big fight El, and just wait the crowd is just getting started!' You say with a small giggle. 'I'm hoping to get an interview with Luca afterwards, win or lose, even though I feel like I won't even be able to get words out in front of him.' She laughs so hard she snorts,  she's definitely never had that problem she's so bubbly and outgoing, but I just think she knows she's beautiful and so being a bit crass with everyone especially men has always been her first nature. One of the reasons I love her so much, El has always been the only one to bring the real Natalia out, judgment free even when my mental health has me and my Impulsivity gets wild. 'So how did you get these tickets, especially this good of seats?' She giggles in response. 'Let's just say Big Daddy MMA fancies me!' You get a funny look and she's full on laughing at you. ' I'm not even sure I wanna know Ella, like how did you two even find each other, you hate sports!' 'Well I DO like hot men, even more so when they're rich!' 'Jesus El' you snort. By now you two are just about at the entrence and you can just about feel the noise in your chest. The familiar feeling you love so much. A few more minutes pass as you get to the door you give the needed stuff to the door check and after he verifies the tickets he gives a look to the bouncer. You get kinda nervous but just then the bouncer tells you both to lift your arms, he puts on a golden wristband and points to where your seats are. As you two are walking in the direction of his point she leans over and lightly yells 'I think I can get you that interview' as she winks. We find our seats, literally the best seats in the house. Luca will be right in front of you too the right. You two sit down and get settled, and first thing El does is whip her phone out and we take a few selfies. 'El, I'm going to go grab some drinks, I'll be back in a few' she nods with a devilish grin. Confused you go about your way, took forever but you come back with two overpriced sodas. You take your seat next to your best friend and hand her the soda. She gets into her bag sneakily and pulls out two strong shooters, she hands you one as she pours her into her drink. You follow suit and get your drink on. It is now 8:57 and the room is filled with loud men and women ramping up their love for both fighters. Right on time it quiets down and the announcer does the introductions. Luca and Mark make their way down and Luca gets in the ring and Mark walks this way as El stands up to give him some love before she introduces me to him. 'Mark this is the beautiful Natalia, Natalia this is Mark!' You expand your arm for a handshake,  He looks you up and down gently, grabs your hand an me places a quick kiss. 'Natalia, it's a pleasure to meet you!' You respond 'likewise!' With a side smile. There's only two other people in this row of seating, one on either side, surely they're his muscle. As the time passes you get slightly tipsy, all three of you engage with a little bit of talk. El turns to Mark and asks him if Luca would be available for a quick one on one interview. 'Luca is his own man, but I'll put it in his ear, with who?' 'With Natty of course!' He turns to look look at you, you give him a weird smile in response. 'So you're a journalist?' You respond with 'Yes, but I'm also a massive MMA fan!' 'Ahh, not too many ladies are fans, usually dragged along!' He chuckles followed with  'who you showing love for today?' 'Luca of course!' You laugh, as if he didn't know that already. Luca's record is 9-0, 10-0 if he wins tonight which is looking promising. You finish your drink and are a bit tipsy by now, Luca finally gets into his zone and gets a k.o. His fans go absolute bat shit crazy, yourself included. Lightly drunk and in your comfort zone you get so loud El starts giggling and so does Mark. As you're standing on your seat without a care you step finally step down after the ref raises Luca's arm as the champ, he looks this way and nods to Mark. After a few moments he finds you standing pretty close to his side of the ring you look up at him to find he's already got his eyes dead set on you, not hiding he's looking at you like he's starving and you look like a feast. Your stomach is now doing backflips as he starts making his way, your way. You're getting exactly how you thought you would, you might be blunt and wild but he just gives you a feeling of a fear, not the kinda fear that you'd get in danger but the kinda fear that gets your insides tangled, the same kind of feeling you get when you let demons out to play during your euphoric Impulsivity episodes. You freeze as you see him walk to Mark, eye fucking you the whole way there. Luca and Mark talk for a few moments and you see a devilish from approaches Luca's mouth as he nods to whatever Mark is telling him. Mark grabs Ella's hand as he motions for us to follow him, we make our way around the crowd to a hallway not to far. 'Natalia, you can use this room for your interview, El and I will be in my office waiting for you when you finish!' Your stomach has now fully dropped as Luca opens the door and motions for you to enter first. The room is decent sized, its got seating, two vending machines and minor other furnishings. Probably where folks get their chill time and a bite to eat. You look around for a second and make your way to the small sofa as you dig around in your bag for your recorder. Luca chuckles as he follows suit to the sofa, still in his shorts, sweaty and bloody. You look at him with your breathing staring to get a bit racy. He does take notice. 'So, Miss Natalia what would you like to ask?' You press record on the device, over the next ten or so minutes you get a lot of good material. As you hit the stop button and go to stand up to thank him for his time he grabs your hand to help you up. You thank him and go to turn to walk out as he snatches your wrist, gently but hard enough to stop you in your tracks and face him. 'Are you and your friend accompanying us tonight?' This was a weird question you thought to yourself, did Ella say we'd join them somewhere? He notices your confusion and before you can muster out a response he says ' I'd love to be out with such a beauty!' You laugh so loud his smile disappears. He turns his head to the side a bit in pure confusion. 'I'm sorry, I laughed becaused I'm no beauty! I'm sure you can find a dozen or more model like beauty's out there that you'd like better than me!' 'Confidence is everything little dove, plus you're the most beautiful woman here!' You giggle softly. Your insides are just not okay, you're tipsy, hot and bothered and you think to yourself you just need to get outta here. 'I need to go find El, cus if I stay here....' You trail to a stop as you notice a small smile on his beautiful full lips. While looking up into his gorgeous icy blue you can't help but get an overwhelming sorrow feeling. You look away and free your trance. 'I dont know what plans Ella has or made, but let me go find her and figure those out, surely you're not going out in that!' You say while looking him up and down, hinting that bloody attire might not be the best look. Luca gets a funny face but quickly walks to the door to show you your way to Marks office. Luca knocks and you hear the okay for entrence as he opens the door for you. There's a bit of small talk before Luca and Mark conversates about what you assume is the plans for the night. Before long Luca leaves for his room to go clean himself up and change. In the moments you asked El about what Luca had mentioned. 'Well, Mark asked if we'd be intrested in going to a popular club afterwards and I figured you'd be okay with it!' 'I am, buut Luca was part of that!' 'I know silly, Happy early birthday bitch!' she has no idea how internally you're panicking! Normally if we were out I'd be a third wheel or something and I could just blend with the background not that her date would care to notice not that I have a problem with that. Not in this case, but how bad could it be. As long as you don't let him get to you, you make a promise to yourself. -No matter how sweet, sexy Luca gets you DO NOT GO HOME WITH HIM!- Mark makes his way to us grabbing Ella's hand in his. 'So Natalia will you be accompanying the rest of us tonight, we're going to a nicy little joint 'X' they're the best place in town!' You nod your head in approval as you freak out on the inside. He leads the way to the exit as we make it to his car, his chauffeur opens the door to probably the most expensive vehicle you've ever been in. After you get in and seated you feel the door shut behind you, you take a quivered breath as you feel it. You think 'oh good maybe he isn't going.' Quickly the car takes off and El is snuggled closely to Mark, this is the normalcy you was hoping for. But before long you hear Mark say 'Did you get what you wanted in the interview?' Shaking you out of your thoughts you quickly reply with a yes and thank you. After a few more minutes the car is parked and the door is opening. You grab the mans extended hand as he helps you out, you follow Mark and Ella into the entrence without any interruptions. No id checks, no payment just showing your face and just walking in. As you guys make your way into the dark loud club you're greeted by a cute half naked woman as she acknowledges Mark and leads him to his private booth. She seats us and asks him if he wants the usual, he nods. The woman follows with 'Where's your cute fighter friend, He better show up tonight after that win!' She says with a velvet tone. You shift in place, awkward as all three of them notice. He responds to her telling her hes just running late and bring his usual as well. She leaves and quickly brings back a crystal clear bottle with a pretty rose gold colored champagne inside of it along eith glasses, with it what you assume is Luca's usual, a German black labeled bottle, you recognize it as its your favorite. The lady goes to hand you a champagne glass but you quickly instead grab one of the liquor glasses with the Rumple Minze. She stops for a moment and just end up letting up do our glasses ourselves. El turns to Mark 'She's a Rumple Minze girl!' He laughs as he watches take a big gulp. That should get you in a better mindset, Luca didn't bail just running late. You're feeling good before long, the three of you talk, laugh and have a good time for about a half hour before the man of the night gets there. The only reason you knew he was there before he got to the booth is you hear the people get a bit crazy with cheering him as he makes his way. 'Oh shit, oh shit' you repeat in your mind. You look up to find this sexy man looking down with a wide smile as he scooches you over to sit almost on top of you. 'I see you like my drink, what no girly bubble water for you?' You chuckle as you hold up your glass to him to respond. 'Absolutely not when my favorite is an option' Luca gives you a small nod of appreciation. 'I dont usually come across girls who prefer this to the fruity shit!' 'Well you've never met a girl quite like me!' You respond with your eyes looking down at the table, he chuckles. El chimes in with agreement, saying if he knew the real me he'd be scared and in love. I tend to keep people on their toes, a definite wild card. He looks almost like he doesn't know what to think about that statement. You get the feeling he's not used to girls with an actual thought of their own let alone a personality, probably always a cookie cutter babe that just keeps up with whatever is trendy in the moment. The four of you engage in a bit of talking while you guys drink, before long that pretty waitress is back to check up on us. She is immediately shifting her attention to Luca, he surely enjoys her. You notice this and you take a gulp finishing the glass off, as you tell Luca to excuse you to the ladies room. He gives you a confused look before scooting out to grab your hand to lift you out of the seat. Luca leans down to you, moves your hair and whispers 'Don't take too long or I'll come find you!' That statement tingles you to your core as your liquid confidence shatters. Your knees get weak as your stomach jumps around as you smile and go find the bathroom.