
As the villains assistant I will change the fate of my boss

Welcome to the summary. Watch as Henry tries to change the fate of the villain in a novel. After all he is the villains self proclaimed assistant! His planes are as followed: Earn the villains trust change the story so much, that he and himself don't have to die live a happy and full filling life But will he be able to fulfill his To-Do List or will some more come? Ps: Boys Love guaranteed at one point in the story

little_Tea · Sejarah
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20 Chs

Chapter 1: If I where....!

Hey, my name is Henry.

But think thats not importand anymore. Because I transmitted into a novel called 'Dear Juliet'.

Now you ask :" Why would a 20 year old college student read a girls romance story?" and I can't object you. After all I was never interestedin such kindsbof activities.

So, why do I read such a story?

Because of my sister!

She was always a fan of such kinds of stories, where the female lead suffers in her childhood, meets the male lead, fall in love and save the world of the villain so they could live happily ever after. A cliche.

I always asked myself how my once so innocents sister could get addicted to such kind of stories. So to make me understand my sister gave me one of her novels, so I could try them.

At first I was sceptical, but I still read it.

And I must admit, the story is pretty good. If it not where for one thing... THAT THE VILLAIN OF THE STORY GET'S SUCH A BRUTAL END, EVEN IF HE WASN'TTHAT BAD. Ok, let's calm down and explain.

My sister gave me her favourite book 'Dear Juliet' where the MC's name, of course, is Juliet. She is the third daughter of the noble family Korelia. The Korelia family's power is just below the royal family and it's powerfullest ally.

The problem is, that Juliet is an illegitimate child, what the nobles of course not liked. The only reason why she was kept alive, was because she possesses holy magic, which is very powerfull. So she was raised normally.

But nothing could hide the disgust in the eyes of the workers and her family members. So she lived a live where from the outside it looked like she lived like a princess, but on the inside the suffered under the pressure of her family. But of course she's the MC so she was lucky at last.

At the banquet of crownprince Adven Adrest's 18 birthday. She met Adven and his younger brother Eric, known as the cursed prince because of his curse, and they had a great relationships.

Both of the brothers fell in love with Juliet. Juliet chose Adven because she loved him. Eric fell betrayed and became the villain of the story. He tried everything to win Juliet's heart, but everythingwas for nothing and in the end he died a gruesomedeath at the hand of his once beloved brother.

This really enrages me! Eric also deserved a happy live! He suffered so much because of the curse, which disolved anything living he toues, so couldn't they at least have given him another love interest?

If I were a charackter in the novel, I would make sure that Eric won't have to suffer....

[chuckle, your wish is my command, Henry!]

now a littlw rest. I will write again as soon as possible! Ideas already flowing

little_Teacreators' thoughts