
As Mahito in Naruto

Between the title and the beginning, you should get what this is all about. This is a test run to see if I want to start writing.

Korohh_ · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Number 6


The sound of banging on the metal door broke the silence as it echoed through the small cement room.

"Up and at em number 6, dinners ready!"

A voice came from the other side of the metal door as a metal hatch opened, and a tray of food slid through.

"Get it while it's hot,"

The voice said as the sound of departing footsteps echoed through the hallway. The sound of springs creaking broke the silence once more as number 6 stood up from his cramped bed and let out a groan as he stretched. 

"Ugh, same shit as last time, isn't it" 

He said with a sigh as he looked at the tray. On one side was a pile of beans and, on the other some unrecognizable meat. He picked up the tray and started eating with his hands, not caring for the fork situated on the side of the tray. After he finished, he wiped his hands on a cloth napkin and threw it aside, as he lay down and stared at the concrete ceiling. 

'How many more years was it, 13? I can't wait.' He thought as a big smile crept onto his face. 

'Oh, what I would give to watch his soul leave his body while I squeeze his throat till his eyes pop out.' 

He laughed as he pulled out a book from underneath his pillow. "Jujutsu kaisen" was written across the cover. He opened it and started reading, sometimes giggling to himself. As he flipped through the pages. As he kept reading he started to find his surroundings getting darker. He started to feel drowsy as he dropped his book on his chest and closed his eyes.

'That food... it tasted a bit different than usual.' He thought as he drifted into an unending sleep.


His eyes shot open as his face contorted in pain. 


He reeled over on his stomach, his vision was so blurry he could barely see. Catching himself with one hand as he gasped for air. He clutched his stomach as his other hand gripped the dirt in between his fingers. He felt like his lungs were touching air for the first time. The pain slowly started to subside as his breaths became shallower, that was when he noticed. His hands were touching dirt, dirt! His eyes shot wide open as both of his hands scooped up a pile of dirt in front of him. 

"I'm out... I'm out!" He threw the dirt up in the air as he shot up and started jumping up and down waving his hands in the air. 

"I'm free! I'm really free!" 

He yelled as loud as he could as he looked around, his vision started to come back to him. Trees, grass, and finally as he looked up, The sun. However, before he could even take it all in he heard a voice coming from behind him. 

"Mahito.. What're you doing." -

Short starter chap, Don't know if I'm passionate about writing or not so I guess we'll find out together.

Korohh_creators' thoughts