
As Long As You Are With Me

The familiar arms hugged Somya from behind, claiming her waist. "Hey, naughty! What are you doing?" she gently rebuked him while concentrating on her cooking. "Why didn't you wake me up yourself, instead a servant had to do it?" he complained with a hoarse voice. "You know that it's Sam's birthday today. I still have things to prepare for," she explained. Mr. Varun Kashyap, who had always been an early bird, suddenly started sleeping till late. Because he loved to hear the sweet singing of his dear wife and her stirring him up with a sweet kiss every morning. But today, he woke up angrily because if he was not careful enough, he might have ended up kissing the servant. All thanks to his wife's important work, which was just taking care of that Little Fella. "You only care for him. You don't care for me anymore," he complained and hid his face in her hair, wailing like a cute abandoned puppy. The innocent act melted Somya's heart, and she turned to console him. "No hubby...Mmmm..." but before she could utter anything, he lifted her chin to force a deep and passionate kiss as punishment. "Cough!" They were interrupted by someone's coughing, and Somya caught her mother-in-law standing on the doorstep. Seeing her mother-in-law standing in front of her, Somya felt like she could die of embarrassment. 'How come my mother-in-law finds me doing such an act. Somya, you are done for! All thanks to this nice innuendo! huh!' She started glared at her husband after her mother took her leave. Somya lunged towards him to smack his shoulder. But in the attempt, the flour on her hands ruined his shirt and they both tumbled on the floor, on top of each other. Varun, being a smart Devil, grabbed the chance to lick Somya at all his favorite places. Hardly suppressing her moan, Somya reprimanded him by hitting his shoulder. "Seriously! Who the hell licks raw dough? It isn't something sweet or tasty." "Oh, honey! It's so sweet because you touched it. Let's continue what we were doing earlier." He attacked her lips with his, silencing her again. ******************************** In a dark room, under the reflection of moonlight, a man was standing in his black cloak. He had golden eyes and was staring at the full moon in the sky. Hearing footsteps from behind, he turned to see Rahul standing there. "I...locked her!" Rahul showed a key to him. Looking at the key, Varun's eyes shone deep golden color before he closed them. After few moments, when his eyes returned to normal, he responded, "Good. Later no matter what happens, don't let her out." "But will you be fine, by yourself? Let me join you. Somya isn't going to wake up anytime soon anyways." "No need. Just take care of her for me," Varun replied in his chilly voice. "Aren't we cheating on her by doing this? If anything happened to you, I won't be able to stand her curses," Rahul tried to stop him. "I don't want my yesterday to affect our tomorrow. I had her room spelled. She won't be able to hear the charmer's voice unless you open the gates for her," Varun then started moving towards the door. Rahul sighed but didn't stop him. "Rahul, you won't be getting the chance to hear her curses. They're only for me to hear," he heard him say. Note: This story revolves around a Forbidden Indian Folklore. A Mysterious Fantasy Romance coming ahead! It's a slow-burn book, so please be patient readers!

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72 Chs

Are You Really A Rajput!

"What do you want." Varun stared at the men with a look of mockery on his face. He had already sensed something even before these men entered the street. He isn't powerful enough to hear activities within kilometers, but he was capable enough to catch voices in a range of few meters, especially when it's quiet.

"We are here to kill you!" said a man, standing in front of them. He seems to be the leader of the group by his appearance.

Somya was taken aback by his words. Never in her dreams could she imagine that someone would come to her to kill her. Although she had already guessed from the looks of them that they were something more than robbers but still announcing so casually that they were hunting someone's life out of the blue seems odd to her.

Did she offended someone?! Even if she did, how bad could it be that someone sends people to kill her?

Misunderstanding! It must be a misunderstanding! She thought and said, "Are you sure you are knocking at the right door? You know laws nowadays are quite strict, you won't be able to save yourself after murdering us. What a pity would it be if you guys worked so hard and took such a big risk but assassinated the wrong people!" She placed her hands behind her back and shook her head with a 'tsk tsk.'

"No. We are sure about our target, and nobody would be left alive after witnessing us slaying to tell the tale, so don't worry about us. Worry about your life more!" The men in black said with an evil laugh.

Somya frowned at their words, but she was quick to hide it and asked with the most relaxed expression possible to him, "But why? Why would someone send people to kill a low life like us? Wouldn't that be a waste of time and money? Dear brothers, can't we settle this peacefully? Let's have a good chat if you only can keep your swords aside. If you want money, then we can give you some," Somya was using her marketing skills to convince them.

She has to try her best, afterall her dear life was at stake. All those years of working as a salesperson in her childhood with her mom weren't in vain she had learned quite some convincing ways to talk, which she was trying to use now. But it looks like this Gabbar* wasn't buying her words.

"Our Hukum-sa had asked for your head. So we will present it to him, and there is no other way to solve this. Why are you speaking so much, girl? You can only curse your bad luck for being with him on such a bad time."

Before Somya can say something else, her hand got pulled with a jerk, and she toppled due to the sudden force. Tumbling, she landed in a firm embrace. Her nose immediately breathed in the alluring fragrance of his body, and her tensed nerves calmed a little. In her nervous state, she had forgotten about his existence earlier. And her mind was entirely occupied by the thoughts of an escape plan.

She was brought back from her thoughts by his warm breaths brushing near her ears. Varun lowered his head to whisper something in her ears. Then he interlocked his fingers with hers and started running towards a narrow street.

Those black-clothed people were quick to follow them. They ran for some time, and Somya asked him, "How long are we going to run like this? They are reaching near."

"I don't know. But you love fighting, don't you? Look, your Mahakal* had given you a chance to show your skills once again. Go feel free to fight them."

"You won't fight yourself and have a problem with me fighting too. Are you sure you are a Rajput?*"

"Yes, I am sure a Rajput but not a crazy one like you," the sarcasm was dripping in his words.

Varun didn't even have a bead of sweat on him, but Somya was already wet with perspiration and panting, so she can't retort him back.

He noticed her speed was getting slower, and she doesn't have the energy to run more, so he pulled her to hide in a nearby closed shop. They quickly got into the shop and settled themself in a dark corner.

"Where are they? They were here a few moments back. Where did they disappear now?" The leader of the group following them roared angrily. His men soon started looking for those two everywhere.

They had came prepared today with everything already arranged by their boss. All they have to do is to kill their target and bring his dead body to their Hukum. But if they couldn't manage to do it, then they... Just the thought of returning barehanded in front of their Hukum terrified them to the core, and they desperately started searching for both of them.

~I don't know what the future holds

But I hope

Somewhere in it,

I am holding you~

Please read Author's Note dear readers for increasing your understanding of today's chapter.

Mahadev & Mahakal: Lord Shiva or Space and Time. Both are the same.

Hinduism is both science and thesis at the same time. Science had proved that space and time are different attributes of 1 thing and Hindus use 1 word 'Kal' for them for 4,000 yrs.

Hukum-sa: way of addressing someone of the higher position in the Rajasthani language of India.

(sa: it is an honorific added after an address to show respects in Rajasthani)

Rajput: Rajput community is representative of the old warriors or Kshatriya class of India. Rajputs are considered as the second of the 4 castes of Hinduism. It is believed that they were made from the arms.

LAZY_BENGAL_TIGERcreators' thoughts