
Rejected virtue

She quickly drew his body to her and hugged him. Her mouth moved as she said "there. Let's start" she offered.

She felt tiny tremors in his body and then realized that his chest is heaving with something that looks like a laugh. Subhanallah! He is laughing at me! She fumed. She knew she wasn't good with hugs and all. But still. Laughing is too cruel.

She pushed herself away from him and glared before she could stop herself. Hands akimbo, she demanded angrily. "What is so funny?"

He laughed hard, covering his face with his hands as if to hide his mirth. She was tempted to remove his hands from his face because she is shocked at how impossibly handsome he looks when he smiles. And boyish, her mind whispered.

"Alright, that's enough. It's not that funny. I don't know how to hug properly. Big deal" she pouted.

He dropped his hands and then attempted to be solemn even though his eyes still have a mirth written all over them. "Do you want me to have sex with you?" He asked mildly. You know, like they were talking about the weather!

Aghast, Aairah said "it's not nice to talk vulgar"

"I don't have a nice vocabulary for what you are offering me" he murmured. Some of the mirth has left, leaving him with a strange glint that made him seem mysterious to her. Because she cannot read him.

"It's the consummation of our marriage I am referring to" she defended.

The emir regarded her Cooly. "I am not interested" he announced.

Aairah felt her eyes widen in alarm. "But you have to!" She whispered fearfully.

He just continued to regard her impassively. She groped at what to say to no avail. Because it is beginning to dawn on her that he didn't want her that way.

He wasn't interested in taking her virginity.

The consequences loomed over her like an ominous cloud. If he refused to take her virginity, she would be doomed. Her family will disown her properly this time and the Fillo clan will flatten her. She has to make him understand that there is a question on her virtue everyone is paying close attention to.

"Five years ago, after you signed the marriage pact, I was kidnapped. And even though I wasn't raped, everyone thought something has happened. If I don't prove my virtue, it will ruin me" she stated facts.

He didn't look sympathetic. He still looks unimpressed.

She sat back down and folded her legs beneath her as he did. Then she asked nervously. "Am I not attractive enough?" her voice sounds wounded.

He remained silent, staring and not portraying an ounce of his thoughts.

Annoyed, Aairah said "I don't believe you don't want me. There has to be a reason why you are doing this" she complained. She cannot believe she is trying to convince her own husband to sleep with her.

"I want you to love me" he stated like its fact. Her body froze. Love? Why would he say such a thing?!

"I can't love you" her tone is wry and decisive.

"I can't have sex with you" he replied annoyingly.

"You owe me" she muttered bitterly.

When he looks to be waiting for her explanation, she said "for ruining my second chance at life" she accused.

"I am trying to save you" he told her. She couldn't make sense of what he is saying. So she said "what could you save me from?"

He looked away.

"Are you taking revenge for something Aaidah did? Or is it because I couldn't give your brother what he wanted from me?" She asked tentatively.

Before she could react, he pulled her hands in his own. He traced the lines on her palms, sending rapid signals all over her nervous system. It's a strange feeling, this. He merely touched her palm. But it felt like he was doing something very intimate to her. And the way his eyes stared at her palm with avid fascination is very disconcerting.

"One day, you will know" he replied gently. His voice has gained a husky edge that made her feel aware of just how masculine he was, sitting a few paces from her, and not wanting her or her virginity.

"I am told, that men are lusty creatures. Is it not true?" She asked him directly.

More than a little surprised, he said "girls are lusty too" her color heightened at his words. It feels like he is talking about her.

"But we have better control" she assured him.

"How would you know?" He asked with a raised brow.

"We women are natural emotional experts" she claimed.

Aariz pulled her hand high until it was just next to his mouth. His voice deepened as he gave her a heated look. Then he leaned forward until his face is level with hers and they seem to be sharing the same air. "Women are preys for their own emotions" he countered.

"That's not.." She wanted to argue. But then he kissed the back of her hand. Just a soft touch of his lips against that suddenly sensitive place and her breath hitched, unable to come out as intended. Embarrassment made her ears ring. She could no longer look at him.

"You are too shy, too innocent...to please me" he stated, releasing her hand. And with that inappropriate announcement, his whole demeanor changed.