
A light from the sky

An angel : my lord I am done with the tacks you sent me 

Supreme being : good well done I shall grant you one wish, now name your wish 

An angel : ( in thoughts I only have the wish to go to earth the land of man I have to say it out) my lord may I be allowed to go to earth the land of man I have been seeing them and assisting them for centuries and have become fond of them, my lord will you grant me a nameless angel like myself this wish 

Supreme being : so be it but this is temporary have good time there 

As a light shines brightly the angel teleports to earth 

Angel : where am I now it seems am on earth, I should get moving 

 After a while 

Angel : it looks like am at a road , all this are what men call cars, I made it this far what do I do now 


 As an incoming car horns loudly as he dodges while another car packs 

Angel : that was close (noticed an old couple walking towards him) 

Old man: boy what are you doing out here by this time are you lost ?

Angel : it appears so 

Old man : okay you should get into the car let me take you home 

Angel : ok thanks for the ride 

In the car 

Old man : my boy where do you live?

Angel : far far away not In this area, town or city ( in thoughts I shouldn't say county or world it will freak them out ) 

Old man : then what are you doing out here 

Angel : I don't know I don't remember 

Old lady : that explains why you are naked we will take you to our house so relax 

Angel : thank you 

After awhile 

Angel :( this town looks really lively humans are quite good at this )

The car stops at a house has the old man and woman comes out of the car 

Old man while opening the door : this your home for now till you get your memories back 

Angel in surprise : th_ thank you I will repay your kindness one day 

As they walk into the house the old lady gets him a towel to cover up first before she can get him some clothes 

old man : by the way boy am martin Philips just call me mart