
As a Tuna in Another World

After a battle between two ROBs resulting damages everywhere. Kyle died by having his fate cut off too early in his life. Fortunately for him, his fate went out of it's way to merge with another's! After being given a new chance to start his merged life in a world he choose, he thought everything would be better. But no one told him, he was merging with the famous tuna. Additional Tags : Gender Bender, Honkai Impact, Fate Stay Night, Isekai?

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15 Chs

The Intimidating Grandpa...


-Fujimura Residence, 06:21-

Sitting on the floor of his living room, the old man sipped on his hot tea in peace as he watched the sun rise up above his garden. The old man sighed in satisfaction before turning back to see his right hand man sipping on his tea as well, "It's a nice view... Don't you think so as well, Kyota?"

"It is very much so, Raiga-sama." The man said formally before placing down his cup.

There was silence between the two, before they broke down in laughter, "Gahahaha! Where did you learn that from, Kyota? That sounds like a kind of line those servants from the books that Taiga liked so much. It doesn't suit you at all."

"Hehehe, yeah... Turns out my daughter had the same book and showed me a couple chapters. It's funny how most of them think that we act like how we look. Our scary faces, scary tattoos, and clothes, it's funny to see their reaction. When Kuro brought her friends home, they got scared when they saw me. Makes me insecure of my looks sometimes."

Raiga laughed at his comment and said, "Yah! Don't be like that! You look great! It's just youngsters these days get easily scared. Just look at Kuro! You're daughter is brave enough to talk with the group without much help needed! Let's just hope she doesn't end up like Taiga, or she would really need help. Hahaha!"

"There's is no way, Kuro will ever be like Taiga. You're grand daughter is too carefree sometimes. Too much positivity in one girl. Especially her luck, that girl is definitely blessed by the Gods of Fortune in very random times..."

Raiga chuckled and went back to viewing his garden in peace... before a cute roaring tiger suddenly played from inside his pocket. The old man sighed and muttered, "What does she want this early? Doesn't she need to get going to work or something?"

Kyota merely shrugged as he sips his tea.

The old man sighed and answered the call, "What do you want Taiga? Isn't it too early for you to be calling me?"

His question was not answered as the voice of his grand daughter shouted, "Grandpa! Grandpa! You won't believe who came home very late last night!"

The grandpa rolled his eyes and guessed, "Is it Shirou who stayed at school because he had been doing people jobs again?"

"Wha-No! I mean, yes! He did came late at night! But he wasn't the only one that came! Shirou brought someone very surprising! You would not even believe if I tell you!"

The old man raised his eyebrow in interest, "Oh? Someone very surprising? Let's see... Is it a very wet Sakura who came home with him soaked by the heavy rain? Or was it that rival of his, you talked about when ranting about the archery club?"

"Huh? Where did you get that from? She's not even from the school."

Kyota, who was listening their conversation, was impressed. "Damn... Barely an adult and already got three girls' attention... I knew him being selfless and kind could attract a good girl but three? Should ask Kuro to get one that is as helpful as Shirou."

Raiga chuckled before going back to the call, "And who is this surprising girl?"

"Her name is Kiana Kaslana and she said her uncle was Kiritsugu!"

""KIRITSUGU'S NIECE?!"" Her answer shocked both Kyota and Raiga to the core... but for different reasons. While Kyota had a big smile on his face as he started to imagine what the girl was like to be a nephew of the guy... Raiga had panic and shock written on his.

"Taiga! Are you sure about this!?"

Getting caught of guard by the shout of her grandfather, she stuttered, "Y-Yes! She's the daughter of Kiritsugu's dead wife's sister. She even knows more about Kiritsugu and his wife than me or Shirou! I don't know if it's true but is Kiritsugu's wife's name Irisviel von Einzbern? It's a very cool name! But she said she got Kaslana from her dad's side instead of her mom's."

"Yes... That is really her name..." He muttered before calling her out, "Taiga!"

The sudden shout surprised her as she replied, "Y-Yes?!"

"After you get home for work, can you bring her here to talk with me? I want to ask some questions to know if she is really his niece or not."

"Uh... Yeah sure. You didn't need to shout my name like that. I would have already thought about bringing her to meet you... Oh wait! I just remembered something. The girl didn't seem to have anything other than her jacket and some kind of weird cosplay suit. So can you buy her a phone? So that we can at least contact her if she's lost somewhere."

"A phone for the girl? Sure. I'll tell Shairo to bring it to you after school. Now go on with your day. I assume you have things to do before going to your job."

"Ah! Right! I forgot! Bye grandpa! See you after work!" *Beep!*

After ending the call, the old man sighed as he looked to Kyota who was confused at him. "Kyota... If what the girl really said that she was Kiritsugu's niece. Tell the boys to come and guard around the house or at least be here to look intimidating."

"Hah?! Why are we doing that!? This is Kiri's niece we're talking about! Shirou's cousin! Why do the guys need to come and guard the house? Shouldn't we bring the sake instead? It's suppose to be a simple meeting between people who are families with Shirou."

Raiga sighed and shook his head, "I would have done that... but we do not know her intentions. Before Kiritsugu passed, he told me about how their family had a very strong grudge against him. They will even go far as to kill anyone related to him. That means Shirou and maybe Taiga as well."

Tuna Tuna Tuna~!

"Raiga... I'm sorry but I can feel that my time is near."

Raiga turned away from he view of his garden and to the frail man beside him. His black pupils stared at the frail man's lifeless eyes as he continued, "I've been feeling weaker each day... And it's getting worse with the nightmares I'm getting at night."

The old man sighed as he said, "That's unfortunate... I thought you would have a few months before your time... At least after Shirou's birthday... The boy would be devastated if he hears about your death. Is there really, nothing we could help with?"

Kiritsugu merely shook his head before answering, "No. I have tried to find a cure for years. Nothing could cure it. It's one of a kind... and no one but me have ever encountered it."

The old man frowned at his words and sighed, "Is that so? Guess it's time to plan for your funeral... I think that Ryuudou bastard would come and help find a good spot to place your grave... Anything else, you want to tell me? Like if I should tell Shirou his origins?"

Kiritsugu contemplated about it before shaking his head, "It is no use... Shirou would only lose more people by knowing his real family. He doesn't even have anyone left from them... And I don't think he would consider them as a family because you're his new ones."

Raiga nodded and shrugged, "Fine by me. It is your son after all... I'll probably place the documents somewhere safe and give it to him once he ask."

Kiritsugu nodded before he continued, "Then there is one last thing... It's very important but I'm not allowed to say most of the stuff... Do you remember about my wife?"

Raiga raised his eyebrow at the sudden question and nodded, "Yes. I saw the file you gave me from the airport. Irisviel von Einzbern from Germany... Sounds like noble family name"

Kiritsugu nodded and continued, "Yes... They even act like on because their family has a history over five hundred years. But what is concerning is that, they have a very strong grudge against me after failing my mission and after Irisviel's death..."

Raiga frowned but didn't speak up as he continued, "I can't tell you much... but be careful for people with white hair and related to Iri. If they knew I'm dead and found out about Shirou... They might go after him next."

The old man huffed in irritation as he commented, "How ruthless... To go as far to kill an adopted son of a man who lost everything in a disaster... Are they always this bad?"

Kiritsugu merely sighed as he said, "It is who they are... Especially when it comes to what they do... That is the reason why I am hesitant in saying anything about my past to three of you. People with who does the same thing as them will kill anyone to keep them knowing about it. They will kill you, Saiga, Taiga, and possibly everyone in the group... And they don't even need to result in killing... to keep you quiet."

Raiga grimaced at the fact and sighed, "To think there are still people who are like that in this peaceful era... I will keep the warning in mind... If I ever see one of them, I'll judge them with my own eyes."

Kiritsugu merely nodded as the two continued watching the garden in silnece.

Tuna Tuna Tuna~!

"What!? Is that really true?! But if she wanted to, she could have killed them in their sleep. Why be friends with them if her goal was to kill them in the first place?"

Raiga frowned and sighed, "I don't know. That's why I'm putting up a meeting with her to make her tell me her true intentions. With good old fashion intimidation, people who are lying would be seen through immediately."

The man stayed silent, as he contemplated on his words for a few moments before sighing, "Alright... I'll call the boys. Even if they're only to be there and look menacing, If she was caught lying, they could help out with kicking her out of the town. Besides, it does count as an order from the oyabun."

Raiga merely rolled his eyes before he watched Kyota left the room.

Tuna Tuna Tuna~!

-Emiya Residence, 15:20-

Lying on the floor, Kiana sighed as she plays around with her new phone. A smile filled with nostalgia was resting on her face as a memory of playing with her father's Nokia replayed in her head, 'This brings memories... It's been 10 years, since I played around with this kind of phone... The phone even has some kind of snake game Nokia had.'

Poking her head out of the door, she saw Taiga still looking around for the car to arrive. So while waiting for the driver to come, she decided to keep playing the game until he came.

Her first attempt wasn't great... She was quite embarrassed by the fact she got an 8 but quickly forgot about it after her third try when she got 32. Her seventh attempt took sometime before she decided to kill herself to get the score of 138. She was quite surprised by how fast she learned the patterns and timing she needed to do and was thankful for Kyle to pick it as her wish.

'If Kyle didn't choose quick learning, I wouldn't be able to get 138 this quick. Best wish I've ever made.' She thought, as the image of Kyle and Kiana fist pumped each other appeared in her head.

Her playthrough was quickly disrupted by the voice of Taiga calling her out from outside. Kiana poked her head out the door and saw Taiga waving at her to come there, "Kiana~! The drivers here! Come on! We don't want to make grandpa wait!"

"Okay! I'm coming!" She shouted.

Once outside the gate, Kiana stared at the black car that seemed quite old from it's model. She never ridden this type of car but it's probably just like any other car... She's from the 2000s. It's not really a big change.

"Oi! What are you staring at the car for!? Get in!" Taiga yelled, as she quickly took the front seat as if someone wanted it in the first place.

Kiana chuckled at how Taiga reminded her of her siblings in Kyle's life and rolled her eyes, "Alright, alright! I'm getting in."

Entering the back seat, Kiana was a bit surprised by how good the interior looks. Both the front and back had red cushioned seats with a cup holder dividing them, black color scheme for it's frame and a cute tiger key chain hanging from the rear-view mirror.

She always thought old model cars like these were kind of bad and had a distinctive scent that you know that the car is old. But this... This was nice. A sudden smack brought her attention to the front and had a small laugh when watching the two argue about smoking in the car.

The man took the lost and threw away his cigarette while Taiga's serious and angry faced turned into a joyful smile, "Good! You really should try to lessen your smoking addiction, Koru-san. It's bad for your lungs."

"Pah! It's not bad Taiga! You're just not used to it... and probably won't ever because of Raiga's orders..."

"What was that last part?"

"Nothing. Just something about smoking is bad and you should only let others try but yourself."


"Anyways! I think we should get going. Don't want to let Raiga-sama waiting." Koru said before stepping on the gas.

The sudden acceleration brought Taiga back to her seat as well as Kiana, who now decided to use the seat belt. 'Damn this guy! A suddenly accelerating like that! Taiga might get hurt... Oh she isn't throwing a fit... Is she used to this already?'

Her thoughts were interrupted by a strange feeling creeping up on her back. She quickly turned to the window and caught a glimpse of a man wearing sunglasses staring at her from afar. She frowned a bit before shaking it off as some random person who was just curious about her hair.

Apparently, it wasn't normal for people to give a quick look at her because of her white hair... Since a few minutes after she left the house to explore, she already caught a few people staring at her. 'I mean... Kyle would have stared, if he saw a white haired person... That is not old of course. '

"Hey Kiana!" Her head turned to Taiga who was giving her a smile, "What do you think of the car?"

Kiana gave her a thumbs up and answered, "It's nice. The red seats feels good. The fan makes it better since it's hot outside. I like the black with red color scheme it's doing, makes it feel... rich? I think rich is the word."

Taiga's smile widened as she bragged, "Of course! Because I was the one who chose the customizations! Well at least most of it... The tiger chain is definitely not me."

She gave Koru a quick glare before continuing, "With the help of my grandpa and his friends, the AC should be doing better than most cars today and the seats are customized to be soft and have a just a tiny bit fluff to make it feel better to touch."

"Huh... So you like these kinds of cars?"

Taiga immediately shook her head, "Nope! I don't really like riding cars. They feel kind of stuffy and doesn't have that good feeling that I got from motorcycles... Or at least a scooter for now, until I could afford one... I only made it fancy looking because this was what they got from the poll."


"Yep! We made a poll to choose what to do with the car and the winner was Fancy and Comfy that had tied. So, I went for the things I felt would be comfy and fancy looking. It was fun when you don't need to pay for anything."

Kiana merely imagined a lot of people in a room voting like an auction while Taiga was being the announcer for it. She chuckled and said, "Yes, doing expensive stuff without paying is fun. I remembered a friend of mine to paying most of my bills when I had gone to the mall with her... It was fun..."

Taiga nodded sagely, "UmU! I understand very well! Oh, right! Since we still have some time before arriving at the mansion, do you want to know anything about grandpa?"

Kiana hummed as she went over everything she knew about her grandpa... 'Eh? Actually... I don't have that much knowledge of her grandpa... I only know some from clues, like him being some kind of leader of a yakuza group... And him being old... I don't even know what he looks like... Now, how do I ask without being creepy...'

She contemplated for a few seconds before asking, "Maybe some simple things? Like what's his name or... what he likes to do? Just the basics would be nice."

"Hmm... Basics... Okay! So, my grandpa's name is Raiga. He is turning 75 this year. He is very fun and caring to people who are close to him... Uhh... He likes to watch sumo wrestling and likes to watch his backyard in the morning. But sometimes he goes hunting with Shirou when they are free! So even when he's old he still likes to do fun things!"

Kiana took a few moments to process that and hummed, 'Huh... Not what I was expecting... I thought the old man would be the scary and strict kind, since he is after all, the leader of a Yakuza group... But seeing how Taiga became... I should probably expected that.'

"Is that it...? I thought he would be a very strict and scary person."

Taiga immediately shook her head and denied her words, "No no! He is not strict at all! In fact, it's the opposite! He has what the guys called 'Anything Goes' attitude. So the guys had a bit more lax in their jobs as long as they don't break any rules. It's what makes him very likeable among the group. Like Koru for example!"

Kiana looked at the driver with a raised eyebrow as Taiga continued, "He smokes a lot, likes to go around and play with the others when he is still at his shifts, very informal most of the time unlike me because of my job as a teacher. But grandpa still let him be the driver because how good he is at driving... Compared to most of the guys at least. I don't think he would even survive being another person's driver!"

Hearing Taiga's words, the driver laughed, "Ha! That's right. If someone else were to hire me, I'd leave before they would even fire me. Most of them are too tight and expects me to be very formal wearing suits like some kind of special service. Besides, if they ever see the tattoo on my back, they would never hire me."

Kiana got confused but quickly understand why, 'Right... People in Japan really doesn't like people with tattoos apparently... At least that was what Kyle know from someone.'

Taiga just sighed at the man and turned back to Kiana, "See? But yeah. So you really don't need to worry much about him. As long as you don't go doing anything bad, he will be kind and definitely bring you in with open arms... like with Shirou!"

Her kind words brought a smile to Kiana as she said, "Thanks. That makes it a bit easier to handle this. I was actually nervous about meeting him... Just a bit though."

"Hahaha! Then you worried for nothing, Kiana. Once you meet him, you will definitely get along with each other..." Her bright and energetic tone died slowly as she looked out the window in shock.

Kiana merely raised an eyebrow at the sudden shift of emotions as Taiga looked back to the driver and asked, "Koru-san...? Is it just me or there are a bit more guys around the house than usual?"

Koru merely shrugged as Kiana took a peak out of the window and had her jaw dropped. Outside the mansion, that she presumed to be the Fujimura residence, was a lot of men walking around the house. They were holding from bats to swords as they talked to each other with a serious look on their faces.

'Fun and caring?! Lax members?! This looks like a final boss' base with the amount of people outside guarding the damn place! What the hell is the occasion?!' She thought before turning to Taiga who was clearly surprised by how active they are.

Taiga looked to Kiana who could see a bit of worry on her face and gave a comforting smile, "Uhh... It's going to be alright, Kiana. It might just be because of a problem that they need to be up to guard. They won't hurt us at all... Even if they looked scary to most."

'That's not what I'm worried off, Taiga! I can beat them no problem! The thing that worries me is what make them be like this! No one, especially if the rest are like Koru, would be going around as if someone got assassinated!' She thoughts as she gave Taiga a dry smile.

The two was shortly interrupted by Koru who called them out, "Aaaaand we're here! Chop chop! I need to go get something for Kyota-san real quick."

With that, Kiana and Taiga left the car and watched as it drove away very fast. The two merely stayed quiet as the gate opened to reveal an old man surrounded by two big intimidating guys wearing suits.

The old man stared at Taiga with a smile before turning to Kiana, "Ah! So you must be Kiana Kaslana that Taiga talked about. Welcome to the Fujimura Residence. We have a lot to talk about."

Kiana had a tensed smile as she gave him a nod and said, "I'll be in your care."

AN = Will it be better if I made the Kiana part above the Raiga part? Tell me in the chapter comment.

Omake : What if Fu Hua was merged with Kyle

Kyle opened his eyes to find himself in a white void with a two familiar people looking at him with annoyance. "Hey! You're the soul that brought us here! How dare you! I was about to win!" The grey haired woman shouted in anger as she grabbed his shirt and threw him to the other woman.

Fu Hua merely sighed as she caught the boy and placed him down, "Sentience. Don't go around throwing people. If you haven't realize, his memories are mixed with us. Can't you remember his life? We were two souls from one body. Now with another, his memories are already merged to us."

Sentience merely closed her eyes and widened in surprised before turning to anger, "Ah! Right! I can remember it... You beat me with that chibi?! How dare you?! That is worse than losing to Kiana! Come here you bastard!"

Her whip manifested in her hand as she went for the attack. Kyle screamed in fear before a large sword appeared to guard him.

Sentience looked at it in shock and shouted, "That's cheating! How dare you use my ability! Even Fu Hua doesn't use them!"

"Sentience. Stop." Fu Hua said as she glared at the girl.

Sentience merely huffed in annoyance and got rid of her whip, "Tch! Fine! But I still want to kick his ass for beating me with that bunny girl. I can't believe he used her to beat me."

Fu Hua merely sighed as Kyle looked at the two in confusion and panic, "Wait wait wait! Aren't we suppose to merge just like what Shizuku said?!"

"Ha! Like I would merge with a weak ass like you!" Senti shouted as she gave him the middle finger. FuHua merely sighed in irritation as she explained, "We are here because this is the place we use to talk with each other or what we calls the dreamscape."

She then pointed at Kyle and continued, "With you merging with us, your memory or should I say our memory made our personality split. There is me, the Fu Hua you know. Then there is Sentience, which for some reason much more popular than me... with the same 50,000 years of memory but with a different perspective of it and you with your 18 years of memory."

Kyle just nodded at her explanation as she continued, "Once we wake up from this minds scape, we will become one and only split again if we go back here. So there will be no Kyle, no Fu Hua, nor Sentience. Just an amalgamation of three of us combine... It will take much time to organize things for the amalgamation but we still have three months before the War starting. Good thinking with making it that way."

Kyle smiled and feeling a bit flustered he replied, "Ah... Thanks... So when are we going to wake up?"

"Never! I shan't wake up from this place and merge with you!" Senti shouted.

"A few more seconds."

"That is qui-"