
14. Ariadne's Secret Night (2)

"Ariadne!" Charlotte called out in a merry voice. The girl jumped to her feet and ran toward Ariadne. Charlotte immediately embraced Ariadne closely. "I miss you. Long time no see." Said charlotte.

Ariadne smiled and nodded in Charlotte's arms. "Yes. Almost two months. I'm sorry, Charlotte, the condition of the palace is not something I can leave behind. Elie's tightened my guard. And she told me to complete the lesson in manners." Said Ariadne explains why.

"It's all right, Ariadne. I'm glad we can meet now."

"So am I. I'm sorry if I shocked you by my white dove delivery. I think if we don't, we can't be in touch." Said Ariadne.

The white dove charlotte is a gift from Ariadne. For Ariadne is at a loss to tell charlotte what to do. Ariadne could never get out or ask one of the servants to send a letter to charlotte. It would have revealed Ariadne's secret.

"It's all right, Ariadne. I'll take care of that pigeon you gave me. He ate a lot."


Charlotte nodded. "By the way, didn't Elie suspect you were out tonight?"

"No. Just... relax. Elie's safe in her room. No one knows me out of the palace."

"Okay. Shall we start now?"

"Hold on, I brought you whole wheat bread with pure milk. Eat it while the bread is still hard. I'm sorry, I can only bring you that. I was in a hurry."

Charlotte smiled as she received a cloth containing wheat bread and pure milk. "You needn't bother bringing me food and drink. Look up there. I burn yams for you."

"Oh, that's so sweet of you. Thank you. How's your family, charlotte?"

"My mother and sister are doing well at home. We are now busy helping make the dough at the cake shop. The salary there is enough to eat every day." Said charlotte.

Charlotte was a regular girl who lived in the diamond kingdom village. Charlotte is only one year apart from Ariadne, eighteen. Charlotte lived only with her mother and sister. Her father died of illness.

Ariadne got to know charlotte by accident meeting around the palace. Exactly three years ago, when Ariadne wanted to walk to the people's houses. A girl Ariadne's age wasn't particularly friendly. Most of the children are afraid to see Ariadne walking with so many guards. Then it was charlotte who greeted her from a distance. And Ariadne invited charlotte to be friends.

Charlotte herself doesn't mind being friends with Ariadne. Because she also has no friends in the village. Charlotte's childhood was just filled with martial arts. Her father was healthy and Charlotte was required to do martial arts. In her village, Charlotte has been called a tough girl. Charlotte had the look of a young man. After all, the girl's hair was cut short like the man's. But Charlotte was as gentle as a woman.

"Charlotte, why didn't you come with me to the palace? In my court, enough food. Your mother and sister can be my court servants. Elie will help. And you can be my personal bodyguard to replace darian."

It was charlotte who heard Ariadne's offer that she really wanted to accept. But Charlotte's not ready to enter the palace life. "No need, Ariadne. In other villages, there are still a lot of poor people. As long as I can still work with my mother, then I'll do my job. My mother doesn't want to live in the palace either."


"Because she says there's a lot of politics going on. My mom's just scared. She fears being made into slaves."

"Charlotte, you know how my kingdom system works. I'm leading it. Next to me is Elie, Darian, advisory Jason, and Marlyn as ministers. They all surround me. My kingdom is like no other kingdom. Trust me."

Charlotte smiled. "If I persuade my mother, can I stay in your palace?"

"Of course. I'll get you a room."

"Let me think first, Ariadne."

"All right."

"Let the training begin." Charlotte's telling Ariadne to begin their training.

Ariadne nodded. The girl immediately brought out the samurai sword that she was holding. However, Charlotte shook her head.

Charlotte said, "enough with the sword. It's time for you to practice your archery."

"But the sky is dark, I haven't been able to strike it on target."

"In every corner I have given a candle, Ariadne. Sharpen your vision. I had the stone walls marked with white papers. Or you could shoot it into the candle."

Ariadne received a bow and arrow from Charlotte's hand. While the samurai sword he had brought with her was taken by Charlotte to rest on rocks.

The sound of waterfalls dominates between the two of them. Now charlotte is teaching Ariadne the exact position of the arrow. The girl taught Ariadne with great patience and explained every move that mattered in the shooting.

Until Ariadne succeeded in launching her first arrow. And her arrow struck the fire from a candle that was five meters from its position.

"Well done, Ariadne! You're easy to understand and understand what I'm teaching you. Thank god you were so quick to understand." Charlotte speaks well of Ariadne.

Ariadne chuckles softly. "It's all thanks to you, Charlotte. Two years ago you started teaching me martial arts. And I need not worry if anyone will do evil to me."

"Just tell me what you need, Ariadne. I will do everything I can to help you."

"Thank Charlotte."

"I'm also grateful to you. You deliver good food every Sunday. Does Elie know that?"

Ariadne nodded. "Yes. Elie knew all about it. Elie knows I've been friends with you since three years ago. But regarding my training with you as we do now, of course Elie doesn't know."

"Let no one know, Ariadne. You haven't solved the riddle of your parents' death."

"Yes. I know that too. If anyone knew, it would be dangerous. I also don't want to hurt myself to the murderer."

Charlotte chuckled softly. "You won't get hurt. I'm sure he's watching your every move. If he dare harm you, then he'll have to go through me first."

"Ah, you made me feel safe charlotte."

"Okay. This session goes here first, Ariadne. My stomach hurts because I have my period."

Ariadne pouting to hear that. "I wish I could practice until the morning. Too bad I can't. Do I have to go back to the palace right now?"

Charlotte shook her head. The girl offered Ariadne a seat over the campfire. "Don't. Let's enjoy the yams I burnt earlier. I will eat your given wheat bread."

And they were both busy enjoying each other's food and water. Ariadne still wants to relax first, before returning to the palace at three in the morning.
