
Artist's Journey In Another World!

Lin Ke, a famous online artist, suddenly died one day from a rock that flew out of the sky. Having died and reborn into a new world, Lin Ke sets out on a journey to become the greatest artist he can, and in the process, make the world his canvas.

BlankSlate · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
233 Chs


"Thank you so much, you saved my life!" Annie says.

"Ahhh, I get the feeling you would've probably turned out fine in the end…" Lin Ke replies hesitantly.

"Oh right! What are your names?"

"Hm? Oh, my name is Lin Ke, and this is Lia." Lin Ke answers.

"Lin Ke? That's an odd name… Whatever. Anyways, I guess I'll just have to-" Annie suddenly freezes. Then, a smile slowly creeps onto her face. "Yes! Yes! Why didn't I think of this idea earlier? I'm such a genius!"

Annie gazed at Lin Ke intently, looking him dead in the eyes. Uneasy, Lin Ke couldn't help but glance away and evert his eyes from Annie's gaze. The way she looked at him made him feel extremely, extremely uncomfortable.

"Wh-what?" Lin Ke asks.

Annie blinks. "Oh, sorry! I was just thinking about something. So, what are your plans?"

Lin Ke frowns, not sure what Annie was trying to get at. Not knowing how to respond, Lin Ke looks at Lia.

"We're going to visit the Spirit Skylakes." Lia explains immediately.