

"What do you want to be when you grow up, Eden?"

"I want to be a pilot. I have always dreamt about flying high. I also need to prove that women aren't less than men in any way. If they can fly planes then why can't we?"

Her eyes were looking like a raging volcano. It seemed as if a sudden urge to prove to everyone how worthy she was had been raised inside of her.

She didn't have to worry about proving herself had this society not been sexist.

Had she been treated the same as other guys her age!

"Why do you think that you need to be successful just because you want to prove something to others? Why not do this because you want to? " Eleena raised these questions before that confused girl.

"I will tell you why, if you can answer my questions. Why have people normalized calling men by strong, muscular, and powerful while they use pretty, and beautiful for girls? Why do people say that women are weaker than men in both mental health and physical health?"

That little teenager wasn't going to stop here.

"Why do my parents have to hear words like,' Had this been your son, you won't have to worry much about your future. But it's only a daughter. She is going to leave you one day. You guys can't rely on her for your future.' ?"

"Why do a few classmates of mine says that I get top grades because I slept with the principal by using my body and face? Aren't I anything more than my outer appearance?"

"Now don't try to give me positive words because I seriously don't need them anymore. I have seen women being discriminated against in everything. The world's richest woman got rich because she got her husband's money after divorce. People said that she had no talent in this at all."

"Then a lot more women became rich. Their source of income? Their companies. People said that they became successful by flashing their richness. Their daddy's money. One of them came to the company's opening with a child on her waist."

"You know what people said? Let me quote this for you ' Are you seeing the child? This must be her husband who helped her in all of these. She got no talent of her own other than spreading legs for her husband'."

"When would men become successful, they are called names and when men get the same success, they are here because of their hard work. What kind of society do we live in?"

Eleena kept on staring at the girl without saying anything else for a few seconds.

"But if you become successful then won't they say the same thing?"

"I won't marry anyone. I won't have any boyfriend or any se* scoundrel. I already am not rich at all. We live on daily bread and butter. How will they blame me for having a backer? When I have money and power, I will make everyone regret their life decisions!"

"But isn't it like existing to prove everyone wrong? It's your life, isn't it?" She said while looking at Eden with calculating eyes.

This girl before her was changing moods faster than anyone could say a,b,c.

"That's what I want. I will find satisfaction in proving everyone wrong. I am going to live to see cheap people like that creep suffer. When I have power and money, I am going to kill him in a dark alley one night, without fearing anyone," her eyes carried hatred.

"I am sure that this day is close," Eleena said patting her shoulders.

She left from there after that. That was their last meeting.

She investigated everything about her and found out that her birthday was a few days later.

She decided to meet her on her birthday but the cruel games played by destiny, she was raped by the same creep a few days before her birthday.

Her parents filed a case against him but no use.

His father who happened to be a mayor saved him.

Everyone put the blame on that girl. Many said that she attracted that guy by playing hard to get and even seduced him as well.

While others said that it was because of her dressing style.

Her parents were living like corpses.

She was so depressed by all of these stares that breathing was becoming impossible for her.

Everywhere she goes, people would stare at her like she did something wrong.

They talked before her back. They would give her nasty looks.

All of these became suffocating to her.

The thought of taking her own life crossed her mind a lot of times but she pushed these demons away as she noticed how supportive her parents were to her.

They acted as if nothing happened but the continuous looks of being a failure crossing through her parent's eyes were like a punch to her guts.

She noticed how older they looked in the span of a few days. It's as if they aged 10 years in a few days.

She noticed how her parents couldn't even talk with others without getting taunted by them.

It seemed as if the entire world was against her family's happiness.

One way or another, someone would find a way to ruin their lives.

She was tired of her parent's sad faces and decided to free them from this hell by killing herself.

So, she did.

The news of her death killed her parents and they couldn't bear the burden of their only daughter dying.

They decided to follow in her footsteps and kill themselves.

Eleena was already too late by then. She got the news of Eden's death.

She cried like half of her soul died that night. She screamed in agony imagining what that little girl must have been gone through by herself.

The sudden urge to kill that creep got in her head but she wanted to ruin him little by little. And she succeeds in her mission.

Flashback ends.

"I killed him exactly how you wanted to. Maybe your soul can rest in peace now. Your parents must be happy now as well. It's a goodbye," she said before coming out of the graveyard.

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modestbaddiecreators' thoughts