

A Woman on top of the alleged "Alpha male" chain, After life itself strangled her to her last breath, Arsinoe decided to put on her big girls pants and walked straight to the battle field, but life always does not play fair and this time it drew out its last card 'LOVE AND DESIRES', Arsinoe is forced to choose between her first Love and her desires and still hold her "Alpha Male" position. will Love knock her down? or will Love be knocked down by her? or will she loose it all including her high position??

Aceymak · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs



Its been a week since the epic proposal, I have completely buried myself in all the documents I could possibly access, yes Alex has tried to meet up with me, but I am not ready and maybe i am curious to know his reason as to why he would do that but i just feel this anger inside of me. I promised myself that I would not let any man treat me like trash, but once again someone did, I felt like crap and immense pain kept filling me each time i think of it. Sitting in my office I received a call from Laura, she has been a total support for me these past few days. Today was my last day in country Z, I was going back to country A the next day, I have nothing to stay back for. you could say that I was running away and maybe yes, Alex photo with her new fiance were all over the internet and billboards I could not take that, so I am doing what I do best and that us running. "Madam, your 2pm appointment us here" "okay him in. I was not sure if he was going to come, not after everything that has happened. when he walked into my office, I could see his displeased on his face and truly I deserve that. "This better be important Arsinoe, I have no time more the pleasure of being here" what I did was wrong but his last proposal is what has brought us here "I know you have no interest what's so ever in talking to me, Leo I have taken your offer into consideration and have made this contract, you don't have to sign it, I will be leaving tomorrow for country A and i am not sure if I might come back" I was not sure what to expect from him but when he laughed at the end of my speech I knew what to expect "Arsinoe, Arsinoe, what do you take me For? so now that your favourite lover boy is gone you want me? you must be desperate?" well he is right maybe I am not thinking straight but one thing I know this has nothing to do with Alex "Leo you know that this has nothing to do with Alex rather thus is for both the organisation, your organisation and mine need this alliance, and as I said you do not need to sign nothing." Being the head of an organisation is not easy, you must always make sure you are on top of everything. My organisation the Red Dragon needs to fix an alliance with the White Scorpion which turns out to be the organisation that Leo is leading. it has never been easy to run a huge business without having to have a connection with this underworld businesses. Since we both have the same enemy we thought it might work well if we form an alliance and be one huge organisation thats if Leo accepts. He picked up the document and read it, within a few seconds he threw the contract on the table and said "I will never be your second option!"he immediately left. I knew that this might bring a lot of problems for me but I could not force him to accept this, so I will have to go to the Red Dragon's head quarter in country A, but I was sure this will mean I won't be coming back.


Three days ago when Laura, Arsinoe's personal assistant called me to schedule a meeting, I had no idea what it was about. Arsinoe and I have not been in good terms ever Since the live engagement of Alex, she kept avoiding me so I left her to deal with her issues, I did not want to be her other choice. so when Laura called i decided to adhere to the call, even though i was super upset the she might have double deal Alex and I.

When I arrived at her office today I did not think to much off it untile when she handed me a contract, this was an alliance contract, with this alliance not only was it going to be the union of two people but the union of two organisation. The Red Dragon's Organisation is one of the legends everyone knew then and everyone wanted to be them but I had a different one which is The White Scorpion. The White Scorpion is well known but not a legendary, but another organisation popped out of nowhere trying to take both of us down. The Red Dragon's does not really need my help that much but I do need them. This alliance won't only help me stabilise this but it's also giving me the chance to be with the woman I love. But out of no where I found myself rejecting the proposal. As much as I want to be with Arsinoe, she loves someone else and i just can't force things No more. So I left her office knowing very well that this might be the last time I will be seeing her. This Time I went to my grand father who I haven't seen for years, he is the only one who knew my feelings for her so I had to see him maybe he might have a word or two for me.

it was a three hour drive and by the time I got there he was not around "Mr Leo, your grand father has stepped out for a while but he will be here" thats what the nanny said "should I prepare a bath for you sir?" "Yes please" after saying that I headed to my room. After a few minutes the Nanny called me and I went and took a long bath in the bath tab, which made me so relaxed that after I got of the tab I fell asleep on the bed right away. when I woke up it was already morning. so I freshened up before going downstairs where I found my grand father having his morning coffee "Hello grand father" I greated him as he responded aswell "I am well my son, last night i heard you wanted to talk to me, but when I saw how peaceful you were sleeping i decided to tlet you be, so now tell me what is it?" well my grand father never likes playing hide and seek he is always straight forward "Its nothing grand father" "If it was nothing you would not have come all the way here, is it about the organisation alliance?". I can't be suprised he is one of the founders so he has to have heard about it "I also heard you rejected it, is this your Ego getting in the way?" what can i say, I haven't evenbeen able to say anything meaningful since. "I know the organisation needs this alliance but i just....." before i could finish my words he finished it for me "....can't or wouldn't, Leo I know you love Arsinoe even though your cousin brother came in between, I still know you two are made for each other, my dear son opportunity does not knock on your door twice, you had lost her but Destiny brought her back to you, this is not about the organisation the universe is giving you a last chance for you to grab what you want, if you let her go now you are never getting her back."