

A Woman on top of the alleged "Alpha male" chain, After life itself strangled her to her last breath, Arsinoe decided to put on her big girls pants and walked straight to the battle field, but life always does not play fair and this time it drew out its last card 'LOVE AND DESIRES', Arsinoe is forced to choose between her first Love and her desires and still hold her "Alpha Male" position. will Love knock her down? or will Love be knocked down by her? or will she loose it all including her high position??

Aceymak · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs


The house was surrounded with trees and flowers, you could smell fresh flowers mixed with nature and soil, I could actually see myself living here, it's so quite and peaceful, the only voice I could hear was the birds and tries, other than that was me breathing😂. "shall we go inside?" Alex asked "Yes we shall☺" If outside was to dumbstruck the inside was incredible, Everything was just to perfection. Nothing out of the ordinary but the interior was something anyone would fall in love with, Its simplicity made it stand out, It was warm and accommodating. Emerald with a little mixture of teal and lavender were the interior colours he used. I always had a hard time choosing my favourite colour from these three, 'is that why he painted all' I thought to myself before I shook the idea out of my head. From the soffer set to the paintings and every single thing in this leaving room was just to perfection "Are you hungry, I'll go make something for dinner" I was brought back by his words 'since when did he know how to cook' so I decided to voice out my thoughts "Did you say make something to eat?, since when did you learn how to cook?" he just looked at me and started to walk away saying "miss there are tones of things you know nothing about." Well he has a point, but i was not going to let him be so I decided to fallow him "So this house and the Porsche garden outside and all the trees, who takes care of them?" I did not even know why I was asking these stupid questions 🤦‍♀️ "Yes someone comes around to take care of this place but since I was coming I asked then to take some time off." as if he sensed I was about to ask something else, he spoke making me retract my statement "Is there something you want to know, maybe if I have a woman or something?" he paused for a while before continuing "I know you, and when you ask a lot of questions its because you are looking for something in particular, so what do you want to know so that I will put your mind at ease" this caught me so off guard that I did not know what to say, I have always been so calm but today I have managed to speak more than I should. "No there is nothing that I want to know" I spoke bravely but well he sure does know how to shut anyone up "No, I am not in a relationships, it's just that i am in love with someone I can't unlove, but also I can't be with, she is My First Love, and I can't be with that person because she does not feel the same way, but I want to be with her. Does that answer your question?". the entire speech, my mind only picked out three words "My First Love", the entire dinner making process went silent and even while having dinner. So I decided to break the silence "who is your first Love?" its as if I triggered something, he just stood up and left saying "Its getting late we should at least get some rest, you know" but I stopped him mid way by what I said next "Do I perhaps know her" for a moment I thought maybe he night look but but that did not cut it and he went into the kitchen. As if that would stop me either, I picked up my plate and headed to the kitchen as well. The point was never to know who she is but to know where i stand and knowing her identity will somehow give me closure, which I knew I would still not have🤦‍♀️ "You can trust me, it's not as if I'm going to announce it to the world" yap I know how bad that sounded but I had to do something "Arsinoe how can you be so clueless🤦‍♀️how dumb can you get, no for real how?" okay how did this turn on me so fast "What's up with You, it's not really a big deal so why are you being al abusive and all, if you did not want to say then you wouldn't have brought it up in the first place" I was really annoyed with his words, I mean what did i do wrong now.All I did was to ask him about something he clearly brought it up himself. Yes I know I shouldn't have pushed it when he said no but for some weird unknown reason I just wanted to know. Well I know for a fact that it was not me but whey is he all upset with me, did i like say something wrong?. "Okay then you know what Suit yourself, who wants to know anyways😏." I had already turned, ready to leave then he held my hand and pulled me to his embrace and the next minute he was kissing me,😲I was utterly shocked, where did this come from, as much as I wanted to think, the kiss persuaded me otherwise and I decided to give in, I have dreamt of this moment for years so right now i felt like cupid just shot me to where he is supposed to shot, I felt like I was floating and I have to admit he is a good kisser, well the best I have ever had in my life, that I had to fully admit. But it did not last long when his words hit me, "the love of my life" so I pushed him away saying "What's wrong with You, you don't get to love someone else and still want to kiss me, what do you take me for?" as soon as I said these words I turned and was about to leave when his words stopped me, "Its You......you.....are the Love Of My Life...My First Love."